Managing your 2023 Breeding Season
With the 2023 breeding season on the horizon, now is a good time to start planning.
To help support this, ICBF and Teagasc have developed a set of breeding guidelines to improve the sustainability and resource efficiency of your dairy herd in the future.
These guidelines have been endorsed by the DAFM-led Calf Stakeholder Forum, consisting of key industry stakeholders, including DAFM, farmers, ICBF, Teagasc, the National AI companies, the milk and meat processing industries, Bord Bia and Animal Health Ireland. The guidelines include a simple 7-point plan, which if followed, will ensure the continued sustainable improvement of your dairy herd into the future.
In addition, this group has agreed the following overarching principles for our future dairy herd, and these principles are supported by the breeding guidelines.
The goals are to breed a dairy cow that:
We encourage you to reflect on these goals in the context of your own dairy herd. You can do this by looking at your ICBF Herd EBI Scorecard which is the first point on the 7-point plan. This report identifies the strengths and weaknesses in your herd from a genetic perspective and will help you in setting your breeding objectives.
Please note, following recent industry announcements that slaughtering of young calves will be no longer acceptable from 2024, your breeding decisions this season will be crucial to ensure you produce a saleable calf next year.
Finally, we would remind you that the best way to achieve these goals is to maximise the use of AI in your herd this breeding season. You can do this by using a team of high EBI dairy AI bulls on females with an EBI of at least €150 to generate dairy replacements, as well as using high Dairy Beef Index beef AI bulls on lower EBI females to generate saleable cattle for finishing.?(EBI less than €150)?Check out the Dairy and Dairy/Beef Active Bull Lists for more information.?These guidelines will help secure the future profitability, sustainability and carbon efficiency of your farm and the broader industry into the future.
Breeding Guidelines for Spring 2023
*?These breeding guidelines have been endorsed by a DAFM-led dairy calf welfare working group, consisting of key industry stakeholders. Members of the working group include the following: DAFM, ICBF, Teagasc , National AI companies (Bova AI, Dovea Genetics , Eurogene , Munster Bovine , National Cattle Breeding Centre , Progressive Genetics Co-op Society ), Irish Farmers Association , Irish Creamery Milk Suppliers Association - ICMSA , ICOS, Dairy Industry Ireland , Meat Industry Ireland , Bord Bia - The Irish Food Board and Animal Health Ireland .