Time is a limited resource. In 24 hours, we cannot sustainably work through our personal and professional responsibilities and challenges. And this is a hard fact that we need to realize and accept. Once I recognized it, it enabled me to make smart choices. I was able to prioritize and allocate appropriate time and energy for each task. This, of course, did not mean that I restricted and stressed myself out with too rigid a schedule. Instead, I made sure that there was always some flexibility to accommodate professional diversions. The attitude I maintained was of a striver and a learner. The idea that I am trying to get across is that you should make smart choices and not be fearful of making mistakes.
For instance, let us take one of the fundamentals of being an intelligent manager. It says that you need to trust your capabilities while channelizing your team to perform constructively and overcome challenges. Our job as managers is to make sure that our teams develop and strengthen their problem-solving approach through this process. As managers, it is our responsibility to set targets that are challenging but attainable. This means that we may need to break down those targets into smaller tasks, evaluate results frequently, and have contingencies in place. This way, goals become more realistic, and unwanted surprises are rendered out of the equation.
Another factor that I have experienced is that people can only enjoy their work if they have an entrepreneurial mindset towards their profession. Your passion, determination, and love will get you closer to your achievements bit by bit, day by day. However, But if you do not have the right mindset, any job will stress you out. If you do not take ownership of your results, you will not put your heart into making an effort. Hence you will not strive enough to succeed, nor will you inspire your team to emerge as a winning combination.
In terms of leading a business unit or company, your most important traits as a leader are recognizing your team’s strengths, realizing your weaknesses, and developing a strategy accordingly. Here, a can-do attitude that encompasses vision, responsibility, and perseverance, paired with careful planning, initiative, good work ethics, and compassion, will help you move ahead. Effective time-management is the key to performing well and achieving most of this simultaneously.
Business managers need to adopt a consistent pursuit for self-improvement. In my experience, this majorly ensures swift progression of their careers. Besides this, good strategists also keep a keen eye on the opportunities and threats emerging in their professional environment. This helps allocate the right amount of time and investments for each active engagement. It further allows professionals like you to take full advantage of your competitive-edge, while promptly bridging the gaps. Innovations and technological disruptions occurring in your relevant industries must also be considered before making any expansion plans or investment decisions.
Again, you must realize that undertaking any venture without acquiring the right kind of knowledge will keep you unsure of what you are doing. Consequently, the work will stress you out, and you won’t be able to optimize results. Uncertainty or doubt can damage your business. Hence, as intelligent managers, it is your responsibility to strengthen your ability and insight, foresee the trends and evolution of relevant sectors, and train and groom your teams with the right skill-set proactively. This is how you can execute plans systematically.
It is essential that as managers, you take up those operations where you can perform your utmost. The other tasks must be delegated to those subordinates or colleagues who can produce better results in those areas. As managers, you may also consider outsourcing assignments and focusing entirely on high net-worth projects or those that are crucial. Great managers make the best use of the expertise of the people around them. That is the key to achieve a high level of efficiency, minimize work-pressure and optimize performance, yours as well as those you are leading. Working in cohesion by creating synergies and supporting each other is the only way to keep people motivated for excellence and build successful enterprises that add value to society.