Manifesting Success
Success, and what we define it by, is a personal individualistic set of targets and goals. Another way of saying this is that success is personal and no individual can define it for you or you for them. The onus, is therefore, solely on us to not only set the bar but to beat it every waking chance we get. Why? Because no one can win for you.
Sounds obvious? Then why are there only a handful of truly happy and successful individuals while the rest of the world chases success they’ve allowed others to define for them? Having understood this concept, to manifest success is to first and foremost have the humility that very little is actually in your control, despite the responsibility of success being yours.
You could do everything right: schedule the right meetings, writing the reports correctly, sending the emails on time, making the right phone calls, having the right location; but this doesn’t guarantee the meeting will be attended, neither the call will be answered, the report read, or that customers will walk through your doors.
With this humble idea in mind, I encourage you to do one thing – do the work and trust the Universe will meet you halfway. Focus on planting and nurturing the seed, the Universe will make the tree grow.