Managing Relationships Between Bounded Contexts in Domain-Driven Design (DDD)


Domain-Driven Design (DDD) offers a powerful approach to tackling the complexities of software development by focusing on the domain itself. One of the key concepts in DDD is the notion of Bounded Contexts, which help break down a large domain into smaller, more manageable parts. However, for a system composed of multiple Bounded Contexts to function harmoniously, establishing effective relationships between them is crucial. In this article, we will explore various patterns for managing relationships between Bounded Contexts in DDD, along with multiple practical examples.


1. Shared Kernel:

The Shared Kernel pattern enables two or more Bounded Contexts to share a common subset of the domain model. By doing so, it ensures consistency and avoids duplication of critical concepts. Here are a few examples:

  • ? In an e-commerce system, the "Inventory Management" and "Order Fulfillment" contexts share a common "Product" entity: This means that both contexts access and manipulate the same Product entity to ensure consistency across the system. For example, when a product is updated in the Inventory Management context, the changes are reflected in the Order Fulfillment context as well.
  • In a healthcare application, the "Patient Management" and "Appointment Scheduling" contexts may share a common "Patient" entity: This allows both contexts to have a unified view of patient information. When a patient's details are updated in the Patient Management context, the Appointment Scheduling context can access the updated information without duplicating data.


2. Customer/Supplier:

The Customer/Supplier pattern defines a relationship where one Bounded Context (the customer) depends on the services or information provided by another context (the supplier). Consider the following examples:

  • An "Order Management" context relies on a "Payment Gateway" context: The Order Management context depends on the Payment Gateway context for processing payments and handling transactions. The Payment Gateway context provides services such as payment authorization, transaction logging, and integration with external payment providers.
  • A "Product Catalog" context depends on a "Pricing" context: The Product Catalog context relies on the Pricing context to retrieve pricing information and apply discounts. The Pricing context might provide APIs or services to calculate prices based on various factors such as promotions, customer segments, or regional pricing.


3. Partnership:

In certain cases, Bounded Contexts need to collaborate closely and share a significant portion of their domain models. The Partnership pattern establishes a formal agreement between these contexts, defining rules, responsibilities, and communication channels. Here are a couple of examples:

  • In a banking system, a "Customer Relationship Management (CRM)" context and a "Loan Management" context form a partnership: This partnership ensures that customer data remains consistent between both contexts. For example, when a customer's information is updated in the CRM context, the Loan Management context is notified and can access the updated data to make informed loan decisions.
  • ?In an airline reservation system, a "Flight Booking" context and a "Seat Inventory" context establish a partnership: This partnership ensures that seat availability and booking information are synchronized. When a seat is reserved in the Flight Booking context, the Seat Inventory context updates the available seat count accordingly to prevent overbooking.

4. Anti-Corruption Layer:

The Anti-Corruption Layer pattern is employed when integrating with external or legacy systems with different models or terminologies. Consider the following examples:

  • Integrating with a legacy order processing system: An anti-corruption layer is introduced to translate and adapt the concepts between the legacy system and the Bounded Contexts. For example, if the legacy system uses different terminology for orders and customers, the anti-corruption layer maps the legacy concepts to the corresponding domain concepts in the Bounded Contexts.
  • Integrating with a third-party shipping service: An anti-corruption layer is employed to map the shipping-related concepts and interactions to the Bounded Context's domain language. This allows the Bounded Context to interact with the external shipping service seamlessly while maintaining its own domain model.


5. Open Host Service:

The Open Host Service pattern allows a Bounded Context to expose certain capabilities or services for consumption by other contexts. Here are a few examples:

  • A "Notification" context provides an open host service: Other contexts within the system can utilize this service to send notifications to users. The Notification context may expose APIs or event-driven mechanisms to allow other contexts to trigger notifications through various channels such as email, SMS, or push notifications.
  • ? An "Authentication" context exposes an open host service: This context handles user authentication and authorization and provides services for other contexts to verify user credentials and permissions. Other contexts can rely on this service to ensure secure access control within the system.

?6. Conformist:

The Conformist pattern focuses on sharing a common model or component between Bounded Contexts but does not explicitly define a customer/supplier relationship. It emphasizes the idea of conforming to a shared representation of concepts, enabling consistency and reducing duplication across contexts.Here are multiple examples of the Conformist pattern:

  • Multiple Bounded Contexts conform to a shared authentication and authorization mechanism. Rather than implementing separate authentication systems, the contexts utilize a shared identity provider or authentication service. This ensures consistent and secure access control across the system, reducing redundancy and complexity.
  • Bounded Contexts conform to a shared set of data validation rules. For instance, in an HR management system, various contexts dealing with employee data may adhere to the same validation rules for fields such as name, email, or date of birth. This ensures consistent data quality and validation criteria across the system.

These examples demonstrate how the Conformist pattern promotes consistency and reduces duplication by sharing common models, components, or rules between Bounded Contexts in a Domain-Driven Design approach.


Effectively managing relationships between Bounded Contexts is essential for building complex software systems using Domain-Driven Design. By employing patterns such as Shared Kernel, Customer/Supplier, Partnership, Anti-Corruption Layer, and Open Host Service, developers can establish clear boundaries, facilitate communication, and ensure consistency across multiple contexts. These patterns, exemplified by real-world scenarios, demonstrate how to architect and align Bounded Contexts in a way that promotes modularity, scalability, and maintainability within a DDD-driven system.


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