"Manifest an extra ordinary life with meditation"
Chandrasekhar Pulamarasetti
Founder of Buddha-CEO Quantum Foundation, a successful entrepreneur, former Vice President at IBM Corporation, Meditation coach, and board member /advisor of Pyramid Valley International, Quantum Life University & other.
According to scientific research, we use only 1.5% of our DNA. The rest of it is actually just junk DNA. These genes can be activated in order to gain unlimited intelligence, a longer life, greater will power, greater memory power, regeneration of the tissues and organs for a healthy body.
By changing our thoughts, feelings and emotions, we can manifest a very healthy body, and extra-ordinary life ! Our emotions are the end products of experiences in our life. Oxytocin is a very important neuropeptide which released when we express positive emotions such as kindness, gratitude and compassion. This helps in upregulating several cells. Every cell has a receptor and receives information taking part in DNA expression and generating new proteins.These emotions turn the genes on or off. So elevated emotions are very powerful. Whenwe embrace elevated emotions and think thoughts greater than our self-limiting beliefs, about any future event as if it is happening in our life right now, they signal the future events in our life ahead of time.
Elevated emotions of love, gratitude, compassion, adventure and appreciation have higher frequencies and energies when compared to base emotions like guilt, fear, jealousy and anger that are low in frequency. The more elevated the emotions, the more we feel like ‘energy ‘ instead of ‘matter’. When we are stuck in self-limiting beliefs, we feel more like matter and manifestation from that state takes more time to happen.
Deep past experiences of sadness, fear and pain get imprinted in our cell biology. To change our body to new genetic expression, the amplitude of our current emotions needs to be greater than those of past emotions. By this, we change the outer environment of the cells in the body thus allowing for many diseases to get healed.
Every time, we go into that manifestation process, particularly soon after a meditation session, we go into the inner world of imagination with elevated emotion in the body. When we feel elevated emotions, we recondition the body to a new mind. By embracing the higher emotions instead of the same limited lower ones, we start signaling new genes and proteins to change the function of our body.
The brain does not differentiate if an event is merely occurring in mind or in outer physical world, and believes they are actual events and manifests them in our life. This starts adding more meaning to what we are doing in our life which creates an even greater outcome. As we create more and more physical events in our life with our own thoughts and emotions, we recognize the power of this principle of spiritual quotient, and slowly “become” of it. We stop blaming others for our circumstances and start taking full responsibility and accept. One must read ‘Becoming Super Natural’ by Dr. Joe Dispenza to understand this concept much more clearly !
Best Wishes
Chandra Pulamarasetti
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