Manna Institute welcomes National Suicide Prevention Strategy

Manna Institute welcomes National Suicide Prevention Strategy

Manna Institute welcomes the release of the National Suicide Prevention Strategy 2025-2035 (the Strategy) as a significant step towards reducing the number of Australians impacted by suicide.

The Strategy provides a comprehensive whole of government approach to suicide prevention with a strong emphasis on addressing the social determinants of health. Informed by those with a lived experience of suicide the Strategy includes specific actions relating a range of key Manna Institute activities.

Director of Manna Institute Professor Myfanwy Maple praised the inclusion of key enablers such as developing capable and integrated workforces, the embedding of lived experience and improving evidence and evaluation measures. Whilst the inclusion of these enablers provides a strong foundation for suicide prevention activities Professor Maple also emphasised the importance of building capacity within rural communities to design, develop and deliver tailored suicide prevention activities.

“The only way we are going to address the rates of suicide in rural Australia is by working with rural communities, including individuals in those communities who have a lived experience of suicide” explained Professor Maple.

“Each rural community has unique challenges but also strengths and protective factors. The most appropriate and effective way to navigate these factors is through the development of locally driven and place-based interventions” continued Professor Maple.

As highlighted in Manna Institute’s ‘Outside of the city: designing suicide prevention for regional, rural and remote communities’ report, suicide prevention in rural communities needs to be place-based and reflective of local contexts.

As the first virtual research institute dedicated to improving the mental health and wellbeing of rural communities Manna Institute are ready to work with government to ensure that the National Suicide Prevention Strategy delivers meaningful outcomes in rural communities.

Manna Institute is currently engaging in place-based suicide prevention activities working with industry and community partners in rural, regional and remote Australia.

?“There is valuable insight and resources existing in rural communities already, we don’t have to start from scratch” concluded Professor Maple.


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