Managing Second Opinions in Orthodontics Cases

Managing Second Opinions in Orthodontics Cases

In some cases, patients may seek a second opinion for their orthodontics treatment plans, and knowing how to tackle these cases is highly important to help inform your approach to second opinions in orthodontics cases. As such, we’ve outlined some key things you should know about second opinions as follows to help.

The Two Types of Second Opinions in Orthodontics

Getting involved with second opinions can be risky. Generally speaking, you may not want to give second opinions on other providers’ treatment plans and pricing, as everyone has their own approach to treatment planning, training, pricing, and the like.

You should always stick with the treatment plan and price point you are most comfortable with, and informing the patient of this is usually safe. However, you should avoid giving feedback on another doctor’s treatment plan or pricing directly, as this can lead to contentions and issues arising with the other provider. Ideally, don’t even look at the other provider’s notes to avoid potential liabilities.

Second Opinions on Consults

When patients come to you looking for a second opinion on a consult, they usually want either a better price or a different treatment plan. These consults are much like regular orthodontics consultations and you should treat them as such; however, don’t give feedback (especially not negative feedback) on someone else’s opinion to avoid getting into hot water.

Second Opinions on Orthodontic Work

If a patient comes into your office having already received orthodontic work, or if one of your patients who’s had ortho from your clinic seeks a second opinion, this can potentially be risky. Be very careful how you address these second opinion cases to avoid criticizing the other orthodontist.

In any case, you should never give a second opinion based on the patient’s statements alone; always make sure you have full records of the progress notes, treatment plans, and so on first, such as the ceph and panoramic X-rays. Moreover, if your patient visits another orthodontist for a second opinion, make sure you offer to support with any concerns they may have, in case this has cause them to approach someone new.


Amanda Wilson DDS MDS的更多文章

