Trulight Ministries


I was prompted by memories (on my phone) of this day in 2018 when Manchester’s “Street Angel” and legendary "Urban Poet" Ged Austin launched his incredible Homeless Art Exhibition.

I humbly supported him with promotion.

Ged has, for years, contributed so much by way of; food, provisions and fundraising to those sleeping rough on our streets, especially in #Manchester City Centre.

This was a legacy initiative that ran throughout November 2018 at Nexus Art Cafe .

Artists like Ged made a home of Nexus Art Cafe for creative community events, especially those centred around #fundraising; the perfect backdrop, extending an inclusive, welcoming vibe.

Many, including myself, miss this special place with its character and eclectic creatives, it’s endearing charm which placed emphasis on “people over profit”

When its' doors closed on 12th July 2020, many of us felt a piece of Manchester’s bohemian heart had been yanked away from us by the pandemic.

But, in 2018, Ged made the impossible, possible scattering artistic magic with his creatively talented counterparts, to remind us what #kindness and #altruism truly looks like and what that actually means to those who have absolutely nothing in life.

I refer to the official exhibition launch, a festival which took place 7 days after the art expo opened; an expo combining the “creative output” of both celebrated & local artists with #roughsleepers alike, opening free to the general public on 1st November 2018.

Here, we had a display of "visual imagery" which crushed the boundaries of capitalist judgement and hierarchy; the latter repeatedly and mercilessly batters society’s “have nots” into the ground.

This was more than simply a creative fundraising effort, it was to place “equality” front and centre in a literal “Mancunian legacy”

It shouted from the rafters; “Art breaks boundaries and Unites Us All!!” it was to be the perfect symbolism of “humanity”

Here the cost of an artist’s work was equal to that of a person living rough on our streets.

It said; "We don’t care where you’re from, YOU are important, through your #creativity your stories WILL be heard, RIGHT HERE!!"

It humanised and shone the spotlight on those largely cast aside and too often forgotten - (those bodies that lie under sleeping bags & old clothes, clutching plastic bags that carry all they own as we rush by to an urgent appointment busy with our lives).

What could be more URGENT than the life of another?

When you view things this starkly, I'm out of answers; that we should be so conditioned and 'busy' in our daily lives that our 'urgent appointments' take presidency over the slow, painful decline of a fellow human being ravaged by external elements, sleeping vulnerably by our rushing feet.

Ged's priorities in almost every way, in this respect, are 'humbly' in line with the true sense of the word 'humanity'

Whilst I do a lot for those who are homeless and I regularly attend homeless outreach I don't dedicate myself so wholly like Ged; for him its a way of life.

I’m always joyous when the memory of Manchester's 2018 Homeless Art Festival repeats itself to me, because it makes me smile warmly, it makes me feel honoured, that I had this opportunity to do my 'bit' to support Ged in something so critical, so important, ultimately so lifesaving.

A person I really hold in high esteem for all that he does and it was truly a success.

At the beating core of this festival, the epicentre, was the passion and heart of an extraordinary man, who humbly and consistently dismisses his importance in all of this, often in the bigger picture of life itself.

And to read his words below, is to be reminded of his poetically-laced Mancunian style, which unveils his naked heart; he's one of the great parts of my city of Manchester.

We should all be a little bit 'Ged' ??


“A collection of “heart work” that touches the soul,

This is Manchester joining the parts up to become whole,

I am not gonna spoil it by telling you more,

Go in for yourself and discover, explore.”

“…..I feel it’s one of the best exhibitions in this generous wonderful town,

It’s all for a great cause so please visit it and come on down.

You got rough sleepers artwork in there as well,

Listen to the stories in their own poetry to tell”

“….. a little bit of kindness goes a long way,

So please roll up at Nexus Art Cafe and enjoy the artwork on display!!”

Kind contributors during the festival /expo, at this time, also included (among others):

Barnabus Manchester / Roar Pursuits CIC / The Manchester College (photography students) Lifeshare / Stockport Homes Group Victoria House .

ARTISTS: #EmmaEvans / #JoanneCoulthard

#homelessness #streetangel #art #breakingboundaries #manchesterlife #love #humanityfirst #fundraisingevent #culturechange #breakingbarriers #legacy #mancunian


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