Managing Stress and Staying Positive
In simplistic terms, I would define Stress as feelings of being overwhelmed, feelings of hopelessness, feelings that I am acted upon, feelings that I have lost control. When we are overcome by such feelings, we seek to blame someone or something, this may give some comfort to us, but it changes nothing. It gets worse if we blame ourselves, or, if we allow another to convince us, that we are?solely?to blame for our situation or our circumstances. This can often lead to wallowing in self-pity, which in turn, adds to the stress. At this point, it is worth me pointing out, that these are just my interpretations and thoughts, and not necessarily fact. But to continue, to try to combat these feelings, we are actively encouraged to keep our bodies physically fit. The idea being, that if we feel physically well, we are better able to focus on managing the negativity that may be rampaging in our mind.
It is negativity that burdens us, and negativity that encourages us to give up or to give in. Negativity breeds feelings of low self-esteem, negativity exaggerates the reasons for fault finding and blame. So, just as we might exercise our bodies to keep physically fit, so should we exercise our minds in keeping mentally fit. I am a firm believer in the adage, 'As a man thinketh, so is he'. Link this thought to the basic need of everyone to feel fulfilled, and we begin to see how important it is, that we think positive thoughts. What fulfils us, and how we get fulfilled, will be different for all, accepting that we may have some things in common with others. I learned a long time ago, that if I could get through each day, with a feeling that I had accomplished at least one thing I wanted to do, I had feelings of fulfilment. Notice that I have said,?one thing I wanted to do, this may be something I had to do, or something I needed to do, but the important point is, it was something?I wanted to do. In other words, it was?my choice, my decision, I was in control. I challenge everyone who reads this article, to exercise their minds in positive thinking, by identifying at least one thing each day, one thing that you want to accomplish, or progress in. Set aside a period for it, it does not have to be a long time, many of my tasks I complete within 30 minutes. The important point is this,?you will decide, and you will accomplish what you want to do, irrespective of circumstances, you will do it and feel fulfilled.?Ending each day knowing that you have accomplished something you wanted to do, will help keep all things in perspective, it will help you balance the good with the bad and will help you as you strive to ensure that you feel good about yourself. Achieving something you want to do, negates the saying, ‘I have had a bad day’, and allows you to say, ‘I have had a good day.’ Just one idea to manage stress and to stay positive.