Mans conflict
Some dislike Jonathan Smith for his humour , calling it sickly , but I find him shrewd . Especially when he narrates Guilliver's exploits in Lilliput.Like the piece of wood that is drifting in the sea at the mercy of the wind and tide , tossed about , and at last is washed ashore at some remote place . So Guilliver came to be on the shores of Lilliput , tired and weak. As he relates afterwards " I lay down on the grass which was very short and soft I slept sounder than ever I remembered to have done in my life and as I reckoned about nine hours ..for when I awaked it was just daylight . I attempted to rise , but was not able to stir ..for as I happened to lie on my back , I found my arms and legs were strongly fastened on each side to the ground and my hair, which was long and thick, tied down in the same manner . I likewise felt several slender ligatures across my body , from my armpits to my thighs . I could only look upwards ."
The strings were thin and weak , but Guilliver could with difficulty extricate himself from those bonds , because there were so many of them inspite of his strength he was a prisoner of the Lilliputans . Swift may not have realised it when he wrote his fantastic novel , but in Guilliver he gave a perfect analogy of our mental condition. ,
We are all Guillivers for a life time . In the ups and downs of life , everyone of us becomes a prisoner of the Lilliputans fastened low to the ground by many puny strings --complexes of anxiety , frustration , fear , guilt , pessimism , pride , mental and spiritual disorders etc. Unable to bear the storms of life we seek for an easy way out , and end up tied in petty , puny knots of complexes.A person with complexes is an impotent Guilliver. He may be a potential giant , in business , at the office , at work . He may be a loving father a promising student and charming youth , but he is so tied up hand and foot with incapacitating feelings that he may become a victim of personality diseases .He may strive to increase his knowledge and his success in work , to improve his social relations and status but can never hope todo everything well .