Manna for the Day:

Manna for the Day:

"Knowledge puffs up, but love edifies." (1 Cor.8:1).

The Word of God thunders saying, "In the last of the last days knowledge and travel shall increase in a humongous way." (Dan 12:4). We know that we are in the last of the last days because, we see right before our eyes the steep increase of the technological innovation and how travel has affected the whole globe and has made it to become a common thing for all people around the world. Today's cellphone becomes old model in a matter of days and weeks. The latest vehicle lasts for a couple of weeks and a month, before which a entirely new innovation takes it to the back seat. Through the internet the common man knows and have knowledge today more than what highly educated people of great intellectual capacity used to know and have. School children know more than their teachers in general knowledge and they have the technical know how to handle the latest electronic gadgets. Amazing!

But on the other side, today's generation have come to the state where they do not want to submit to their parents and choose to challenge their authority over them. The same happens in political and religious circle. This also happens in the legal circle too. God never blesses rebellion and all the leaders whether it is political, legal or religious, are appointed by God. Only when a person stands against the Word of God, we have the authority from God not to submit to their ways as we see in the Book of Daniel and in the Acts of the Apostles.

In our generation, the 'I know it all and you do not have to tell me what to do', is a dangerous rebellious trend that have the evil power to make our head puff up with full of pride. A human who thinks that he knows it all, will grow no further in wisdom but to go forward in foolishness and have a great fall like humpty dumpty. The antidote to pride is to humble movement by movement our need for God's grace and mercies before Him, and fall to his feet to receive His love and give it to others in the same way we receive from Him. Love edifies our mind, because love is not just a feeling that comes and goes, but rather it is the person of God who is Love. Love has been show to us in Christ Jesus who has become the embodiment of it and a visible one and only God to all of us humans. The more we want to see God, the more we want to walk with Jesus and suffer with Him.


Dear Heavenly Father,

I thank you and praise you for all the grace and mercies you have shown me and my family thus far in my life. Thank you for pouring out your love day in and day out within my spirit and speaking to me face to face through your Word and your Spirit. Help me hear your voice and walk in your love, so that I may show the same love and mercy you have shown me to others around me whom you bring in to contact with by your divine will and wisdom. Help me to stay humble and walk with you till the end of my life on earth, so that I can be greatly rewarded and honored for it through the rest of my eternity with you. In Jesus wonderful name I pray! Amen.

Much Blessings....

Apostle Abraham Israel


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