Manifesting Success: Not Law of attraction but what first?
Recently, I stumbled upon a podcast video where Mitesh Khatri -a Law of Attraction Coach was invited and he spoke few things that transformed my mindset to some extent furthermore the same video ignited me to write this article. While I've encountered numerous discussions on the Art of Manifestation, also referred to as "The Law of Attraction" this particular video offered a magnanimous understanding of the concept and also suggested a step wise approach to make it more applicable.
I have often pondered why, despite my attempts to apply this concept, it never seemed to fully materialize for me. It appears that the Law of Attraction is an advance concept and to harness its power effectively, we must attune to a certain state beforehand. This prerequisite state sets the stage for us to utilize it to our advantage. So, what is this prerequisite state?
Well, apparently it always begins with our emotions! The most important question is not how I am feeling at this exact moment, but rather, what have I been feeling lately. That's step number one.
Step 1: Ask yourselves what emotions are you experiencing? Am I feeling sad, desperate, lonely, anxious, fearful, vulnerable, insecure, or am I feeling happy, peaceful, exhilarated, loved, and so on? The goal is to discern whether the predominant emotions are positive or negative.
If they're positive, fantastic! You are already on the right track. However, if they're negative, you need to reflect and find out why and how:
Step 2: Ask yourselves is this a new feeling? You should reflect on past experiences and trace back to when these emotions first emerged and what were the major incidences that led to it.
Hard Fact 1: All emotions are patterns and they eventually become habits.
For example, if you experience anxiety as an emotion for a prolonged period then you may feel anxious during social interactions, before public speaking, as the work deadline is near and so on. As you repeatedly encounter similar situations that trigger anxiety- a pattern begins to emerge and then your mind and body becomes conditioned to respond in a certain way. Let's say with racing thoughts, sweating, probably forgetfulness. Eventually a pattern of anxious response becomes your emotional habit.
Hard Fact 2: Emotions become habits and condition us to feel same emotions repeatedly
It is dangerous when emotions become habits because now you start finding excuses to feel that emotion even more. Let's say you are habituated to feel angry then you now find ways to feel angry in all situations. Instead of finding a way to process that anger in a constructive manner, you choose to portray that emotion continuously by attributing to external factors such as heavy workload, traffic congestion or perceived injustices in your relationships.
But the question is: How do emotions become a habit or what triggers it?
Hard Fact 3: Exposure to a certain culture/environment leads to develop a habit.
Imagine working in a high-pressure job with targets, demanding clients and normal long hours. Well, initially you may feel overwhelmed but that transforms into anxiety and over the period of time- stress. Your colleagues around you model stress inducing behaviors further perpetuating the culture of stress. Eventually, you may be unable to manage work related challenges and burnout. This leads to chronic stress and brain fog further diminishing your ability to think and act normally in your personal life too!
Thus, environment we live in plays a big role upon our emotions and how we eventually become.
Hard Fact 4: Besides environment, the situations we face in our lives multiply our emotions by 10-fold.
If we are in a certain emotional pattern for a prolonged period, then every situation we face only influences it to get more prominent. Generally speaking, we face two kinds of situations- an opportunity or a crisis!
An opportunity is a favorable set of circumstances that might lead to positive outcome while a crisis is an unexpected circumstance that could pose a threat to us.
So, let's say you have developed an emotional pattern of being insecure. You get a promotion, a better role, better compensation but since your emotional habit is to be insecure so, you will always worry about additional responsibilities you may have in that role. Rather than looking at the opportunity and feeling optimistic, you end up feeling insecure. Now let's take another example where the same company you are working for decides to lay off employees. Since you have the tendency to feel insecure, the crisis will further trigger you to feel anxious, distressed even before the decision is announced.
Hard Fact 5: When emotional pattern is deep, changing the environment does not help
Sometimes, altering our environment can shift our emotional patterns if those patterns are fresh. However, if these patterns are deeply ingrained within our minds and bodies, changing the environment alone may not suffice. In such cases, we must explore alternative methods to initiate emotional change from within.
So, what do we do? Well, we go to the next step which is:
Step 3: Become aware about your emotional pattern.
Identify the emotional patterns you have been cultivating and assess whether they serve your well-being. If they're acting as a barrier rather than aiding you, it's time to break free from them.
Step 4: Take responsibility to change your pattern
Now that you have decided to break the pattern, identify what new pattern do you want. A simple exercise can help. Find the emotion that is opposite of your dominant emotional pattern at present. Example:
I am angry: I am calm
I am sad: I am happy
I am insecure: I am satisfied
I am fearful: I am fearless
Start feeling the opposite (positive) emotion of the negative emotion you are feeling right now. Affirm, close your eyes and feel the new emotion.
Step 5: Be resilient to maintain your new emotional pattern
The first biggest challenge is when you must live in the same troublesome environment and still be able to nurture positive emotions within yourselves. If I put it up in a metaphor:
"It is like trying to plant a delicate flower in a rocky, unforgiving terrain."
The environment may be dysfunctional filled with harsh conditions, toxic negativity, adversity, outbursts but, with patience and resilience we may be able to nurture positive emotions within ourselves.
The second biggest challenge is connected to the first challenge which is: when we must live with the same troublesome people. Imagine a colleague who undermines your idea and always negates them. This creates a toxic troublesome dynamic and for once you may feel discriminated and also wanting to gossip about them behind their back. However, that showcases your emotional pattern/tendency to become insecure. So, you must instead empathize with them and understand their insecurities leading them to behave in such a manner. Furthermore, you must be resilient when dealing with such people, you can also practice mindfulness to balance your peace of mind and respectfully confront their behavior so that they are aware about it.
Now we have talked about emotions so much and you might be wondering about the law of attraction. How are these related
Hard Fact 6: The emotional pattern continues to lead people to cause attraction of similar people, environment and incidences
To put it simply, the law of attraction works by bringing together people, objects, incidences that are vibrating at a same frequency. In the previous example, you might have attracted an insecure colleague because your dominant emotional pattern could be feeling of "insecurity". So, our emotional pattern must be our choice rather than a coincidence.
Step 6: Once the emotional pattern is in control, we must align our FTBA
While emphasizing the significance of our emotions, it is equally important to align the four essential factors for the law of attraction to take effect and bring manifestations into our lives. Feelings, Thoughts, Beliefs and Actions. (In short, FTBA)
Now we are feeling, thinking believing and acting all for what? There must always be a goal that we desire to achieve. We must match our FTBA with our goals. So how do we align these four factors?
Suppose my goal is to learn swimming and become good at it
Feeling: It always begins with an emotional pattern. Let's say I feel excited to learn swimming
Thought: However, I think I will postpone the session because I have more important works to finish first
Belief- I still may have the belief that I will become a good swimmer by learning it.
Action- I might not book a swimming session ever because I have thoughts of postponing it.
So, we can understand from this example that our feelings and beliefs on one hand are aligned and thoughts and actions on other, but our goal may not truely manifest as all four factors are not aligned altogether.
Step 7: Final step is to begin by affirming
Affirmation is like thinking "Yes", it is feeling positive, it is believing that you have already achieved your goal. The correct way of affirming is by not saying "I am going to become rich" instead it must be- "I have become rich" because when you say your goal has been achieved, you will feel satisfied and happy. You will then attract opportunities, satisfied people into your lives.
I may also work the other way. First create unconditional happiness as a new emotional pattern, then affirm.
***Remember: Just affirming is not enough! We use law of attraction fundamentally to become successful in broadly four areas of our lives: Health, Relationships, Money and Career. So, we must put our thoughts and emotions into action.
Well, what you need to understand is- law of attraction reminds us of the profound connection between our thoughts, emotions, actions, and the realties we create. But first mastering your emotions is the key to shape our destinies and manifest the life of our dreams.
More about law of attraction in my upcoming article!
Thank you for your time...
Educator | Marketer | Sustainability Learner
9 个月Mam, thoroughly enjoyed reading this article, please keep writing and inspiring. You have always been an excellent writer. Good luck!