Managing in the Presence of Uncertainty (Round 1)

Managing in the Presence of Uncertainty (Round 1)

Here's a summary of Managing in the Presence of Uncertainty (that will be updated regularly).

The principle of managing in the presence of uncertainties that create risk is to recognize that all risk comes from Uncertainty, and Uncertainty in the project domain only comes in two forms - Aleatory, which is Irreducible, and Epistemic, which is reducible.

Blog Posts

LinkedIn Newsletter Articles

External Risk Management Resources

Risk Management is essential for development and production programs. Information about key project costs, (technical) performance, and schedule attributes is often uncertain or unknown until late in the program.
Risk issues that can be identified early in the program, which will potentially impact the program later, are termed Known Unknowns and can be alleviated with good risk management.
-?Effective Risk Management 2nd?Edition , Edmund Conrow, AIAA, 2003

Linked In has a page limit size and does not provide a table of contents features, so the title of this section takes you to a Blog (Herding Cats) for a compendium of risk management resources.

A Box.Com collection of Risk Management Materials

A Compendium of Risk Management Resources


