Managing Your Overwhelm
Monica Ricci
Success Mindset & Personal Development Coach | Speaker | Leadership Panel Creator | Facilitator | Helping individuals be resilient to stress and work more effectively. When employees flourish, companies thrive!
It's Mindset Monday! Today we're talking overwhelm. Modern life offers myriad ways and reasons to sometimes feel overwhelmed. Life throws you curveballs out of nowhere, people disappoint you, the news can be scary, and to make it worse, screws fall out all the time. The world's an imperfect place. (Bonus points if you know that quote!)
When overwhelm happens, what can you do? Well the good news is, you always have options. You can cry about it. (BTW, that really does help you feel better and shift perspective!)
You can talk to someone which often helps you get clarity and make your swirly thoughts stop swirling. You can ask yourself "What action can I take next that will alleviate one of the things creating this feeling?" and then take that action. Which of these options is the best one?
Surprise! It's al of them. Have yourself a good cry or scream to release the physical tension of overwhelm, then talk to someone you trust to help you get clarity, then discern what if any action you can take right away, and then take that action. Action is always the antidote. Have a powerful week!
PS: If you'd like me to be your coach this year to help you grow and stay accountable to being your best self, let's talk about it.! Email me at [email protected] for more info using one of the subject lines below:
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