Mandela Day to Help Empower Others
Nelson Mandella Day

Mandela Day to Help Empower Others

Nelson Mandela was the former South African president that worked hard for the culture of freedom and peace in the region. To honour his efforts and his fight for justice for 67 years, every year, on 18th July-his birthday- International Nelson Mandela Day is observed. It’s the day to call people around the world for taking responsibility for making the world a better place by taking one step at a time, following Nelson Mandela’s footsteps. 

The South Africans, every year, are called to contribute 67 minutes of community service on this day. The idea is that if their leader contributed 67 years for social justice and equality, they can contribute 67 minutes to do their part in making their environment better on his birthday.

On his 90th birthday, the great leader said, “It’s in your hands to make the world a better place.” His appeal to his citizens is what started this community service project. Peace, justice, equality and human rights for every human is his legacy. In turbulent times, Mandela showed his people the strength in resisting operation, of equality over inequality, of honour over humiliation, of tolerance over hatred.

We have people of different religions, ethnicities, genders and ideologies living on the same planet. So, it’s understandable to not agree with all the beliefs of others, but that doesn’t make you right or the other person wrong. You are right in your own regard, and he in his. As long as the other person’s beliefs or actions aren’t threatening you, you need to show tolerance. If we feel the need to chop down every voice that raises against ours, the human population would become extinct. Mandala believed that “For to be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.” 

Here are some ways you can use the Mandela day to help others: 

  1. Give Food to the Needy: Not every person on this planet goes to sleep with a full, happy belly. Many families eat just once during the entire day, to just survive. Use this day, to bring a smile on the faces of the destitute and needy. Feed them a good meal and tend to their needs.
  2. Donate Blood: Did you know that one blood donation can potentially save up to 3 lives? Do your part towards humanity and donate blood. A healthy adult at least 17 years of age and weighing at least 110 pounds can donate blood.
  3. Give Masks and Protective Gear: Coronavirus has taken over the world like a storm. Masks, hand sanitizers and protective gloves have been advised to use by the World Health Organization. Unfortunately, not everyone has access to them. People who do have the money to feed and clothe themselves, definitely do not have the resources to buy these. If you can, then help these people out and distribute these essential items to them. 
  4. Teach Online: Knowledge is power. If you have knowledge on a subject, on the Mandella day, pass it on to others. Thanks to technology, it is easier than ever to share your message with a large number of people so, on this day of kindness, decide to teach people online.

Nelson Mandela had a global impact and although he died on 5th December 2013, his legacy lives on.  It’s admirable how not only his teachings but the institutes in his name are benefiting countless young people in shaping up their future and personalities. It was Mandella’s belief that the real heroes are the people who can make peace and build, not destroy. And so, the international Nelson Mandela day is about giving back to the less fortunate.



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