Managing the Risk to Lone Workers
CXCS Commercial
Award-winning provider of Health and Safety Services & HR Services to keep you legally compliant, safe and efficient.
Under the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations, you must manage the risk to lone workers. Lone workers face the same hazards at work as anyone else, but there is a greater risk of these hazards causing harm as they may not have anyone to help or support them if things go wrong. As an employer, you should provide training, supervision, monitoring and support for lone workers. You must:
When a lone worker will be at someone else’s workplace you must ask that employer about any risks and control measures to make sure they are protected.
Risks to consider
Risks that particularly affect lone workers include:
High-risk work
Certain high-risk work requires at least one other person. This includes work:
Working from home
You have the same health and safety responsibilities for homeworkers and the same liability for accident or injury as for any other workers. This means you must provide supervision, education and training, as well as implementing enough control measures to protect the homeworker.
It’s harder for lone workers to get help, so they may need extra training. They should understand any risks in their work and how to control them. Training is particularly important:
You should set limits on what can be done while working alone. Make sure workers are:
Base your levels of supervision on your risk assessment – the higher the risk, the more supervision they will need. This will also depend on their ability to identify and handle health and safety issues. The amount of supervision depends on:
It’s a good idea for a new worker to be supervised at first if they’re:
Monitoring and keeping in touch
You must monitor your lone workers and keep in touch with them. Make sure they understand any monitoring system and procedures you use. These may include:
Regularly test these systems and all emergency procedures to ensure lone workers can be contacted if a problem or emergency is identified.
When workers’ first language is not English
Lone workers from outside the UK may come across unfamiliar risks, in a workplace culture very different from that in their own country. You must ensure they have received and understood the information, instruction and training they need to work safely.
For help and advice, please contact our Health and Safety team on 01981 590514.