Anshul Goyal
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Manifestation is your Subconscious taking a physical form.
We have an inherent yearning to Create as a species, since we believe We Are Our Manifestations, For we are Blessed to have the Capability to realise our Existence beyond the Physical Form.
My morning meditation routine always leads me to my vision. The mind is naive. It does not know if the things you feel have already taken a physical form or if your vision is so strong that you can almost taste it. Use the naivety of your mind to manifest your greatest visions into reality. Do not be fearful of dreaming the things that seem unachievable, unattainable, unfathomable.
Because remember : The subconscious is an infinite powerhouse. It is always at your service. At every moment of your life, it is waiting for you to access it through your conscious mind. It is a part of you. It wants to assure you that however difficult the task ahead may seem, however rigid the obstacles may stand, however lost you may feel :
You always have the capability to do beyond your capability. You always carry the ability to go beyond your own limiting expectations. You always carry the persistence to mount the unsurmountable. You always carry the courage to try despite your failures. You always, irrespective of what my come, will carry with yourself the greatest apparatus of Manifestation : Your Subconscious Mind.
The fear or pressure we feel when we are in the most important moments of our life, is only due to the unawareness and unfamiliarity of our subconscious to the transition we are trying to manifest.
Envision Yourself :
Living the same moment infinite times before you live it in its raw physical form.
Breathing the same air you will breathe when you will have fully made the most important transition of your life.
Feeling the same bliss you will feel when you will have achieved what you dream of.
Soon enough, whatever seemed unachievable will seem inevitable, whatever seemed unattainable will seem irresistible, whatever seemed unfathomable will assume certainty and seem imminent.
Hardwork, Dedication, Focus and Persistence : vary according to your belief in the manifestations you are trying to shape in your life right now. A person who believes some Future Event to be a positive certainty for his/her own life will always carry the Spiritual Drive to unlock the greatest degrees of these four tools in order to realise his/her own self-made prophecies.
Your subconscious wants to tell you that if there is one Person in this universe who can manifest your vision into reality, it’s You. If there is one person who can do this, it’s You. Your subconscious believes in You : it is, at all times, calling upon You, to believe in You.
Kudos. The Eternal Flames.