Manifesting Peace! How a 4 Nation Peace Plan can increase to 50, with a New Forest Management Plan (Part 2)
Manifesting Peace! How a 4 Nation Peace Plan can increase to 50, with a New Forest Management Plan (Part 2)
The South China Sea and The Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese, Taiwanese, Russians, Malaysians, Philippines’, Brunein’s, Singaporeans, Americans, Australians and International waters.
80% of trade from China goes through The South China Sea. It was not really until the 1970’s that countries began to claim islands in the Paracel Islands, Spratly Islands, Scarborough Shoals. However, there are other islands too that different countries have different perceptions on in terms of their “ownership”. The real underlying truth of the whole situation though is that these islands and all of the other tens of thousands of islands in that region only fell into becoming part of “countries” in recent times. What we have to consider is that even the carving up of the world into countries is a relatively new concept in terms of the thousands of years we have been on this planet. We are all essentially tribal people originating from small, medium and large tribes that then became larger and created countries. Many islands fell into this modern concept of having countries, yet others did not purely as they were seen as too distant or too insignificant. It is only through the discovery of untapped resources that these island even found their way properly onto any maps and conversations. So the claims that islands have been historically used and therefore belong to any one country is in some ways obvious and yet in other ways questionable. Many countries will have had some form of relationship with these islands. The nature of what has occurred in Asia since long before the age of discovery in Europe was that there were many sea faring countries. Both China and Japan had explored much of the world with trade vessels. Singapore and Malaysia were being established as trade routes between Asia and the Middle East centuries ago. There is evidence too of Europeans having been in Asia from Marco Polo and evidence of the Vikings being in remote islands in Thailand, evidence which I have personally seen myself and yet is not recorded in any history books that I have ever seen. There has just been a release of information saying that DNA research shows that there were some Asian genetic ancestors to the Vikings. There are words from Japanese that have the same meaning in the language of Quechua In the Equatorial part of the Amazon. There are caves in South America with the Norse writing of the Rune stones. It’s actually incredibly ironic that the human race is destroying life on this planet at such a rate, the largest extinction since the Dinosaurs and yet whilst we are doing that we are living in an apparent age of knowledge yet in actual fact knowing so little of our own true history or origins. The way in which we use all the information and the way we are making oursleves the hapless victims of nature.
The way in which exceptional work that can bring back the balance we all require and need for three decades has been either ignored or copied incorrectly by many. This form of unreasoned behaviour that occurs without even proper and coherent discussion and debate really does bring into question just how intelligent man actually really is. The knowledge that can potentially save and improve our civilization continuously misrepresented and disregarded in it’s original and correct form for thirty years. The continuity of discussions and debates about climate change and what needs to be done these conversations had repeatedly, yet a method which enables the many adaptations from business to actually occur continuously ignored and misrepresented. How much evidence is actually required for there to be a clear defined need most clearly evident that all knowledgeable perspectives should be heard, known and discussed.
It is the knowledge of how to survive better under the conditions the planet places upon us that created everything from agriculture to the flying to the stars. Yet it is arrogance combined with stupidity that is preventing us from actually taking a path that enables us in this times now to continue to live well on this planet. What’s required only is a system that factors in the needs of people and the planet simultaneously. It’s really not that hard to do that and yet there are forces and lobby groups that do everything to prevent that. People put the profit motive down as the reason, and yet with the collapsing of ecosystems comes the collapse of economic systems, they are entirely synonymous with each other the word economy and ecology having exactly the same origin in the Ancient Greek. It’s extraordinary at this time we know so much useless information and the really not only useful but essential information does not get though. It does not get heard nor discussed. The way in which people used knowledge 2000 years ago in some ways is actually superior to how it is used today.
There is evidence of Egyptian knowledge in Central and South America. So the travels and sea routes of the world used in ancient times are really unknown and so making historical claims is wrought with difficulties. Add to that the influence of the Huns in Europe and the Tartars. The migrations from Africa and even the migrations to Australia and The Americas. The fact is that the full history of our world and which peoples travelled where at which time is an ongoing discussion. We now know that the Vikings were in the Americas, both North America and there is evidence they were in South America too.
So if we were going to use the example of historical use of islands then it could be said that Scandinavia has claims on the USA. Russia claims on Alaska, Japan on Equador, the Egyptians on Bolivia, The Romanians and The Germans on Spain, The Morrocans on Spain and on Cornwall in the UK. The French, Dutch, Germans, British could have many more claims as to could the Americans. So really what is a more pragmatic approach is to consider the historical use of islands in The South China Sea, yet in the same breath say that these islands were never really properly valued by any country historically. Whilst politically today this can be presented from one perspective or another. The best evidence of their earliest use and inclusion would be perhaps to look to both old written records and maps. Yet even then they could feature in “the ownership” of more than one country. So in real terms what we are left with is something akin to the method used in Spain to define boundaries. A case of all the neighbors getting together and agreeing where the border is and painting stones to represent the borders.
Creating a process that could be as fair as possible.
1. Historical records, written accounts or maps.
2. Any existing territorial waters.
3. The inhabitants and which country if any they consider themselves to be part of or if they are independent.
4. He essential nature of the passage for national trade. China being so dependent upon the South China sea for such a high proportion of it’s trade should also be a key consideration.
So if these four criteria were applied to all of the islands in dispute or under question this may provide the answer to many or most islands were there can be a clearly identified way forward with them. There would still though be other islands that would not be resolved.
The acceptance of an unsolvable issue has to be compartmentalized into more manageable parts.
The remaining islands that have mixed claims on them or are not easy to resolve could be identified and a form of collaborative use established or the two countries with the best claims could obtain one, whilst the next is obtained by another. There could literally be a case of picking straws as to which country gets the first choice on which islands.
The use of collaboration could work in a way so that two countries both have the right to use the resources of an island. These islands could be also be independently administered. There could also be the prospect of a consortium of un-nationally linked islands that are administered together.
In practical terms the creation of artificial islands has created another dynamic to this. The making of islands in order to increase territory is very much a new concept. What are the rules and the laws to this is again something that there is no clear practical answer too. However, what is more to the point in a way is that unless there is better progress in the field of climate that man will be losing many more islands than we could ever keep pace with in creating and therefore nations should be looking as much on what existing islands they have that they could lose as much as which potential islands they could obtain.
The Spatly Islands and Taiwan.
Whilst the Spatley Islands and the creation of islands has been an issue and there have been various events where US and Chinese ships have had the impasse of the US ships saying they are passing through International waters and the Chinese saying that they are in Chinese territorial waters. This is of course a debatable subject depending upon which map you are reading. However, aside from that. The issue of Taiwan is actually the more significant issue in many ways. Taiwan, having been created by Chinese people leaving China, yet setling on an Island with an Independent Indigenous population.
The Spatley island issue could potentially be solved if there was a little given by both sides. The US concede that the Spatley Islands under discussion do belong to China. However, China agrees to limit the building of new islands and allows for unhindered passage past the islands. This way the Chinese are correct about The Spatley Islands, it is Chinese Territory and yet the Americans can use the passage to patrol and use International Waters. So that the area around the Spatley Islands has a unique status as being both Chinese territorial waters and International territorial waters. It is simply a case of accepting that there has been a change in the creation of islands and that usual territorial law becomes due to this fact much more complicated. For example if the USA built an island near Peru, could it then claim international water around that new island. The most sensible answer would clearly be no. So with the creation of artificial islands there can be a new status created for the waters surrounding them. It is quite understandable why China and the USA and Australia have come into dispuit over this as this is, unchartered waters in terms of the practicalities surrounding the creation of new islands.
So if the USA and China can agree on the Spatley’s, this would also help imporve relations between China and Australia so there are mutual advantages in that. Yet, could China then give assurances on Taiwan?
What could then Australia then add into this that both improves International relations and also helps Australia at the same time?
Australia experienced the worst fires in it’s history that caused disruption to it’s cities, caused health issues, evacuations, many lost their homes and businesses and this even disrupted the administrative centres of Sydney Melbourne and Canberra. The cost of extinguishing the fires was very substantial and in terms of tourism Australia suffered as a result. The organization and the bravery of the firefighting effort was exceptional too however and given the extraordinary task at hand of extinguishing a fire that was covering a considerable part of the country required a near herculean task by many, simply just to try and keep the country on track at such a difficult time.
Whilst after the event, there will be many questioning what could have been done better and what lessons can be learned. I wrote an extensive “Integrated Strategy” document on this. To summarize that here. Most of the bushfires in Australia are low level, mainly scrub land. Over vast areas though it is impossible to put these out with the use of water, powder or fire breaks. What could potentially change that though is if there was another form of firefighting invented. This is by controlling the air supply to the fire. This is potentially achievable by the creation of what could be terms fire or land ships. What they essentially are something similar to flat bottom ships, that are on rollers that are powered by electric engines. There would be minimal friction in most cases and therefore they would go over the fire, displace the oxygen and that would extinguish the fire. It is simply using the same principle that ships have on the sea, though applying this to land. When a ship passed over water it displaces the oxygen. If the same is done on the Earth the result would be the same. Fires cannot burn without oxygen. If this was done in strips of for example three hundred metres wide then it is possible to burn back in a controlled way the fire and prevent it from being able to advance.
Therefore the fire can only burn where it already is and therefore starved of oxygen initially and then new fuel the fire can only burn itself out. So low cost trials are feasible with this innovation and if it was successful, which I believe it would be then it could be applied on fires in various other locations worldwide. However, there are many additional aspects and technologies to this that can be applied that make this method feasible even on more diverse topography. To question the viability of this, simply requires the consideration of how much oxygen is found under a boat between the boat and the sea, the answer is none. Take away the oxygen and the fire goes out.
So the economic saving of this applied widely cross Australia could potentially be very vast indeed. However, part of the reason I believe there are such major fires now in Australia and disruption to rain and weather patterns can be found in Australia’s neighbouring country, Indonesia. From 1990 until today, Indonesia has deforested or burned approximately 2/3 of all it’s rainforest on the largest islands. Much of this has given over to palm oil production, yet there has been deforestation for many reasons due to the demand for non sustainable products from the rainforests. With the destruction of habitats in one country it is never easy to attribute which other countries are responsible and ask the questions of why as it is to simply produce a potential answer. If Australia was to make the link between deforestation in Indonesia, which of course affects the rainfall through the entire region. If Australia was going to help Indonesia to replant rainforest, which is actually very low cost indeed if collaborative economy schemes are established working with International expertise combined with local know how. Combining team efforts of both locals and backpackers, then there are clear economic and environmental advantages that can be obtained. Whilst i would be the first to say it is better to replace palm oil production with original rainforest, I’m also a realist and know that that could be economically and politically difficult to achieve. However, what could be both economically and practically easy to achieve are programs that diversify. Programs that reconvert mono-culture palm oil plantations into land that is half palm oil and half rainforest. This would even add to the profits of these vast tracts of land whilst increasing the biological integrity of the areas.
So the fact is that Australia can save vast incomes on better fire fighting methods. Whilst simultaneously not loosing the incomes on tourism and trade that the fires caused last year and in previous years. Some of those moneys saved could potentially be put towards helping Indonesia fund its forest replanting programs which then can help better stabalize the either and reduce the drying out of Australia which has been producing the fires in the first place. Whilst it would also be good for Australia to look to the original methods of fire management methods. The scale of deforestation and of the fires is on a vastly greater and more consistent scale than previously. These are in my view only part of the answer when there has been so much Industrial scale deforestation across so much of the whole of Asia in the past decades. To not join up the dots properly between deforestation the changing of weather patterns locally and then the effects this has on a country is not wise. It is better to look at the whole together and use affordable low cost methods to reforest. This way a win-win can be created both for Australia and for Indonesia. There is something that goes unconsidered in firefighting methods today and that is that machines can do more than people. I have designed in theoretical form a whole new method of fire fighting that enables us to use machines much better to our advantage. For this program though to progress does require substantial funding. The cost of fires worldwide though is so much more than the fundign required for the full development of these new fire fighting methods. So hopefully someone will come forward with this funding soon, so firefighting can become more efficient, faster, less costly and safer.
So from this part of the document the countries which could potentially have improved answers to current situations and challenge include. Australia, China, USA, India, Pakistan, Russia, Kashmir, Indonesia, The Philippines, Vietnam, Brunei, Malaysia, North Korea, South Korea. Overall though what is actually accomplished is that one issue that being between India and Pakistan can be resolved. The issue between China and India in term of border resolved, by creating a substantially larger benefit to both countries by making peace over the border and improving significantly trade in the area. The long standing complexities of the island disputes are potentially solved. Putting the islands on the table and discussing all the claims and the reasons and then creating dual status for the seas nearby The Spatley Islands.
However, from an ecological perspective the benefits of doing this manifest in so many ways. 1. More rainforests. 2. Better stability of weather patterns. 3. More resources made available on a sustainable basis. 4. Feed in strategies that also include ocean regeneration and repair which is best achieved through cooperation. 5. A time, a first time where there are no longer border disputes in the entire continent of Asia. This would be a world first in the entire history of the continent and this would be an extraordinary achievement. An example achievement that can then be replaced in other countries and regions.
So the above aspect of this Integrated Strategy is vat in the benefits it offers it is quite simply a win-win for all countries in Asia.
The people wanting a new world reborn worldwide.
Black Lives Matter has shown people worldwide care. They know caring for one people is a part of caring for all. However, there are other social issues that plan on the consciousness of people. The situaion in Belarus and people wanting a fairer country more in alignment with the rights of other European countries. In Hong Kong the people also want a fair country that maintains a balance between both Chinese culture and also is a gateway to democracy. The question is can the leaders in both Belarus and Hong Kong align with the wants of the people and maintain the countries they envision. Certainly, people are affected when considering supporting countries in trade the policies of those countries. So in terms of ethics, environment and trade people all want to interact and be a part of countries that they relate to and that resonates with them. So finding and defining a new way forward for a new vision that maintains, upholds bring and builds upon human rights makes sense for the people and the country and the image and prosperity of the country or territory. No people like to feel oppressed and whilst the west can point to the East and the East to the West.
The East can cite so many wars that the people in those countries had no choice in whatsoever. Were the wars in the middle east undemocratic? Of course they were. Did they really bring freedom or just take resources and create Inter-continental disruption. Whilst the people in the countries making the decisions to go there had some influence The people in those countries had no voice at all. So in many ways Russia and China have in some ways helped in the background maintain calm, peace and order on an International scale. Yet, equally in the same breath the criticisms from the West to the East are well founded too.
Hong Kong.
Last year I was in Hong Kong and I have written An Integrated Strategy for Hong Kong previously. This provides some theoretical answers of how Hong Kong can possibly improve from the time of when the document was written, however the situation since the document was written and today is different and I do not know of or have immediate answers to the situation there presently. I have written An Integrated Strategy for Hong Kong. I did see the protests I did see the police presence. I did speak to local people and there were mixed views. As a general observation I found that the younger people were untrusting of the Chinese and the older people were more trusting. Both the younger and the older people though did not like the fact that their society has become divided. The differences of opinion were not only in the streets they were very much around the living room table too. I heard of some families that were no longer speaking due to the politics of Hong Kong. So this is sad and I do hope that there is a new sense of wellbeing found in the territory.
What I can say is that trying to control populations by fear in either Belarus or in Hong Kong can only perpetuate issues and if leaders can try to align to this in terms of policy, nothing is lost and so much can be gained. A new and regenerated, rejuvenated Hong Kong with a real renewed sense of purpose and being an entry point into the extraordinary country of China is a bright new prospect. Similarly the prospect of a Belarus which is one of the most unknown countries in Europe being newly discovered by many and appreciated, both in terms of the history and the culture can be the writing of a new story for the country. The first major turn around in getting on for the best part of one hundred years. A new Belarus and new Hong Kong could create new gateways both into China and Asia and also between Europe and Russia. Who, how, where and what is Belarus? Who are the people from there? What is the culture and what are the most special attributes of Belarus? What is the diet, what is the nature? What makes the people how they are? What is the best that Hong Kong can be given all the influences and the changes of the past? What is the best Belarus can be given all the influences and the few changes from the past?
So we have seen ages of dysfunctional politics worldwide. In every country at one time or another. We have seen ages where the politics never worked for the people. We have seen ages where the politics work for some of the people and yet not for others.
Can we see a type of politics in the world that works well for may more people than has ever been seen in the past? I think that during the course of our lifetimes that mankind does finally step onto another level. Not just seeking power and control over others for the sake of power. But doing so and feeling and knowing that it is an honour and an honoury position to have such power. We have seen some exceptional decisions made in recent years that really were in the interests of everyone in the planet even if they did not at the time know fully the implications of how International events were playing out and how leaders made such wise choices at the time. So there can be decisions made by such a diverse range of leaders from such differing political stances that actually work in everyone’s interest in maintaining peace.
Every leader of every country is a very lucky person indeed. They by ability, chance, skill, luck influence or providence became one of the very luckiest people to ever live on this planet. Can they give thanks to the forces the powers that served them with such luck and do the best they can in the lucky situation they are in? If the President of Belarus put down his machine gun and instead picked up a water pistol and put a clowns nose on that would not make him a clown with a water pistol. He would still be a leader, one of the most powerful and influential people to have ever been on this planet. He would still be a man that carries as much or more power than any of the Emperors of Rome or all the Emperors of Rome combined. Still a man that can call up the most powerful people on Earth. So he does not need to be overtly harsh on his challengers, opponents and especially towards protestors who simply want what every other European country has in the way of freedoms.
They are helping him, not hindering him in asking for a better situation in Belarus. Protests are sign boards that introduce to leaders new ways to think that realign that re-set leadership in alignment with what the people desire and want. Our parents, friends, teachers tell us what they think is important and we respond, we can choose to respond well or harshly. However, when it is for the welfare and the lives of millions of people, taking the calm, measured, balanced and aware of others path is what the leaders mentioned above did on issues that were so serious and all leaders should be able to draw wisdom from their wisdom in doing this. If they had not have been good and balanced decision makers then, we would not be in the world we are today. Where every new day is a gift to us all to use. So protests should be seen as good opportunities to improve. How much can leaders align too the thinking of their people, yet remain in control of their countries and create happy nations. That surely is the greatest achievement of leadership. For leaders to in any way bully their people just shows they have childhood issues they should heal.
The people in their countries are looking towards good leadership to simply enable them to live their lives and not to be fearful or concerned for their lives. Leaders that can aign to the most eeds of their people and generate answers are the true leaders of note. Leaders that put themselves into a higher level category than so many other leaders in the past that have been either bad leaders or only average. As a result of that they have seen their own people as people to pass on blame too, rather than to see as a barometer towards their own sense of balance, order and discipline.
Therefore, leaders that blame always rather than considering reform are projecting their own inner conflicts onto people that simply want the right to a healthy existence in life, which really is not asking too much it is the most basic demand of every life form on this planet.
It would be perhaps the best progress if leaders look to George Orwells work and see how he describes theoretical societies in the future and see this as the anti-thesis to what they can and should be working towards. The management of a few billion people on a small planet with fewer resources than any of us would want is a work in progress and always will be. That progress becomes the most interesting when leaders are prepared to try and keep trying to make it all better for all. Whilst we will never all live in Utopia, we have already averted Dystopia on various occasions thanks to some of the wise leaders of today.
As a leader of a country, this gives him the power and the reason to actually see his opponents as teachers for him. They are teaching him that there are other ways of looking at the country, at the people, there are visions and hopes. Maybe he too can be like the wise and enlightened leaders that the world has seen begin to emerge in recent years that can give a bit, they can give a little and actually become and be known when its’ all said and done as being more than just strict and harsh leaders. They are leaders that at times know how to lead and at other times know how to be good parents to the people who they lead.
The parent that knows only how to discipline their children either ends up with sons that are not the men they could be or daughters that are not the daughters they could otherwise have been. Leadership is about nurturing and listening as well as talking. It is an ongoing process where every day there are new insights and whilst something may not register one day, maybe it will the next. The days of the warlord type leaders of the world have got to come to a close, they only displace their own people that they go on to create issues and the displacement of people in other countries. Whilst the world operates by rules and law, underneath those rules and laws is goodwill. T
here has to be goodwill or otherwise there are cracks that show. There are stresses and there are strong opposing forces pulling in opposite directions in a country and therefore the country remains largely at a stand-still. The country becomes weak and inert even with what is seen as having a strong leader. The best leaders are able to lead sometimes with a smile, sometimes with a joke, sometimes with irony and always with a sense of style. When we look to the leaders that have made the most progress in the world today advanced relations with other countries. They all have this in common.
For different reasons today there are many countries and territories at a cross roads. There is Belarus, the Uk the USA, Australia, Hong Kong, Thailand, Syria, Iraq and many other countries to name just a few. Some of these have seen what can be seen as the worst times some have just had ethical, visionary, logistical mazes they have been trying to find and navigate a way through. In every case the countries do require vision for the future and today and then great leadership with the challenges they have today.
In every case their are okay, good or very good choices that can be made. In every case the solving of the issues within each country can add so much, add greatly to the improvement, stability or instability of the region they are within. In some cases the answers to the country are best found in other continents and then essentially reverse engineered into the original country or territory.
Covid19 All the science can be improved.
There is a reason why the recovery rates are so much lower in countries with the best hospitals than the countries with fe if any hospitals. There is a very clear scientific explanation as to why children are more immune than adults. There is a very clear rational reason as to why animals such as cats and dogs that are sharing the same space as their owners that get the virus do not get the virus and if they do they make a 100% recovery. There are feasible reasons why this virus is disproportionately affecting some people more than others. There are reasons why countries with minimal social distancing have higher recovery rates. There are reasons why the 150 countries with the fewest infections and highest recovery rates almost all have two factors in common. There are feasible reasons why Western European countries were more susceptible to the virus than Eastern European countries. There is a reason why people with secondary symptoms are more susceptible to dying from the virus. There is a reason why countries in Asia have recovered and are recovering faster than in Europe. There is a reason why countries in Africa are more immune to this virus. The social distancing, the testing and the potential vaccinations are only a part of solving this virus, there are better and more immediate ways to increase peoples recovery substantially.
There is very reductionist and limited information about the ongoing effects of this virus and how to counter this. The fact is that after the first virus many people experience a weaker version repeating for many months afterwards, in my case it’s been more than five months. During these times, its very easy to be able to use food to fight back the virus the results are very clear and obvious. Ie resurfacing of the virus, When I have eaten some of the right foods and avoided foods that support the virus, then the virus has gone by the next day.
There is though still so much information on both US politics not known and the reason for this is that the UK media do not cover the original content and so what everyone gets in the media is second hand and therefore completely incomplete information. So I will explain the bleach episode and what really happened. When COVID first appeared I wrote in consultancy documents that the virus posed such a concern to affecting everything that both conventional, allopathic, natural and alternative medicine methods should be considered and questioned.
I cited the food correlation in countries worldwide to recovery rates on the virus. I also cited that when looking for common dnominators Melatonin, Fermented Foods appear to be of benefit and their effectiveness with coronaviruses is well supported scientifically. There has been much information to confirm the adjuvent properties of Melatonin with Covid19. Yet this and the other data that I have has not been correlated together properly in any media and the constant reliance upon a method of vaccine, which although my be ready in a matter of months, cannot be ready for worldwide distribution until 2024 is ignoring the good answer so desperately required today for another answer we cannot possiby have for years. With the eponential nature of the Covid19 virus in affecting people it seems evident that the the difference between taking all of my work seriously or not could be the difference between whether thousands of people recover or die from this virus.
The data that I have that is supported by all the statisitcs worldwide on Covid19, shows that there is a very strong correlation to stress in affecting the serverity of infections and in the quaity of air. With their being no small island communities in the world that have had high infection rates and low recovery rates. When statistics correlate 100% to findings that all science is ignoring in the use of its findings then there is not a falut in the information, there is falut in the thinking in the ansalysis of the information.
I cited in my documents that after the 1918 pandemic it was consequently found that anti-malerial Quinine had proven to be effective. At the time there had also been limited thinking in terms of exploring potential options and using the best data available. That is why the information of anti-malerials having been effective against 1918 flu is not even widely known today. Therefore, with the success of anti-malerials in that seemingly “uncurable” pandemic I cited that it makes sense to look at anti-malerial medicines as a valid place for study.
I also found that there is again a near perfect correlation between stress and infection rates. This I confirmed with the publishing of various events that have occured in countries such as national holidays and the ones that fell on “happy days’ such as Mothers Day or holidays that were celebratory in nature the rates were low. However, holidays that were to rememeber wars ending or days that could induce stress in a high proportion of the population the figures of infection and hospital admissions went up substantially.
And that there is also a correlation with sea air. Ie the mineral salt content in the air. This is why although there are thousands of islands in the world. There is not one with high infection and a low recovery rate. Seemingly all islands have very high or perfect recovery rates. This also correlates again with small countries with good quality mountain air. This can be checked on
I did cite that it's important to look and to question all information by DR's and medical professionals and that there is a product called MMS that a German doctor was presenting as a potential treatment and therefore this should be questioned. Overall the open-minded approach, which enabled me to recover from the virus is what I was calling for and actually, the complete opposite has actually occurred where the only treatment considered has been that of a vaccine.
However, this is simultaneously as other data is completely ignored and not in the press. This includes the fact that this both a digestive and respiratory virus. That digestion does play a very important part in the capacity of the virus to be able to affect those that have it. One evident example for this is the fact that animals are not getting the virus and if they do they are recovering. They are breathing in the same air as the people they are close to who are getting the virus and not recovering. One significant difference is that Animals have stronger digestive systems than people, especially if they have not been eating wheat and taking many prescribed medicines which affect digestion.
Whilst there may be a vaccine or vaccines that have apparently been proven to be effective that are in some press. The digestion links are completely obvious when looking at This is why some countries are affected many times worse than other countries. There is not a single rice or another staple such as millet eating country in the world with rates anywhere even close to the primarily wheat eating countries. This fact is robustly clear 100% of the time and can be check on covid19. Whilst diet is not a cure to this, wearing a coat and gloves are not a cure to a cold. However, all facts and figures appear to suggest food is a part of the Covid19 conundrum, even if the press continue to ignore the food links.
If there was then what I have written above would have been in the press from Feburary onwards and there would have been people either agreeing or disagreeing, however either way there would have been a more intelligent discussion than has been had where the only answers touted have been vaccinations that did not exist, Apps, that did. Then phony digital ID' touted as being "common sense". No common sense is looking at all the available information with no pre-conceived ideas and taking a scientific approach which is asking questions before having pre-determined answers. My findings stack up and have done consistently with all of the best statistical data in the world on Covid19 and yet remains undiscussed in the press or by politicians. However, medical profesionals have consistently been confiming as worthy of research and study what I have been stating consistently from the time of Feburary to today.
A scientific approach for it to be that requires consideration of all information and not just the selective use of information. Common sense is not trying to use a pandemic to trying to consider only one path to a cure for this virus or any virus. There is not vaccinnation for HIV/Aids and resources worldwide have been put into the discovery of that for more than 30 years. Most illnesses known to man do not have a vaccination that is effective, yet most have effective treatments so therefore looking to all possibilities makes sense. To look to only one form of effective treatment, this being vaccinations and creating more surveillance of the virus only is nto logical unless there is an agenda of not wanting to look at all options in imporving recovery rates to the virus.
Common sense is the press being honest about all scientific data and potential answers and solutions in the world and MP's allowing for there to be a more complete Parle on all issues. Not simply the very closed media narrative that misses out ore facts than it includes when all the data is known.
The Press in the UK have not reported the full truth about many issues relating to Integrated Strategies since 2004. There is my case on this that has been submitted to The House of Commons. There would be much more truthful media in the UK and the US if this was all fully known. The Integrity Initiative I clearly believe relates directly to this and in the press there has been the call for this to be released in the context of UK elections by Hillary Clinton. I beleive if this was relaeased then the legitimacy of my work for 30 years would be publicly known and therefore the findings of my work on Covid19 properly discussed in the press. There have been more than 20,000 deaths of British people that I believe may have been prevented had the Integrity Initiative been released and my work fully considered and known. There are ongoing deaths worldwide that I beleive can be prevented by the full disclosure of my work and how my work has been used and abused in British politics from 2004 onwards. There has been and is a conspiracy of silence and this is today preventing good information from being known and widely discussed that can save lives.
All the best political strategy work for the UK and the USA is actually being slowed down due to the willfull witholding and distortion of information on my work and how it has and is on a day t day basis influencng, affecting and has in so many ways improved politics.
What is going in the favour of President Trump is that he used Integrated strategies three times well. However, not to their optimium. If that did happen today by my inclussion in the correct and proper instigation of them then the words in this collection of “Integrated Strategies” can become fully utilized and realized to their optimal potential. Therefore, at least fifty percent of the most substantial issues the USA and the rest of the world are trying to deal with today can have better answers. This can be the largest step forward humanity has experienced known certainly in recent times and this is at a time when that largest step forward is required the most. This occuring where their is already an integration of the negative aspects of our evolution all combining as I cited in my film of 2009, Ecoplaza Paradise Oasis would occur and is happening along the timeline I cited then and in my earlier work such as my book, A Big Strategy.
If the press would have covered my work properly at any time between the late 1990’s and today, there would have been better information today both on covid on adapting businesses to both the environment and COvid19 requirements of today. The furlough scheme by utilizing more of a collaborative economy approachs my work provides would be helping companies adapt. There would be very clear answers that can save 200 green jobs at Dennis Busses in Guildford. There would be a broader understanding of how peace deals have been achieved in part and can be improved upon. There would be better information on how the refugee issues that affect the Middle East, Europe and the UK can be better addressed and solved. There would be more clear information on how companies can adapt and meet the needs of climate change and how societies as a whole can solve a great many issues that the wrongful wars in the middle east that have caused so much of the strife of today can resolve. When Extinction Rebellion protestors are named as preventing free press, nothing could be further from the truth. Some of the best climate change work in the world has been surpressed since the 1990’s. The UK has done more to distort the truth of answers to Climate change than any other country.
The Integrity Initiative released would prove this, should this be made public to prove this or my submission under The House of Commons Freedom of Speech and human Rights Inquiry should be heard or the press should cover the fact that it is not being heard and the potive outcomes if it was in fact heard .
The copying of my work by other strategists that do not have the skills and abilities I have is having and has had a negative effect on Uk politics for more than a generation. This is cronyism that is preventing politics from being as effective as it otherwise would be.
These plaguerists, of which there have been many, have little ability of skill and are simply of the “right” social demographic” This explains why the greatest threat to UK democracy is the cronyism that this creates in politics. True strategies and political strategists have been misused and this is why ineffective strategies have become the norm. This has affected all forms of political strategy work in politics in the UK and then also in the USA. So the media not covering this are creating actually more problems than anything else. If you do not promote and discuss solutions then it is again dvery un-intelligent to keep complaining abut problems that could otherwise potentially be completely solved.
President Trump is someone that looks at the best options presented in front of him and makes a decision based upon that. The press not allowing for there to be a narrative of potential solutions known to any issue by not covering Integrated Strategies are very much a part of the problem.
People that have companies that are concerned about the end of the furloughing scheme that want better answers of how there companies can find help and support which Integrated Strategies instigated by professionals not plagiarists could also consider asking the press for full free press.
The best Information on climate not being heard or utilised either.
The drying of wetlands are a really challenging part of the climate riddle to solve, yet whilst they may cancel forest benefits. What is also true to say is that the forest benefits actually increase the moisture of peat bogs. Essentially trees, foliage creates moisture. So separating them like this as if they are totally unconnected is not helpful. The more trees, plants planted the better for bogs. In addition to this rainwater harvesting on roofs is so easy to do in the UK and not done at all. So if the media wants to help peat remain moist and not adding to methane, they could be providing very extensive coverage of the most productive and beneficial ecological plants, ie Cork, Bamboo, Agave and Hemp.
Why these four a climate super plants.
Harvesting cork bark assists in the absorption of CO2 – a greenhouse gas that causes climate change. In fact, harvested cork trees absorb 3-5 times more CO2 than non-harvested trees. Cork oak trees in Portugal alone help offset 10 million tons of carbon every year.
Bamboo is the fastest growing sequestre of Carbon. Bamboo is a crucial element in the balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. A grove of bamboo release 35% more oxygen than an equivalent stand of trees. Because of this, planting bamboo is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint and help fight global warming. A perfect selection for Going Green.
The potential for Agave to be used for fuel, foods, biomass, fiber with less water is essential.
ishaving more plants that can produce food for humans and animals, as well as fiber and fuel with less water, will become more important, according to the researchers. They have a different form of photsythesis than other plants and can thrive in almost all enviornments on earth. Agave provides the first building block for restoring land that is considered waste land today and regenerating them. Desert research has proven that once the most hardy of plants take form then other less robustly adapted plants can follow. Therefore Agave is a crucial factor in deset regeneration and in creating new incomes for people to be able to resettle and therefore is a key component in being able to rehome refugees on newly regenerated lands that can provide the first steps of a local economic infrastructure and provide for many needs of the local people or generate materials, products, fuel for export.
Hemp's Environmental Impact. Hemp offers many different uses and is 100% biodgradable.. Hemp products can be recycled, reused and are 100% biodegradable. Hemp can help reduce global warming because it takes out large amounts of carbon dioxide per acre, more than most plants.
Cork, Bamboo, Agave and Hemp can be used in the place of wood, metal, concrete, cotton and most of the most ecologically harmful materials man uses on a day to day basis on this planet. Hemp can reduce soil errosion and therefore help protect river bansk, protect farm land and properties. Bamboo is stronger than steel. Cork is renewable wood, by using cork you are helping provide ecological stability to enviornment, helping preserve rare species of animals and increaing the economic potential of maintaining cork forests. Whilst Bamboo is the fastest growing and cork oak trees slower growing the four woods used substantially more in all industry provide the means to keep local material costs local. They reduce the need for foreign imports and vast tracts of land especially in the USA that are deemed unusable today and have been considered this since the beginning of the USA can today through the effective introduction of these on a large enough scale regeenrate the land, reduce the availability of home produced products, reduce the need for imports, restore the enviornment, provide new locally produced materials that help rebuild after natural disasters and therefore reduce the requirement for imported materials that are frequently sourced from more ecologically important tropical and rainforest areas. So by using these materials more in all industry it works very much economically for any country that wishs to to more enonomically self sufficient as much as if they want to be more ecologically self sufficient.
It could be said that the greatest missed opportunity in the world and the most easiest to solve global ecological issues are one in the same. Both the economic and the ecological dependencies we have are solved by these four plants. However, in addition to this, the production of these plants creates many new skilled and unskilled jobs. This therefore, can enable every area within a country which has the lowest job opportunities to have the potentil of thousands of new types of industries created. Almost any wooden product that is used today ranging from Kitchens to deckchairs, aircraft interiors, car interior and surf boards can potentially be produced through the use of home grown industries using these woods. The more these woods are used the greater the benefit for the enviornment. Whilst simultaneously the more these woods are used and planted in the most ecologically vulnerable parts of the world in terms of desert, again the more economic and ecological opportunities are created.
The Covid19 pandemic has proven that even if greenhouse gases are reduced very substantially and in unison worldwide, that alone is not enough to hold back the natural disasters caused by climate change, that alone is not enough to solve climate change. We have to go further than that alone and we have to recreate enviornments that absorb at an ever faster pace the carbon that is generated in the atmosphere. This is to enable the greenhous gases that do get produced by industry and by the use of man in a developed world from being absorbed very quickly and thus prevented from reaching the atmosphere. We have more than fifty percent less forests than the Earth did have previously.
To replace those bidiverse forests is economically unviable, however to create economies from new more nationally self sufficient means provides the economic means to replace some of those forests which we require for balance and to do this whilst simultaneously reducing the problem of the use of materials that cause global warming and relace those with materials that reduce global warming. The argument on climate change is not legitimately a pro or anti business conversation. It is corrupt and ignorant business interests which have created that false information and it has equally been the lack of scientists actually looking at the enviornment from an economic perspective too that is equally the cause of the problme in their not being a wider acknolwedgement of the fact that if the enviornment is hadled in the optimal way there can be vast economic imporvements. In fact the notion of countries considering their national interests first are wasting the best opportunity to be able to imporve their pen countries by not properly considering the better use of ther enviornent within their own countries. Effectively by not using their own enviornment in the optimal way. By simply seeing the national ecological resources as being their to exploit rather than to protect the areas that need protecting and instead properly use the areas that are considered the least ecologicallyand economically useful today is a massive opportunity lost.
In drawing comparrisons an economic comparrison to the difference between the correct and the incorrect proper use of the envornment with all the best knowledge in the world utilized in their best way. It would be like a government calling for the stockmarket to only be open for half the time it is open. If the stock market was open for half the time it’s open then there would be substantially less economic benefit. If a restaurant, hotel, or shop is open half the time it is going to generate substantially less than if it is open 100% of the time. In terms of business this is obvious and completely self evident. However, in terms of enviornment this notion is completely ignored. Big business thinks that it is better to use the enviornment by not even 25% of its full potential and that is actually better for business. The paradigms of the anti-enviornment business lobby interest groups could not be more anti-business if they tried. The economic gains of beter utilising firstly the national parks and protected areas as national parks and fully protected areas, leaving them alone are wrongly seen by thhese interest groups as being better for business, when in fact this is not. The better use of them is to keep and expand them and thus maintain a good national balance interms of weather patterns which disrupthomes and businesses. Yet the clearest evidence that the pro-business anti-enviornment lobby is actually in reality both anti-business and anti-enviornment. Is the fact that the billions of acres of land that have ecological and therefore economic potential by the use of Agave, Cork, Bamboo and Hemp are ignored and not used. They are not used to firstly help build and maintain a strong nationally protected enviornment and secondly not used to build a strong national economy by the correct and proper use of the natural resources they can otherwise create.
So the real truth is that the Pro-business lobby is so short sighted and actually stupid they are causing by being anti-enviornment. The waste of resources that could be used for business, they are increasing the dependency of resources on other countries such as China, they are increasing the dependency of resources upon other countries and then creating wars for those resources when they could be getting them from their own country, they are therefore creating the refugee crisis, they are then preventing their own businesses from adapting and profiting from the better used land in their own countries. They are The only justification that anyone can have for being anti-enviornment is wanting to bring their national economy to its knees, stop local opportunities, create unemployment, generate an improverished population in their own countries without economic opportunities they could otherwise have, reduce their productive farm land by not putting in ecologically beneficial crops that protect their agaisnt rivers flooding.
We live in a world where the business people look at business from such an ignorant and distant perspective that they do not even look to the science that can help protect their businesses and adapt their economies to be relevent to today. We also live in a world where scientists have become so specialised that they too look with their microscope only vision to see a world where there is only business at odds with enviornment. Not properly and fully appreciating that by looking to use the worlds 36.8 Billion acres of habitable land betterhis is without factoring in any of the additional 361 square kilometres of sea’s that could be available for better use. Instead of properly, really properly considering any of that they act in a childish way of not aligning the best of science with the needs of business. Instead unlike the great pioneers and innovators that humanity is at its best in properly using the resources of the world they look only at their hort term and immediate remit and mandate in front of them.
China and Holland have shown that land can be created from sea. When it is also factored in that floating islands of plants and trees can potentially be feasible. When it is factored in that platforms at sea can create dry usable land. The problems in our world do not stem from a lack of resources most clearly and evidently in any way greater than how littel we use the resource we should otherwise have the very greatest abundance of. That being the humna imgination. Albert Einstein was correct on many of his thoughts and assertions. His statement that imagination is more important than knowledge”, if that statement was made the central operating principle of any one government then the world would be able to be transformed into a completely different and much better world as a clear a rapid natural course of events. The country that put imagination first would for the first time in humna history properly and correctly use the full cognative potential of its population. It would for the first time convert the greatest latent resource in a country into the most important resource. It would put behind past differences and accept the fact that when it comes to imagination and cogniative and creative potential people of all colours have added to this throughout history. The Americas, Asia, Europe and the Middle East have all added towards the full knowledge and understanding and advancement of the world we have, yet not even one country eithin all of that has come anywhere even remotely close to being able to use the best resource of their own country. The best resource being imagination and knowledge combined. The best resource being the consideration and the processing of how that optimal imagination and knowledge is utilised for the maximum benefit of the entire population. In order for any country to become “Great Again” requires being able to have the thought and the consideration also that the contry can become far greater than its’ ever been. In order to get even onto the path of that greatness requires that the population today is singing from the same songsheet. The past is the past and what occured happened for a great many reasons that we will never be able to fully understands or compute as theire were the influences and the circumstances and the actions and reactions of peoples that were living in the world with far leesser understanding and awareness than we are fortunate enough to have today. If you spend one hour on the internet, you can potentially access more information than Albert Einestain had available to him in a lifetime. When we have people of all ages having access to that level of weath of information we do not really have any feasible excuses at all as to why that information is not getting fully used and why all of us are not much more fully benefiting from all of it.
How we got here and now.
The Ancint Egyptians invested a form of the steam engine. They did not take it seriously and therefore their civilization collapsed due to famine that the steam engine could otherwise have helped prevent. So the Industrial revolution was delayed some 1500 years. This was of benefit though to every person alive on the planet today. Why? If the industrial revolution would have occured 1500 years earlier and our ancestors would have followed the same development path that we have followed since and been as reluctant to adapt as we have then none of us woul dbe here today. In fact none of our great grandparents going back many generations would have been here due to the way they would have used their enviornment mirroring how we are so badly using our enviornment today. So the Industrial revolution though did occure in Great Britain. The sociel differences it created to the country enabled Great Britian to have the largest empire in the world, that was then greatly reduced due primarily to the geo-politicial changes that occured during and after the second world war. However, long prior to that the USA had created what could be terms a secondary Industrial revolution created by the standardisation of bolts, nuts and a formal system of consistency in how metal is used in engineering. This one adaption can be referenced as being the single most important factor that not only built the weath of the USA for decades. It is also the standardisation and production principles that the USA used so well than enabled it to do everything from provide the plane production that was instamental in defeating the nazies. It was the optimal use of standardisation and production that has done more for the USA than any other factor. It could be cited that this is where most of the wealth and the power that the USA has obtained has orriginated. It can also be cited that this is where China began to out perform the USA in recent decades. This being possible pimarily due to population scale and lower wages. However, China has made the very best use of standardisation and production. This gave China and in fact Asai as a continent the advantage too over what I termed in 2004 The third Industrial Revolution. The first being steam, the second being communications with the advancement in the use of computers, the third being environment. However, the document and the accompanying letter that went with this was not taken seriously by Tony Blairs government. They took the information used this only for political spin doctoring, and from then began giving credit to other people for my work. The use and misuse of my work in all UK politics from 2004 until today has been very extensive indeed. Big Strategy became the ineffective Big Society, yet what actually really occured is paralel to what had occured in Ancient Egypt with the wrongful percpetions of The Steam Engine. So the UK actually repeated the same mistake as Anceint Egypt. By doing so they gave the advantage to China and Asia to better utilise and create The third green Industrial revolution there instead. However, China to date has still missed the most important aspect of that. That being the industrial production aspect in terms of land regeneration. The USA today is better placed having so much land that could be better used and also a huge population without opportunities that are hungry for new opportunities. Add to that the national trait of the USA to be very effective innovators. To being able to look at resources and find new and ingeneous ways to use them and when this is seen in alignment with the fact that there is a great calling for there to be the better use of buildings in highly populated areas that are left unused, when there is the call for a fairer society for all people, there is a need anyway to be a more cooperative society due to the Covid19 pandemic. There are potentially a great many factors that are in alignment to the USA being able to properly use it’s envornment in ways never seen before and for the advantage of all.
Is there enough latent factors and capacities in the USA to create a new Green Industrial Revolution?
No, the opportunity fo rthis has already been given by the West to the East through the misuse of my documents from 2004. Instead, though what the USA could do now is do what it did at the earliest time of the civil war, which gave the north the advantagge over the south and that is to once again look towards standardisation and production. This was enough leverage to influence the outcomes of both the US civil war and then WW2. So that is still a vast advantage that can potentially be obtained today in terms of the management of the enviornment. Whilst China, Japan and all Asian countries have excelled in the way they have used the raw products creaed in terms of production. They have all been shoddy in the way they manage the enviornment that creates the original resources in the first place. This is best excemplafied in the hopeless way that rainforests have been managed. Giving over the most important ecological balancing land to mono-culture could be likened to using the back of the original of the Mona Lisa for sketching. Most of the rainforest in Asia from thirty years ago no longer exists today. This is whilst so much land all over the continent is not used effectively for the use of ecological crops that could provide the production needs required. So in terms of the use of raw materials in production Asia has excelled. In term so of the use of using the most important land for the least important activities and the land woh the most ecological and therefore economic potential Asia has not done well at all. So this does provide the USA with an opportunity to create more raw materials from the four tree crops above much better than Asia. This standardised production model that arguably has done more for American business internests more than any other factor could once again be harnessed for the greatest potential again and doen so in a way that is actually in alignment with what the founding fathers had in common with their farming and that was the use of hemp and other highly productive ecological crops in land use.
So to conclude this section the greatest opportunity of the next phase in this Industrial revolution we are already partly within is the proper use of natural enviornments sinergistically both protected and for the better creation and use of raw, nattionally products products. This increases the self sufficiency close to home and therefore keeps enough of the economy within the country to make a substantial difference. The only way to save the enviornment and to do so on a fast enough scale is to look at economy and see whats missing. What’s missing is the effective production of new resources that simultaneously provide much better ecological balance. It is through this that countries can benefit and this can be a good way to bring countries back into alignment with the notion that the future can still in fact be good for all.
We have had decades of war we could do nothing about, refugee crisises, the reduction of social services and economic hardship. The answer to changing all of this is to start for the frst time to make the link that the quality of the enviornment on both a national and an international scale affects the wealth and the qulity of life at home. For some the indicator of wealth is the health of the stockmarket, yet in reality to true indicator of wealth is the health of the enviornment. Without a stable enviornment there is no such thing as a stable stockmarket. To reduce volitility of stocks requires reducing the volitility of where all the stocks originate from, the enviornment.
So an econmically viable massive planting strategy of natural resources for jobs is the best way to regrow economies for those who have been forgotten from the economy. To do that requires a collaborative approach that actually tells the vested interests that do not currently value the enviornment to stop taking nonsence. The only way to be able to have business interests is to have strong foundations for business to be built. To have that requires having ground to lay those foundations and that is in every case the enviornment.
It was the ways in which the enviornment was used by the early pioneers in the USA which shaped the lands of the Americas, yet it is the knowledge and the wisdom of the older peoples there, the indigenous people that do really understand the way the land is and all of their thinking methods are to be able to take from the land requires giving back too. To use the land in a balanced way. So that is exactly what my work here provides the answer for in the context of today. To provide that balance on a local, national and international scale requires the gloabl wholesale repair of the enviornment yet in order to reduce and prevent the counterproductive debates of how that is actually feasible to do that in a wway that works as much economically as it does ecologically.
The mon-culture use of the rainforests for palm oil or cattle production is a complete waste of resources and money. It’s simply bad business done by fools. It is the same as trying to build the roof of a house by taking away and using the foundations. The sooner that both business and science interests properly see that it is possible to have both good science and good business and that without that we are not even left with bad environment and bad business. We are simply left with dirt poor poverty. The Great Depression in the USA was caused by the fact the people did not kno how to use the land properly and regenerate land. The Great Economic Depression was caused by An Ecological collapse of the land. Just as that was true then we are globally experiencing something similar. In the days of the Great Depression in the USA or what could be termed The Great Depression Etheopia in the 80’s the causes were the same even if the consequences were much worse in Africa. Yet the answer in both cases is the new knowledge we have today. This knowledge in land use and in forest management can turn round Great Depressions before thy set in. Make the land rich and abundant again, bring back the balance ecologically and you stabalise the economic balance. To ignore the ecology ignores the economy.
Forest management is the cause of the problem in California.
It is forest management in Asia and Australia that is causing the fires in Australia. It is bad forest management across the entire Americas that is casuing the fires in California. It is the forest management worldwide that is causing the cahging of the climate as well as the release of gases that are not otherwise absorbed by the forests. It is the forest management issues of Southern Europe and North Africa that created famines and refugees in Africa. Forest management is one of the greatest problmes in the world. Why? We see only the effects of bad forest management ie the hurricanes and the tornados. We do not consider that the forests themsleves are the best ways to protect the forests themsleves and therefore homes and businesses.
If South America uses Agave, hemp, Cork and bamboo properly then all the economic gains made by deforesting the rainsforests can be obtained in other ways, It is the same worldwide. Why deforesst trees that take 300 years to grow whe you can use just as good trees that require 2 years to grown? Immediately replant and then reharvest again two years later. Is it good business to take trees of the highest ecological value and look to resources that to replant and regrow require many lifetimes or is it better to change production methods and resources and have a continuous flow whilst keepin the rainforest safe. The use of ecologically ignorant people being the only voices heard by the decsion makers of business decisions is so wrong that even with all the lobbying of a combination of business leaders and enviornmentalists actually drawing the same conclussions the truth is still not geting through the propaganda fast enough.
Destroyig the rainforest is bad for business, that is a fact. Other perspecives on this are created by people that do not understand either economics or rainforest. They understand only short term political interest at the greater cost to business. Countries in South America could be generating so much more income from using their non deforested land properly. So it is the second phase of the second Industrial revolution, the information revolution which is also so important today. This is the way in which we can pcreate proper ecological production, create volume in terms of the utilisation of new resources that preserve, generate, regenerate, absorb and balance at the smae time. The best tools of business are the tools which have many uses all at once. The use of old and new forests in ways that have never been achieved in developent t date is the new frontier. We require economic and ecological models that prove that the deforestation of the rainforest is not only ecologically wrong it is economically worng. The proper and correct use of my work can show and prove that very quickly and effectively.
Optimal forest management is optimal economic management. Adding to that are looking towards wetlands. Protecting the wetlands can also be done in many ways. Planting and rebalancing the enviornment in one place will have knock on effects to helping preserve wetlands too. Massive replanting and the better use of water are the key to regenerating land and maintaining regenerated land.
Looking to ways to keep peat bogs in terms of the largest peat bogs is a challenge and yet human development and planning permissions can improve this. This can be done by capturing and channeling rainwater.
In addition, one of my recent designed innovations, land ships can also play a part in putting out fires that are occuring in many enviornments including pampas and savana areas, wetlands and some forested areas.
Land ship theory. The place on earth where oxygen is most easily and efficiently displaced and moved os on the surface of water by boats. If you displace the oxygen on top of land you create an environment where there cannot be fire. By creating “land ships”. Ie what can be likened to flat bottom boats on rollers, you would displace oxygen and therefore put fires out. This I believe would be very much of a better way to do this using water or powder. The fires that have been in the north of England could be trialed for this. If it's successful then one of the largest greenhouse contributors in the world has a new, safer and more effective answer, ie the vast fires in Australia and South America. Writing articles that puts down one climate answer due to another climate problem is unimaginative and counterproductive reporting. It’s better to look to nature itself and see that nature creates eco-systems of many factors. Man can do the same and create eco-systems of ideas that all provide part of the answer and combine. I’ve been trying to get the media to broadcast on this since the 90’s.
We have to increase our ideas, be experimental, build upon the good efforts of all working for climate change. It is actually possibly true that just ten innovations can solve the entire climate issue. Whether that is true we don't actually know, however, what we do know is that having a sense of being adventurous in thinking and trying, testing, measuring results and improving upon ideas is the only way we will ever know.
The use of water and engineering goes back more than one thousand years before the start of The Industrial revolution. Mastering water is what created agriculture, mills than were then much later powered by steam. Being able to keep peat bogs moist could be basic engineering and simply requires channels, reservoirs and a decent “Integrated Strategy” produced that factors in surrounding buildings as well as tree and foliage cover. If the Dutch converted the sea into usable land. So the Uk could very easily maintain the moisture of peat bogs if only the media would make a program of how it can be feasibly achieved. We need media on how the needs of both business and envornment can be met. The media tends to only cover individual innovations and never looks at the big picture properly. How can we economically make it so much more viable to preserve the worlds rainforest, so it is simply seen as being very bad business deferesting them? How can we make the least usable 50% of the world land of more use? How can we solve the drying up of cities water systems which is increasingly occuring by using a range of ecological innovations? These are questions that have never even been asked by the best scientific media we have. If we do not even ask the right questions in the media, if the best answers are ignored then it is very clearly evident why we are experiencing ruaway climate change. To sove that we need answers and to know and aply the answers we have. Yet, the media do not do this enough. Therefore, leaders and decsion makers themsleves remain largly ignorant to what answers are potentially available as their own experts do not even know. Our climate is being destoryed by stupidilty, arrogance and what editors consider what is newsworthy and what is not. If how to prevent in the best ways the largest extinction on this planet since the extinction of the dinosaurs is not newsworthy then actually nothing is. Everything else is meerely trivia in comparrison.
Imagination is more important than knowledge and at the moment the media are not presenting anywhere near enough of either.
1.5 degrees higher temperature increase could cause the deaths of millions of people.
The temperature last Sunday in California was recorded at it's highest level of 49.44 degrees. If the core body temperature of a human being gets 1.5 degrees above that then cells cook and the person dies.
The highest temperature ever recorded is 57 degrees, nobody could live in that and air conditioners would break.
I see there are posts on hear that question conspiracy theories. The inefficiency of how climate change has not been mitigated, adapted and innovated out of is the biggest conspiracy of all time. It is true to say that the way no governments are really searching out the best answers in the world and instigating them could one day be seen as the greatest crime against humanity.
The answers exist today, yet are not heard. The mainstream media are not acknowledging how leaders have been distorting solutions. It's both the media and the lack of coherence and the uptake of the most important survival information that's been obtained from pre-empting the sharp rise in temperatures and generating answers that are then suppressed that is causing the continuation of a lack of viable and realistic answers.
Promote and use the best information, get this into the consciousness of decision-makers or otherwise, only ineffective decisions, that sort of sound about right will continue to be made.
Climate adaption requires adapting the media concept of what is "newsworthy" to include systemic answers and adapting the thinking of MP's so they begin to better nderstand climate change innovation, all of our lives depend upon that.
Coherent answers surpressed! The elite in politics could nto do more to perpetuate climate change.
EM1 & EM2, Aquaponics, Hemp, Bamboo. Cork, Agave, Desert water capturing systems, Groasis, Ecoplaza, global Immune System solution network, Ecotithe, Integrated Strategies, Swamp coolers, organic, fairtrade, aeroplanes that can airdrop trees for planting, irrigation systems that regenerate peat bogs, biochar, rainwater capturing systems, bubble homes that can construct an eco-village in a week, Earth ships and fire ships for putting out the fires. Crowd funding, collaborative economy. intermediate technologies, low tech land regeneration, clay in land regeneration, permiculture, forest gardening. These are a few adaptations and innovations all combine to produce a global solution infrastructure which is funded, communicated, and extrapolated on an ever-expanding scale. The use of the above is feasible for anyone yet this information, essential survival information for all on an ever-warming planet is not represented properly in any media.
The media are defining potential climate change answers as “non-newsworthy”. MP’s and people in politics are not discussing them either due to the fact they do not want to learn or are so out of touch they do not actually know what answers can really adapt and change from what we have to day to a more sustainable future. Therefore there can only be an intelligent discussion of the “problems” and not the potential answers as people simply do not know them and neither do the scientists obtaining the data above and neither do the political leaders either. In terms of potential climate change answers, they are all ignorant of all the above. So with even the tope experts not knowing what potential answers there are, they really do not know just how much they do not know. The narrative towards answers is controlled, stopped, prevented from being known as effectively as all forms of indigenous knowledge and forbidden archeology have been for decades.
The way they are doing this is constantly reporting on the problem, from month to month year to year, decade to decade and never looking at what can be feasibly done. I believe all of our ancestors which managed to tame and live well with nature, adapt to the conditions and environment in which they lived would see us today as impractical, ignorant and yet proud of the way in which we are fumbling and debating our way into an ever increasingly evident demise. Rather than risk changing our thinking, we would sooner jeopardize everything that so many generations of people worked their entire lives for.
The subject of climate change is looking only to those looking to those scientists that are measuring the problem and not those that have spent 30 years, 14 of which working in the desert finding and defining what the viable solutions are for all socio-economic demographics in the world to be able to immediately apply . Yes, 28 trillion tonnes of ice that’s just melted is shocking, yet that is only the tip of the iceburg in terms of what’s to come, unless we stop or slow this. Yes, one day New York, London, Los Angeles, Cape Town, Sydney properties will have access only via boat. What’s more before then, 1.5 degrees core body temperature higher that outside temperature and people die in the streets and homes is too. Reporting on the problem and not on the potential solutions is conspiring to fail in meeting the needs of climate. This conspiracy they are in together.
However, a constant flow of only negative information induces apathy, what can I do about 28 trillion tonnes of ice? The constant barrage of this information creates a type of PTS in people and society, what could be defined as a fight or flight response. Yet, how to “fight” the issue, this information remains unpublished in the media. Therefore, there is a type of stress and fear that cannot be reconciled and consistently coherently leverages helplessness rather than the sense that together the 9 billion of us can really leverage viable answers. If only we know what and how. If only the media would tell the truth, full truth and nothing but the truth, even for just one single day.
So the press covering the negative only are creating fear in people that could otherwise be a resource in actually resolving this. I’ve worked with volunteers at my desert research centre who had been professional tree planters in Canada. There are ways for one person to plant one thousand seedlings per day. Seedlings on a large enough scale cost very little. That utilised over continents where 2/3 of the land could be regenerated produces answers. We have all the technology we require to stop, prevent and dramatically slow climate change until we have the technology to reverse it altogether. However, we are the lions led by donkeys when it comes to the instigation of answers that are viable in this time. We are led by cynics that pretend to be optimists. If they were optimistic then they would see that humanity requires answers like never before as a perfect storm of conditions and circumstances collude together and make our “new normal” actually become everything other than any sort of normal we have ever known previously.
The answers to the long term survival of mankind are known by a few, yet are not “newsworthy”. The world is seemingly run by people that do not believe in the ability for you, I and we together to be able to “take back control” of the weather systems! Yesterday, it was trees can’t counteract the emissions caused by Peat Bogs, today it is 28 trillion tonnes of ice, when will it be what would happen if we planted 28 trillion acres of forests? When will it be the question that if all organisations and companies in the world did something, just something to contribute towards all the resources they have taken for 500 years without giving back what would happen. When will humanity use the imagination he has been given to get himself out of this ever deepening sink hole, caused by the increased release of methane without talking solutions?
Whatever can be perceived and believed can be achieved. The UK has 1 million acres that could start to be a part of a better global new global vision. That replicated in many countries combining ecological, social and economic answers together.
Helping all people to feel valued and a part of the answers, helping solve poverty and many other social issues and helping everyone together. We can replant the Earth. When we have run out of land we can plant on top of buildings, and plant up walls. When we have run out of buildings and land to replant, We can invent floating forest islands in rivers and on the sea. We have all the technology and imagination to do everything, yet we do nothing other than keep measuring the problem complaining about the lack of action and witness ever increasing disruption to everything, we once knew as normal.
We have forgotten the first ever innovation is how we harnessed water. We harnesses water in all its forms for food and even for ice cream, taking the ice from mountains more than one thousand years ago. Controlling water in all it’s states of solid, liquid, gas is what humans have done best. Why in recent years have we forgotten this? We see lots of ice melting and get so scared we do nothing about it. This ia when we could. We are not let losing many of the great cities of the world to the sea, that will come soon though unless we act globally.
We can look at the ice melting like fear filled Rabbits. Has our technology made us actually incompetent, cognitively regressive in terms of being able to even believe we can instigate coherent answers? If everyone that looked down at their smart phone spent 1% of that time sharing answers and coherent methods to best utilise that information coherently we would change the situation in the favour of all.
Every culture and society has created living systems to work with water firstly and our environment. All in different ways, yet today when we have the chance to use all of that knowledge together we use none of it optimally to help ourselves in our real hour of need. Have human just become ego centric losers?
Leaders smart enough to know the largest extinction since the dinosaurs is occurring today, right now. This actual minute and yet they are too lost themselves. Narcissism can be a narcotic. The collapsing of ecosystems almost keeping pace with the loss of human infrastructure. The inconsistencies of development on this planet eventually becoming an intervention on all aspects of common sense.
The years from 2004 onwards worldwide could be likened to the gradual decline of the Romans where they talked up how great they were, yet turned on each other, failed to seize the best opportunities of that moment. The jousting of words, politics and politricks getting in the way of intelligent action. How sad it would be if the full story becomes known, the missed opportunity to have a technologically advanced society whilst living within the parameters of the world was lost. Something that was not only possible, it was actually very easy. Yet, not with the limited thinking and limited abilities of leaders and their advisors, that were trained so much in taking and knew so little about the idea that giving and taking creates a form of perpetual motion long enough for the climate riddle to get easily solved with just one or two innovations. It was time we needed to pay for. The trying to have it all now within the next five years jeopardizing the next fie hundred.
The press today is either a vehicle to keep humanity safe and abundant or it is a vehicle to keep telling us how we are all losers in the great worldwide climate challenge in ever more elaborate ways as the imagination of natures wholesale destruction continuously finds new ways to present and express itself by competing with the world man has created on top of the natural world.
I believe in people and their ability to become the best they can when they are given the chance the opportunity and the method. I have seen how people fresh out of prison find a new purpose and meaning in life through helping themselves and each other together. It’s like with constructing a house. We learn to construct a house by doing that. We learn to reconstruct communities by doing that. We assess the result on the way adapt and continuously improve. The reason that a house gets built well is due to the fact that people within the construction team took it upon themselves to be in charge of what they do. They took responsibility for part of the work. It’s the same with communities when people have a place to be able to show their skills, ability their own god given talents they do that. When they do not have any opportunity for doing that they protest against being able to do that. The child that is given a chance to be the best they can be tries and often succeeds. The child never given that chance or anything like that complains in ever more imaginative way. Keep telling a child that the child is bad when in fact the child is good, turns a good child into a bad child. We do need positive reinforcement from those around us, or without that we seek to substitute that in other ways.
So the best way to actually improve neighbourhoods has always been and always will be to give the local people the chance to do that themselves. Therefore, people feel that they have a place and a position within their societies which they value. Therefore, they will protect that position and that community. They will make the best of their situation as they see that there is a way to do this. When they do not see a way to progress their lives then the focus goes more towards what does not work and what they consider disfunctional for them.
Why today is the smartest and stupidist time in human history!
There have been some really stupid times in the past. Let’s start with the Easter Islanders who deforested their whole island to build incredible statues, yet the deforestation of their island destroyed their climate and civilization which led to their extinction.
Whilst looking at this from the benefit of hindsight we can see very clearly the error they made, yet we do not know why other than to say that perhaps what they believed was the answer to their problem, ie building the statues was almost certainly the cause of their downfall.
The constant building of their statues to the gods, could be likened to us doing the same. We have been building at an ever increasing scale for years. We do this to “improve our lives” yet this is taking away stability in our lives. Since Covid though, everything has slowed to a near standstill. However, whilst many are eager to get back to how things were. Many more are asking is there a better way which we can embrace. Not looking towards any of the political systems and reasoning of the past, but actually progressing from where we are?
The 20th Century has been described as The American Century and there are few that can legitimately dispute that the USA was by far the most influential country in the world for the entirety of the last century. However, towards the end of the century their were essentially imperialist ambitions that were closely linked to the UK and slightly less linked to Europe. However, the result of the conquest for oil under the guise of invading countries based upon false data and incorrect justifications created a refugee crisis that was on the scale of the second world war, though actually resulted in this affecting as many if not more countries as the second world war. The focus on outside countries for wealth and resources for a few companies, caused chaos all over the world but has in many ways weakened the position of the West in the World and not actually improved anything. The reason for this is that the burden of having these wars was not only paid for by loss of life on all sides, it was paid for with an inability to stop the after affects of the war continuing. Today we frequently see young people without limbs. We see of war veterans unable to adjust back to Civvy Street. We hear of PTS affecting many people.
We see an economic and social burden of having these wars. Countries infrastructure less effective. We have seen that these wars reduced people’s rights, increased depression, anxiety and a sense of politics and politicians being out of touch with real people’s needs. This was until Covid19 came along and then the volume on all of this trauma within fragile societies was increased.
Today the effects of 500 years of unchecked development, without the replenishment of resources and with so few years of even the mindset of regenerating and protecting the planet. We are a very long way from bringing balance back to the Earth and communities if we think only as individuals. When we think of all of our interests in this combined and work to cooperate together in ways that are possible if governments help and facilitate this process and do not just look at issues such as collective action by people in limited last century ways of thinking yet truely embrace and want to see the dynamics of network dynamics imporve sustainability for all, then in combined efforts we can move mountains, perhaps back to where they once were and we create an ecological reset, that brings harmony to the local community and therefore to the country and even the wider world too.