Mana'o Mondays: Ahonui - Timing is EVERYTHING!
Submitted By Melissa Lamerson

Mana'o Mondays: Ahonui - Timing is EVERYTHING!

A.L.O.H.A. Team Pearl!

This week's theme is?Ahonui?which means?"patience, long suffering and tolerance."?When we take a look at the literal translation of the word, it gives us insight into how to practice patience, even in uncomfortable circumstances.

Aho?=?"breath or to breathe"

Nui?=?"Big, large, long or great"

??The deeper meaning of?Ahonui?is to "wait for the moment", We apply this A.L.O.H.A?value with perseverance.?Ahonui?with perseverance means we are waiting for the right time to speak, act or think. With?Ahonui,?we are aware of our feelings and reactions. We pay attention in a particular way to watch the thoughts and emotions that spur you and others to action.

??I love January in Hawai'i—it's probably the only month of the year that I wear fuzzy socks and warm sweaters! Along with the drop in temperature, we are blessed with rain- which means plants will grow in abundance without us having to water them. This is a huge win for me because I happen have a black thumb and can't keep plants alive. After the rain, I always find A LOT of weeds in my yard. Those buggers are resilient! Did you know that weeds are always there, beneath the soil waiting patiently for the right elements to come along – a burst of sunlight or quenching rain – in order to sprout and grow in the days and weeks to follow? They wait for just the right moment to come along to grow and thrive. That is?Ahonui—waiting for the right moment to take action with perseverance.

??Like plants, people and organizations thrive when?Ahonui?is present because it creates the time and space for everyone to grow, learn, and fail in a loving and safe environment. It is when?Ahonui?is absent that we are guided and motivated by the desire to react in ways that do not align with our desired goal. When we take the time to take a "Big Breath" and quiet our thoughts and feelings long enough to ensure our words and actions are in alignment with our goals, we are practicing the A.L.O.H.A. response. In these moments, as we take a breath, we are reminded that connection is much more important than correction. There is a time and place for everything- Ahonui helps us figure out when that time and place is. .

??There are so many opportunities every day for us to practice the A.L.O.H.A. response. The goal of reviewing the A.L.O.H.A. values is to create community of practice that brings these values and behaviors into the work we do to support the U.S. Navy and our People. After all, Aloha is the?"secret sauce" that makes everything work at PHNSY & IMF.

Practicing A.L.O.H.A.:

Take the time to take a "Big Breath" in your next conversation with a co-worker.

  • Were there moments that spurred an emotional reaction (happiness, excitement, anger, irritation, etc.)?
  • Were you able to take a "big breath" and wait for the right moment to react in a way that promoted connection with that person?
  • If you were, how did taking the time to choose a response and move into action affect the result of the conversation?
  • If you were unable to pause and reflect, how might this practice help you and your team in the future? Would the result of the conversation be different?

"Nana ka maka; Ho'olohe ka pepeiao; Pa'a ka waha."

(Observe with the eyes; Listen with the ears; Quiet the mouth. Thus one Learns)


Melissa Lamerson


The Values of A.L.O.H.A. are traits of character that express the charm, warmth and sincerity of Hawaii's people. It was the working philosophy of native Hawaiians and was presented as a gift to the people of Hawaii. "Aloha" is more than a word of greeting or farewell or a salutation. "Aloha" means mutual regard and affection and extends warmth in caring with no obligation in return. "Aloha" is the essence of relationships in which each person is important to every other person for collective existence. "Aloha" means to hear what is not said, to see what cannot be seen and to know the unknowable. (Pono Shim)


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