There has never been a better time than now, to look at your manifestations for 2023, a deeper look inward to really be true to yourself about your wants, hopes and desires. This can be the year to achieve all of what you truly want.
But how can you go about it? what do you need to do to bring forth the changes you truly want. The answer has never been closer to you then it is at this very moment. So lets take a little journey into manifesting.
- Focus, on what you want to bring in, ok this sounds simple enough, but lets look at this for a moment. Do you really want what your asking for? is it realistic? It is attainable? an example of this is don't ask for like a Million dollars, as the majority of us couldn't see that at the best of times. What could be something you could see, maybe reaching for that job that pays you enough money that you never have to worry about money. Now that's thinking outside the box.
- Now the fun part, get excited about what you have just written, now that you know what you want, and you have asked yourself, is it realistic? It is attainable? So you have set the goal, and get excited about it coming into your life, enjoy the feeling, how do you feel? Proud, Excited, fullfilled?
- Now the really great part, allow yourself to recieve what is it that you desire, its that easy, once you do there is a final step. This is where alot of people go wrong, as without the final step you cannot keep things flowing into your life. Now that it has come into your existance, what are you going to to help other people achieve greatness like you have? How can you help someone? what can you do? It could be as simple as offering advice.
- The final step is, being grateful for what has come into your life. Gratitude helps to continue the flow of energy that brings more into your life that you desire. That's it, its that simple. And by doing these easy steps can bring you on step closurer to your dreams, and desires being fullfilled.
- Finally have fun with it!
- Enjoy the Journey!!