Managing Expectations
There are generally two kinds of expectations:
- Your expectation of yourself.
- The world's expectation of you.
I think these are pretty self-explanatory but what I'd like to focus on today is more on the third kind of expectation that's often overlooked:
- What YOU think the world is expecting from you.
This is what's deadly because this is in your head and more often than not, it's not real.
We are so influenced by societal pressure and advertisements around us that's making us think that we are not enough and we need more.
"I'll be happy once I own that house."
"My parents will love me if I shower them with expensive gifts."
"I have to prove my worth by driving a (insert expensive car brand)."
The truth is, we live in a profit-driven society (or at least how it's perceived).
With the convenience of social media, we are constantly bombarded with advertisements that say one of either the 3 things below:
- Buy this so you can be cool/sexy/attractive.
- Me teach you how to millionaire - buy my course and be rich.
- Congratulations! I just magnified your fear, now buy this solution!
Now there are some genuine solutions to some problems that we have in life but it takes awareness to know which problems are REAL.
If we're not careful enough, constant exposure to "Inadequacy Marketing" will not only empty your wallet but leave you empty inside as well.
When I was still on Facebook or Instagram, I was too busy comparing myself to others.
...but actually the person I need to care the most should be myself.
Everything I think might be worth doing will be judged by an imaginary audience in my head saying this:
"You'll never be as good as (insert someone you see on social media)."
I was being anxious and impatient about my progress in life as well.
If you're in the same shoe that I was, I highly recommend that you try social media fasting.
You can start by cutting down half the time you spend on them or like me, just turn off the notifications or delete them from your phone.
And you know what? It doesn't even cost you anything to do this, it only takes a bit of your patience and dedication.
I still check on them from time to time but I try to make sure that I'm aware of my usage.
Reducing the use of recreational social media has helped me realize that I can focus more on what I want my life to be instead of what I think my life should be.
Right now, I'm taking baby steps at my own pace.
Enjoying the scenery while I take mandatory breaks along my journey.
If this has helped me, I know it can help some of you too.
Cheers and stay safe!