Managing Your Mindset
Barbara Taylor
Health Coach | Business Mentor | Online Wellness Coach | Retired Foreign Military Sales | Holistic Health Advocate
Yesterday, in the USA, we celebrated Thanksgiving. For many, it's a time of gathering with friends and family, some whom we may see often or that we only see on special occasions or holidays. These gatherings can be joyous and fun or sometimes they can create anxiety or unease knowing that conversations can lead to politics, religion, or other controversial issues. If you're able to manage your mindset better, you can gracefully glide through any situation you may encounter.
We have thousands of conversations in our own mind every day. How often have you allowed your mind to go down a negative path knowing that someone who is going to be at a social gathering all too often raises something controversial? We run through the whole conversation of how we think it will go down! What if we pivot our thinking to create a more enjoyable conversation with that same person avoiding anything negative issue that could occur?
I like to start my day with meditation, which helps me clear my thoughts and start my day with a calm, more focused mind. It allows me to align my connection with my Inner Being or subconscious mind.
I also find that including gratitude in the beginning of my day makes my day feel easier and tends to lead towards more positive outcomes. Making a list of ten things that you're grateful for is an effective way to start! Those ten things can include things from your past, present or yes, even your future! If you're usually in a hurry first thing in the morning, try for five. You'll find that once you start, it becomes easier especially if you're consistent. Give yourself five extra minutes in the morning and see how many you can write down. Once that becomes easy, increase it to ten. If you haven't really done it before, remember to start with the things we don't normally have to think about, such as opening our eyes and having your vision, the blue sky, and the rain. When you start looking at everything, you will have plenty!
I've previously touched on the Law of Attraction. What you think about, you attract. When you have negative thoughts, you will attract negative experiences. Alternatively, if your thoughts are positive, you will attract positive experiences into your life. As Esther & Jerry Hicks stated, "...the Law of Attraction, is not something that you need to practice or even something that you can practice, for it is a Law that exists in every particle of the Universe-and it just is." (Chap 9, 41)
You can only control your emotions through your vibrations. If you believe that you can control the behavior of someone else, you will never be happy because it can't be done. It is important to understand that you must be in alignment with your Inner Being so that you can ignore what others are doing and focus on what makes you feel good. This obviously isn't as easy as it sounds!
As we are heading into December with more holidays and the New Year quickly approaching, many of us will be attending more social gatherings with friends, family, and business associates. I'm happy to provide more insight on Managing Your Mindset and on mindset related topics during December if you find them helpful. Please share your interests with me in the comments, share the newsletter and continue to follow me for future articles.
Hicks, Esther and Jerry, The Astonishing Power of Emotions, Hay House, Inc., 2007