Here's a summary of Managing in the Presence of Uncertainty (that will be updated regularly).
The principle of managing in the presence of uncertainties that create risk is to recognize that all risk comes from Uncertainty, and Uncertainty in the project domain only comes in two forms - Aleatory, which is Irreducible, and Epistemic, which is reducible.
- Managing in the Presence of Uncertainty (2017) - Let's say you're a large complex system's project or program manager. Maybe an aircraft, a building, or an ERP system deployment. Your project is valued in the 100's of millions of dollars. Or, say your?project is a simple, straightforward set of activities. Maybe the planting of a new row of trees on your land or remodeling your kitchen.?
- Managing in the Presence of Uncertainty (2008) - When the critics of the Critical Path Method (CPM) speak about the lack of reality in a critical path, they are correctly stating the problem. But they are not correct in the solution.
- Managing in the Presence of Uncertainty (2015) - All project work is driven by underlying uncertainty from people, processes, technology, and tools.
- Managing in the Presence of Uncertainty (2013) - All projects operate in the presence of uncertainty; that's the reality of project work.?
- Managing in the Presence of Uncertainty (2015) - a Tweet caught my eye - you must manage risk quite differently in #Agile development than you did on Waterfall.
- Estimating and Making Decisions in Presence of Uncertainty (2015) - All project work is probabilistic, driven by the underlying statistical uncertainties.
- Misunderstanding Making Decisions in the Presence of Uncertainty (Update Part 2) (2017) - There was a Tweet a few days ago from one of the founders of eXtreme Programming that said...
- Making Decisions in the Presence of Uncertainty (2016) - All project work is uncertain. This uncertainty?comes in two forms - Aleatory and Epistemic.
- Risk Management is Project Management for Adults (2018) - Tim Lister's quote is a universal principle for the success of any project, product, or program in the presence of uncertainty.
- Managing In The Presence Uncertainty - Redux (2013) - The notion of successfully managing a project starts - as always - with the 5 Immutable Principles of project success.?
- Risk Management is Project Management for Adults (2014) - In a recent presentation, Tim speaks further about managing in the presence of uncertainty and the application of agile in software development.
- Acting Like an Adult in the Presence of Uncertainty (2016) - There are two kinds of uncertainty?on all projects, no matter the domain, including software development projects.
- Risk Management is How Adults Manage Projects (2016) - Tim's quote offends some people. Here's a collection of his?presentations.
- Estimating the Risk (2017) - Risk is everywhere on projects.
- Risk Management Is How Adults Manage Projects: Agile is Not Risk Management (Alone) (2015) - Managing in the presence of uncertainty and the resulting risk, means making estimates of the outcomes that will appear in the future from the decisions made today, in the presence of naturally occurring variances, and probabilistic events during the period over which the decision is applicable.
- What We Knew in the 1940's About Managing Projects (2020) - The Manhattan Project, Atlas launch vehicle, Polaris missile and the Apollo program.?
- Uncertainty creates Risk, Decisions in Presence of Uncertainty Requires Estimating (2018) - According to ISO 31000, ISO 17666:2016 and ISO 11231:2010 a?risk?is the?effect of uncertainty?on objectives?and an effect is a positive or negative deviation from what is expected.
- Making Choices in the Absence of Information (2014) - Decision-making in the presence of uncertainty is a normal business function as well as a normal technical development process.
- Aleatory and Epistemic Uncertainty in Software Development Projects (2017) - This uncertainty?is unavoidable. One might actually make the case in the Agile paradigm that uncertainty is desirable. Otherwise, how can?emergence?add value to the deliverables?
- The Entrophy of Projects (2017) - In project work, the disorder is created by uncertainty.
- Decisions Without Estimates? (2017) - Can you make a decision without an estimate?
- Decision-Making in the Presence of Uncertainty (2018) - Making decisions is part of spending other people's money.
- Bayesian Decision Making (2105) - Probability and statistics are a core business process for decision-making in the presence of uncertainty.
- Four Components of Risk (2012) - Project Managers constantly seek ways to eliminate or control risk, variance, and uncertainty. This is a hopeless pursuit.
- When We Say Risk What Do We Really Mean? (2012) - The term risk is tossed around way too easily these days.
- Managing Projects in the Presence of Unknown Unknowns (2010) - The term Unknown Unknowns (UnkUnks) is?used in risk management and politics to define an event that no one anticipated.
Linked In has a page limit size and does not provide a table of contents features, so the title of this section takes you to a Blog (Herding Cats) for a compendium of risk management resources.