Managing Your Art Practice
I've just been speaking to Natascha on the computer about our new imagine Ebook for your Arts practices. After doing this for 35 years and working with the best people in the world about selling Art, managing your Arts practice and many many other issues in the world of Art, we are providing to our premium members a massive quantity of information for you all to have access to help build your Arts careers.
I have posted these pictures to demonstrate one way in which I have utilised my ability to work with various people and companies. Many years back I had a company in New York approach me about working with them to recreate old masters. Once again this was part of my Art journey and something I needed to do for my business. Art sales are never just on the climb unless you are one of the 1% of the market that has been able to establish a good consistent following for your work.
I well realised that even though the money was good working with this company, my own Art practice would have eventually suffered if I would have stayed long term. It was a long time ago but it was one of those things while I was living in the States that helped me pay my bills and allowed me to expand my knowledge and also meet new people with new insights to their businesses and their Art. New York is like that, just a thriving Art community with some of the most amazing creators in the world.
My work is on the right and the Old Master, Maxfield Parrish is on the left. The colours were a little closer to his, but the photo I had was a bit brighter than it should have been