There are too many problems in the world for architects to allocate our time and intelligence to make up new ones. To make a new architecture, make an architecture capable of participating in all of the values that society claims but doesn't realize. Make an architecture that reminds us of what civilization is capable of and what it has not yet achieved. To be effective, architecture must be approached as an exceptionally potent agent of social and individual change. Architecture must be something more powerful and transformative than the budgeted construction of shelter. However, architecture as an art form and societal instigator has largely lost its way in our society today. Though often overlooked and rarely achieved, it is a fundamental truism that in order to maintain their relevance and more importantly to improve their world architects must resign their complacency and actively labor to create spaces and communities that are as socially and personally transformative as they are functional and beautiful. Architecture is the most human of institutions. It is only manifested through a revelation of what it truly means to be human. Far from being elitist, Architecture can be achieved in the most commonplace of daily activities. However, the greatest works of Architecture reveal to us aspects of ourselves too deep-seeded to be expressed in any other form. It is therefore essential that the pursuit of Architecture begin with a desire to reveal the human in each and every activity. My intention is to whole-heartedly pursue physical manifestations of the human condition through Architecture.