This is a man's world
Men... Why are we so predictable? Over the past year I have seen some résumés on LinkedIn with pictures of beautiful ladies applying for a job or stating their availability. Within a matter of days they have thousands of likes and numerous comments. All professional advice mind you ;-) Most likely one of the reasons why you are reading this is because of the picture next to this article.
Don't worry! That's perfectly normal and ok. But it does raise a question; Why does it work? Could it be that we are still cavemen (in suits), attempting to be liked by the opposite sex. I do think that's it and that some women know this very well and that's ok too! With the famous words of Eva Jinek; " if you got them, flaunt 'em".
That brings me to the most important question; when women have that much power over men, why is it still and will it always be a man's world? Is the aforementioned power limited or does it come with a due date? Or do women just go for the short term result and do not have the desire to fully take over? These are questions and not statements.
Looking at it from a woman's point of view it must be frustrating; Great looks as a door opener are welcome but at one point men should recognize and appreciate you for the added value you bring to a company. So in a way it could be a curse too.
I am sure that it is popular to comment on this article with politically correct quotes (also read by women), but that would prove my point even more. I also know that the above is a generalization but it does make you wonder, doesn't it?