

I recently started writing a bit of info for my coach on what my vision for my business.? It morphed. It grew and I got deeply into it.? My aim is always to comment on my thoughts, beliefs and feelings, not to inflict or project what I do or say onto anyone else.? This is my current view - I am not claiming to be an authority - and welcome the opportunity of being challenged.??

I say this all with kindness, with positive intent and from my own perspective - which I realise (in some respects) is from very limited experience.? I know many who have been through many physical challenges, I have been through some.? Emotionally and mentally, I have been through the wringer.? This is not a comparative evaluation of any of that but it is me trying to make sense of what I believe my experiences have taught me and what this learning might bring about.

Once you have read this, please do feel free / take some time to comment and share your own thoughts and perspective.? Together, we may be able to use this as a starting point for creating something really special.

I believe that the people who inhabit this earth can do 2 really fundamental things using the resources and temperament that has developed over the years - a broad set of topics, I appreciate The benefits that would come from the kinetic effect of doing these things would be phenomenal and generative of so much more goodness.? They would elicit exponential growth in areas that are ripe for us as a race and entity.?

The first is simple - we need to inherit and develop a wider perspective than the majority of us currently hold.? A wider view on societal and economic happenings. We need to learn.? We need to listen and digest.? We need to consult with ourselves and certainly with others.? This allows a natural progression for us to act as more of a collective than we do currently.? We would surely be more robust this way.

I include myself in this as have been out of touch for some time.

It would be of great benefit to have a general consensus that we can move as one.? There will always be varying opinions but if we can determine a common goal of looking after our planet, of one another and being inclusive, huge things can be achieved.? I stand for redistribution of wealth and caring for our planet.? We should learn from our mistakes so that they need not have been made in vain.?

We have exponential growth patterns that will continue and on which we can capitalise.? We must, however, not forget our foundations.? Our basic human needs cannot and should not be superseded.? Love, care and empathy remain at the core of who we are. How we came into existence and subsequently developed.? Let us actively retain these amazing characteristics.

We need a manifesto and a blueprint for this legacy to thrive.? We can do anything we want to do.? As individuals, as a whole. If we channel the goodness that we have, the reverberations will ring loud.? As they will, if we do not.? Let us eliminate our own negativity and habits that we view as un-useful.? Let us be progressive in our endeavours. Let us make our own decisions based on what feels right for us. Show others how you do this and let them make their own decisions. Do not judge others in a way that you are putting them down or in a way that puts them up but puts yourself down.

If we take time to get to know ourselves, then we can learn the value of our minds, our bodies and our interaction with our external environment.? These elements form part of who we are.? They are hugely powerful. We need not fall victim to negative influences of power, greed and destruction.? We need not be a victim of our own self-doubt, worry or concern.

We all have choices that allow us to have an attitude of our own making. We are all impactful. We are sovereign and we are powerful. We have vessels and minds that power us into the future. We create this future with every breath, thought and action. When we unify great things occur.

Let us lead ourselves and be what we choose to be.? Comfort zones and boundaries can be pushed, broken or can remain intact and, within them, revel. Knowing our limits is however our duty.

As a collective we can integrate our knowledge and power, we can live for ourselves, if only for an hour.? We can invest in our future and that of those that follow. We owe it to ourselves to continue our legacy of all the good things we do.? They are not superseded by the bad (merely feedback), they are experiences that we can learn from.? Not learning from them and hurting others is the worst we can do.? We are not inherently bad.

If we think about what we want - having learnt from what we don't - we can achieve.? We can triumph.? Any action that we take bears no futility. We live and we learn.? We learn and we grow. We grow and we serve.? We serve a greater good.

Optimism will always win over dejection. Aspiration fights complacency. Insight the antidote to rumination. Let all that is good, from your perspective, prevail.

Once again I ask that you might take this opportunity to comment or respond to anything I have said.? Or indeed, your own take on what you believe is needed in this world.? The things that might serve you, others around you or the wider community even.

Please also share this with others and see what we can grow!

Ellie Farrugia

?? Founder & Managing Director @ Kinsman & Co | Top Full-Service Marketing Agency London | Reduce Marketing Spend With 1 Agency & Increase Your Revenue |

2 个月

Anna, great post, thanks for sharing!


