Manifesting Process. Step 6
Step 6. Manifesting Blueprint
You probably made a list last week of new direct and indirect actions?you can do every day to feel the emotion?you chose. I hope you’ve already tried out a few of the actions. If you’re like me, your list of things to do is likely as long as your arm.
For direct and indirect actions to start paying off, we need to do them at least a few times. If you only did something once, there is a big?chance that nothing would change. We have to take the same actions over and over again for the results to start showing up. That’s where many people give up too early. They try something once or twice at best and claim that it did not work. Remember, our vibrational state is slow to shift. However, when you take consistent action, you will start seeing interim results. You will either receive positive results showing that you should continue with your direct and indirect actions, or negative results will show up to tell you that something has to be changed. You can then pick another direct or indirect action and test it again.
But if your list of actions is very long and you intend to test all of them to see what brings the greatest results, you might be looking at months and months of trial and error.?
That’s where your manifesting blueprint comes in.?
A manifesting blueprint is a map of more layers?you can filter?your direct and indirect actions through to save yourself a lot of time, money, or other resources. The blueprint for manifesting is very specific to each of us, and it shows how we were made to change from one vibrational state to another. Our Manifesting Blueprint is how we are specifically designed to shift our vibrational state throughout and beyond our being so that we attract according to our vibrational state. Our Manifesting Blueprint is essentially how we get from vibrational point A to vibrational point B!
The Manifesting Blueprint includes seven comparisons that explain how we are designed to compare ourselves. We must maintain constant alignment with our manifesting blueprint. Your strengths and weaknesses, personality traits, and preferences have nothing to do with your manifesting blueprint. The manifesting blueprint is soul-level information that explains how your soul was created to manifest. Let me quickly demonstrate what comparatives we’re discussing here.
Similarity – Contrast
Similarity Souls require a tribe and role models. Contrast souls, on the other hand, see their divinity through contrast. The adage “You are the five people you hang out with†only applies to souls who share similarities. Contrast souls thrive in environments where they can contribute something unique. They should associate with people who have different thinking styles and skill sets than they do.
Process – Outcome
Process souls thrive when they are having fun with their creative process. Having an end goal and a big vision will not help them get there faster. The outcome-oriented soul, on the other hand, thrives when they know what they are aiming for; they are motivated by their results rather than the process. Vision boards can definitely help outcome-oriented souls.
Internal – External
Internal souls are the only ones who can create from the inside out. Since the external soul makes things from the outside in, meditating and balancing their inner world won't help much. If the external souls are angry or upset, they must repair their surroundings. Externally comparative people create through saying, “What you do to others will be done to you.†“How you treat yourself is how others will treat you†only applies to internal souls.
Consistent – Variable
Only consistent people should concentrate on one job, one task, one niche, and one product. If the variable soul follows this advice, they will most likely become bored with whatever they are doing very quickly. Variable souls require variety in all aspects of their lives. If you’ve noticed that life is throwing a lot of negative things at you at the same time, you’re probably a variable soul. If, on the other hand, something major unexpected happens (one big thing), you are most likely a consistent soul.
Re-Inventive – Innovative
When re-inventive souls take something that already exists and put their own spin on it, they tend to manifest faster. People with innovative?souls?should always?strive to create something new.
Instigative – Reactive
When it is time for a change, instigative souls have a feeling that something is wrong. They are not motivated by other people, events, or circumstances. When the time comes for a change, they will be motivated internally to make it. Reactive souls are clearly different. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it, says the reactive soul. They react to their surroundings and then act accordingly.
Integrative – Exclusive
Integrative souls enjoy incorporating everything into their lives, oblivious to the fact that their lives are already quite full. They enjoy involving everyone in their projects or sharing the details of their?lives with others. Exclusive souls, on the other hand, tend to exclude things. They are rarely attached to their possessions, people, habits, or routines.
There are so many different pieces of advice on what is better for us, as well as so many things we learned in school or from our parents. We have become so disoriented and confused about who we truly are at the soul level that we are unaware of how out of balance we are. We’ve been taught that we create from the inside out, but if you’re an external soul, you’ve probably struggled to make your dreams a reality because this advice doesn’t apply to you. You may have struggled to achieve your long-term vision, but this could be due to the fact that you are the process soul, and all you need to do is adjust your process to make it more enjoyable. You may have been doing the same few tasks at the same job for years and?wondering why your dreams are not coming true. It could be because you are a variable soul in need of some variety.
Our ways of making things happen are so unique, I can’t give you a recipe that works for everyone. But if you want to know what a manifesting blueprint looks like, you can take a look at mine and see what I did to filter my direct and indirect actions through it.
Stay tuned, the post with my manifesting blueprint will follow in the next few days…
With Love, Ramune