Managing Remote Team
Work From Home (WFH) became a regular thing these days. Managers can get confused about their role during WFH. WFH will not work well if the team manager fails to manage or control team members and their activities. Here is some good practices that a manager can follow when WFH:
1. Set a daily check-in time: Start your workday from home with a remote team meeting. If needed define individual tasks and responsibilities for the day. This will give a clear idea to your teammates about their job and role for the day.
2. Be organized: Be very specific to your expectation and procedure and clearly state it to your teammates. In this regard, prepared yourself before the remote meeting, set the work scope, time-frame, and output expectation.
3. Communicate frequently and Clearly: Call your members to know their improvement. It will also increase their engagement with you. But keep in mind that you have to trust your teammates as well. Over-communication can make them feel that you are ruling and you don’t have faith in them.
4. Focus on outcome: During Remote work, Managers need not follow up on every single activity but it's better to focus on outputs.
5. Listen to your team's voice: Remote communication is difficult rather than physical. Try to get teammates' feedback and their feeling frequently.
6. Create Team bonding: That’s another very important point for a remote team. To increase bonding, you can celebrate special moments, can share the future vision of the organization, or you can work with the learning and development of your teammates.
7. Use Team Management tools: Finally, keep monitoring team management tools to know everyone’s involvement and activities. Give your feedback to your members only when needed.