The Manifesto of Scientific Conservatism
As early as twenty-five hundred years ago, ancient Greek philosophers described the defects inherent in democracy:
The citizenry is incapable of properly assessing the promises and actions of politicians;
The citizenry supports politicians who distribute public resources to them;
Rulers squander and steal public resources;
The citizenry does not want to replenish these resources and to develop society;
Rulers manipulate the mass consciousness of the population for their own purposes;
Political messaging increases the aggressiveness of the society;
The fanatical faith of the masses gives rise to totalitarianism.
Democracy multiplies corruption in society.
Democracy maximizes consumption in society, which increases the use of natural resources to the detriment of nature.
Beginning in the 18th?century, and continuing into the present, many thousands of “thinkers” have tried to contrive democratic systems free from these defects.
In the 19th?century, in the first constructions of democratic systems, limitations on voter eligibility – by ownership of property, gender, level of education, religion, nationality, group or community membership, etc. – compensated for these defects.
Given these limitations, only wealthy, educated males from dominant groups in society participated in elections.
They elected politicians who would maintain public order, supporting property rights and a favorable business climate.
Economies operated effectively in such political systems.
As a result, societies grew richer and developed rapidly.
Influenced by the humanitarian intelligentsia and artists – and in order to minimize social unrest – ruling business elites gradually modified the limitations on voter eligibility.
In the 20th?century, given equal voting rights and the lack of limitations on voter eligibility, it was the financial influence of business elites in society that compensated for the defects in democracy.
The business elites funded political parties, the media, educational, religious, cultural, and charitable organizations.
Through such funding, business elites influenced the consciousness of the electorate and the results of elections.
As a consequence, elected politicians acted primarily in the interests of business elites, supporting property rights and a favorable business climate.?"What's good for General Motors is good for America."?Accordingly, Western economies and societies functioned efficiently, grew rich, and developed.
The main slogan of social liberalism – "Democracy was the basis of the prosperity and development of Western Civilization during the 19th?and 20th?centuries”?– is a myth.
Because until the end of the 20th?century – despite being sham, but nominally democratic, societies – Western countries were in fact pseudo-democratic,?bourgeois republics.
Thus, in reality,?the bourgeois-ocracy was the real basis for prosperity and development of the West in the 19th?and 20th?centuries.
In the 20th?century, especially in the latter half, social democrats demanded that business elites stop financing politicians, political and public organizations, and that they relinquish power.
Since the late 20th?century, the vast majority of social elites have been educated at universities.
Education instills faith in knowledge and ideas and, to a large extent, subverts common sense, which states, for example, that the Sun and the stars rotate around a flat Earth.
At the same time, modern education does not develop habits of scientific thinking in the overwhelming majority of members of the elites. The principle underlying their thinking is?“Ideas are more important than facts. If facts contradict ideas, those facts are ignored”.
Socio-liberal professors exploit the intellectual immaturity and youthful emotionality of students and indoctrinate liberal and socialist ideas into their thinking.
As a result, modern social liberalism has become quasi-religion for the masses, with its myths, clerics, and fanatics.
Since the start of the new century, most members of the business elites have come to believe in this religion.
As a result of this global process, business elites have agreed to prohibit the private funding of politicians and political parties, and, in so doing, have relinquished power.
Clans of politicians and manipulators of the mass consciousness, who previously carried out the political will of the business elites in bourgeois republics, have seized power, which the bourgeoisie has given up stupidly and cowardly.
Accordingly, a social revolution has taken place in Western Civilization over the first two decades of the 21st?century.
The former bourgeois republics have turned into socio-liberal republics.
Now the clans of politicians and manipulators themselves make government decisions in their own interests and introduce them into the mass consciousness of the population.
The bourgeois-ocracy has been replaced by democracy – or, more precisely, by a demagogue-ocracy, whose fundamental defects are no longer compensated by any factors or mechanisms.
The main function of bourgeois republics was to favor entrepreneurship, which ensured the well-being and development of their societies.
The main function of socio-liberal republics is to extend the power of the ruling clans by providing benefits and preferential treatment to the many poor voters and to minorities from public coffers at various levels.
The massive distribution of freebies corrupts a society, inculcates dependency and parasitism, intensifying inter-class and inter-ethnic strife.
Governments expropriate the resources that are needed from the wealthy through excessive taxes, printing of money, government debt, and other forms of confiscation.
This deprives business communities of significant sums of money, which are needed to support and develop the economy. As a result, economies weaken and shrink. Their development slows down. The quality of goods and services deteriorates. Infrastructure, buildings, factories, and transportation facilities become dilapidated and are not restored.
Sociologists claim that the spread of a fanatical faith among more than 15% of the population leads to fascism, causing them to seize power and establish a totalitarian regime.
Social media accelerate the spread of primitive political doctrines.
Therefore, modern socio-liberalism rapidly becomes?totalitarian.
Its fanatical adherents turn to fascism and attack those who do not believe in this quasi-religion. People become afraid to express their thoughts.
The liberal doctrines of consumerism, feminism, and multi-genderism dramatically lower the birth rate and empty Western countries, which, as a result, become populated with immigrants who have alien cultures.
The effectiveness of the bureaucracy is, in principle, exceedingly low. Therefore, a large portion of public resources are squandered, destroyed, and plundered.?The more resources governments expropriate, the worse the bureaucracy uses them, and the more resources are lost.
The political dependence of socio-liberal governments on broad groups of marginal and extremist voters and their sympathizers prevents the effective suppression of unrest and crime.
The most effective method of attracting the electorate is to shout “Enemies are attacking!”
The ideologues of socio-liberalism forcibly implant democracy in other countries.
Therefore, democracy significantly increases the aggressiveness of states and violence in world politics.
Hitler and his Nazi Party were democratically elected.
Modern aggressive regimes in Iran, Turkey, the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, and HAMAS in Palestine were democratically elected.
The doctrine of liberal socialism does not correspond to the essential properties of social systems.
All decisions of democratic governments are wrong and cause long-term damages that exceed benefits.
Therefore, in principle, a society based on this unnatural doctrine, cannot function effectively, develop, or even simply exist for more than several decades.
The liberal-socialist revolution dooms Western Civilization to extinction in the foreseeable future.
According to the theory of social systems, God established not “freedoms and human rights”, “the highest values” and other utopian myths, but the fundamental property of all societies?– ?The social estate, which controls most of the means of stimulation of the society, exercises the state power with the greatest efficiency?.
In the epoch of machine technologies, the main incentive is money. The Law of Nature is “The Money is the Power”. Most of the money and other material assets belong to the bourgeoisie.
Therefore, in this epoch, only societies ruled by the bourgeoisie function effectively.
The “Asian Tigers” – Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore – had?a nearly optimum political system – a bourgeois republic in which the political influence of each social group (party) is equal to its contribution to the state budget.?Therefore, their economies grew rapidly, and their societies became rich and developed successfully. Under pressure from the West, these countries, especially Korea, were forced to liberalize and democratize their regimes. This reduced the efficiency and growth of their economies.
China, as well as Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Thailand, are evolving into bourgeois republics.
This is the cause of their high efficiency and the growth of their economies and their societies.
As a result, China is winning the competition with the Western countries, capturing world markets and natural resources.
Losing to China even more significantly weakens Western economies. They stagnate. The rate of their destruction increases.
The Dollar will gradually lose value and the confidence of World Business.
By 2030 the Yuan will acquire the status of the world’s key currency, which will cause the dollar and the euro to crumble.
After that, the weakening of the economies of the United States and the entire West will turn into a catastrophic collapse.
Falling economies will destroy Western nations and cause chaos, civil wars, and dictatorships.
At the beginning of the 20th?century, the revolutionary democratization of the Russian, German and Austro-Hungarian empires caused the First World War, which led to communism, to the USSR, then Nazism, the Second World War, many revolutions and wars around the world, the Cold War and thermonuclear confrontation.
In the 21st?century, social liberalization will destroy Western Civilization.
In the 2040s, the ruins of Western civilization will be colonized by China.
Democracy, like a narcotic, is pleasant and fatal.
People use narcotics, drink alcohol, and support democracy.
Business communities still have a small chance to reverse this liberal-socialist suicide and restore the normal state of Western Civilization and its ability to vigorously develop and successfully compete with China.
The former bourgeois political parties have turned into social democratic parties and are unable to represent the interests of business communities.
Therefore, for their political consolidation and organization, business communities should unite into new type effective associations based on the principle:??The weight of one’s vote is equal to one’s contribution?.
These associations will advocate the belief that social liberalism is false and suicidal, the need to end support of the Democratic Party in the US and other socio-liberal parties, as well as liberal educational, cultural, and charitable organizations.
They will lobby for conservative legislation.
They will support conservative political parties, educational, cultural, and charitable organizations.
These associations will further the creation of bourgeois republics in Latin America, the Middle East, Eastern Europe, and Africa. These new republics will show the path of successful transformation for Western countries. In addition, they will stop the flow of immigrants.
This project corresponds to the essential properties of social systems.
Therefore, it will trigger natural social mechanisms and will be implemented quickly, successfully and without significant cost.
Within a year after its launch, most business communities will stop sponsoring socio-liberal parties and organizations.
As a consequence, the US Democratic Party will lose Congress in 2022.
This will give the GOP a chance to prevent the expansion of the Supreme Court, the creation of new liberal states, and the legalization of immigrants.
By 2025, the Western Civilization will be cured of liberal socialism and will return to a state of successful development.
Businessmen !
Do not be liberal zombies !
Think about the tragic fate of your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren !
Unnatural and harmful liberal socialism can, must, and will be debunked, defeated, and stopped !
E. Gershman