Here is a collection of briefings on the topic of management of complex systems in the presence of uncertainty that creates risk
The Immutable Principles of Project Success
- Leading on the Edge & Managing IT Departments?- following the principles of Ernest Shackleton's Antarctic Expedition
- Project Breathalyzer?- asking and answering the?breathalyzer?test questions every week keeps the project team, management, and participants focused on the outcomes rather than the effort.
- Program Management - Important New Concepts and Definitions?- what is Program Management and how can it increase the probability of success?
- Making the Impossible Possible?- Helitropic Abundance for Creating Program and Project Processes to Increasing the Probability of Success.
- "Foundation" Readiness Review?- readiness review of "Foundation," including technology, production, and sustainability.
- Heliotropic Abundance?- key to project success is connecting Leadership Behaviours with Project Management Principles, Processes, and Practices
- Applying Project Performance Management (PPM) to Agile and Traditional Software Intensive System of Systems (SISoS) Development Projects to Increase Probability of Success, Starting with a Rough Order of Magnitude (ROM) Estimate, define needed Capabilities, plan production and deployment, handle reducible and irreducible uncertainties creating risk and take corrective and preventive actions to keep the project on plan.
- Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing, and Adjourning?- Managers are people who do this right, while leaders are people who do the right thing - Warren Bennis, Ph.D.?On Becoming a Leader.
- Nine Best Practices of Project Management?- the difference between failure and success is the difference between doing something almost right and doing something right - Benjamin Franklin.
- Integrated Program Performance Management?- Our Integrated Program Performance Management elements are the organization, planning, scheduling and budgeting, accounting, analysis & management, and revisions & data maintenance.
- Integrated Program Performance Management?- Our integrated Program Performance Management elements are the organization, planning, scheduling and budgeting, accounting, analysis & management, and revisions & date maintenance.
- Flawless Execution?- Using Fighter Pilot techniques to manage our weekly activities.
- Managing Enterprise Projects as?Wicked Problems
- Project Disappointment Starts When We Fail To Recognize the 5 Immutable Principles of Project Success?- all projects are disappointments, they push the boundaries of schedule, cost, and technical performance. Otherwise, they'd be called production.
- Survival in the Matrixed Organization?- a common picture of the project manager in a matrixed organization is of a frustrated diplomate struggling to cajole the functional departments into performing the work on schedule and within budget.
- Project Success: The Basis of the Five Immutable Principles,?Building Project Management into a Mission-Critical Endeavor, Excerpt from Public Manager, September 14, 2015.
- The Project Management Paradigm, Carnegie Mellon University, Silicon Valley, February 3rd and 4th, 2009.
- Increasing the Probability of Success - Integrating Process, People and Tools, Dallas MPUG, May 6th, 2009.
- The Socratic Method?- the method which Socrates employed in his philosophical analyses had five distinct characteristics.
- Measures of Product?Value?in Exchange for its Cost?- we cannot determine the value of something unless we know the cost to produce it.
The Five Immutable Principles of Project Success
- Five Immutable Principles of Project Success, Glen B. Alleman, 2022 Project Management Symposium, University of Maryland.
- Five Immutable Principles of Program Success, Their Processes and Practices, IPMW 2017.
- 5 Immutable Principles of Project Success, Forum Safran 2013.
- Five Immutable Principles of Capital Project Success, Webinar Safran, 2017.
- Increasing the Probability of Project Success with?Five Principles and Practices, Project and Program Management Symposium, University of New South Wales, November 11, 2020.
- Five Immutable Principles of Project Success, Spring Seminar, Austin Chapter, 2012
- Five Immutable Principles of Project Success, PMI Mile High Chapter, 19 April 2019.
- Five Immutable Principles of Capital Project Success, Webinar Safran, 2017.
- Increasing the Probability of Project Success by Applying the Five Immutable Principles
- Increasing the Probability of Project Success with?Five Principles and Practices, Project and Program Management Symposium, University of New South Wales, November 11, 2020
- Five Immutable Principles of Project Success, Spring Seminar, Austin Chapter, 2012
- Five Immutable Principles of Project Success, PMI Mile High Chapter, 19 April 2019.
- 5 Immutable Principles of Project Success, Safran Forum 2013.
- 5 Immutable Principles of Capital Project Success, Safran Webinar, 2017.
- The 5 Immutable \(?)i(m)-?myü-t?-b?l\Principles of Project Management Needed ToIncrease the Probability of Project Success(PoPS), PMI Symposium Fort Worth Texas, 16 July 2010.
- The 5 Immutable \(?)i(m)-?myü-t?-b?l\Principles of Project Management Needed ToIncrease the Probability of Project Success(PoPS), Carnegie Mellon Silicon Valley, February 1st and 2nd, 2010.
- Five Immutable Principles of Project Success, Spring Seminar, Austin Chapter, 2012.
- Five Immutable Principles of Project Success, PMI Mile High Chapter, 19 April 2019.
- Five Immutable Principles of Digital Transformation Project Success, PMI San Diego, 11 July 2018.
- Five Immutable Principles to Increase Your Probability of Project Success, Lakeshore (Ontario) PMI, 27 October 2018.
- Improving the Probability of Project Success with Five Immutable Principles, Lakeshore (Ontario) PMI, 27 October 2018
- Five Immutable Principles of Project Success, Northern Utah Chapter, PMI 2012.
Root Cause Analysis
Without finding the Root Cause of dysfuncton, the conditions and actions that created that caused, and defining the corrective and preventive actions to remove, protect, or isolate the system from those causes – no suggested method to avoid problems or fix problems after they appear can be credible
Agile Project Management
Agile project management is an iterative approach to planning and guiding project processes that breaks the work activities down into smaller cycles parentheses sprints or in the iterations). Just as an agile software development, an agile project in any domain is completed in small sections with the result of the outcomes in forming plans for the next iteration
- Agiley Managing Requirements?- a simple guide to requirements management in an agile organization.
- Agile Project Management Methods, in?The Story of Managing Projects: A Global, Cross-Disciplinary Collection of Perspectives, Dr. E. G. Carayannis and Dr. Y. H. Kwak, editors, Greenwood Press / Quorum Books, 2002.
- Scrum Master Processes?- 41 Tasks of the Scrum Master.
- Integration of Program Performance Management with Agile Software Development?- Starting with the Engineering Estimate, define the deliverables, the plan for their production, their deployment, any variance of effort and cost, and the corrective actions to keep the planned work on the plan. These are activities for Program Controls of Scrum development projects based on Product Roadmaps, Release Plans, and measures of Physical Percent Complete at the Sprint level.
- Estimating and Managing Agile Projects at DHS?- Thomas J. Coonce and Glen Alleman, DHS Cost Analysis Stakeholder Working Group.
- Software for Our Minds?- Patterns and Anti-Patterns for creating and maintaining a shared vision.
- Post-Normal Science and eXtreme Programming?- How can we understand the impacts of eXtreme Programming and other Agile methods without scientific data?
- WSRI Agile Program Management Process?- Applying agile principles, practices, and processes to the project, building the release plan for each program event in the Integrated Master Plan and deliverables for that review.
- Paradigm of Agile Project Management?- when we say?Agile?in the absence of a Domain and Context, how can it have any meaning?
- Effective Use of Kanban in a Nutshell?- Principles, Practices, and Processes that Increase the Probability of Project Success.
- Lightweight Processes - An Overview of Lightweight Development Processes and Selecting One For Your Projects?- Lightweight processes are beginning to replace more formal methods.
- Agile Project Management and "Normative" Paradigms
- Agile Project Management Methods Meet Earned Value?- Glen Alleman and Michael Henderson,?Agile Development?June 25-28, 2003, Earned Value Management Systems (EVMS) provide valuable information for planning and controlling complex software development projects in high ceremony environments.
- A Workshop for Product Owners, Scrum Master, and Team Members for Improving Team Performance?- The Scrum Master and Product Owner are critical to the success of agile development projects.
- Agile Program Management - Moving from Principles to Practice?-?Solutions should always concentrate on the whole and not on assembling parts -?Christopher Alexander, 1979
- Agile Software Development for Government Software Intensive Systems of Systems (SiS), - If we're looking to increase the probability of success for Software Intensive System of Systems, look to where that effort can produce the highest return for the investment, Boulder Agile Meetup, 27 July 2016.
- Increasing Probability of Success for Complex System of Systems by Integrating Systems Engineering, Agile Project Management with Program Performance Management?- Managing Complex System of Systems Subject to FAR 34.2 and DFARS 234.2 by Applying Agile at Scale.
- Product & Process Development Kaizen for Software Development, Project, and Program Management, LPPDR, Denver Colorado, April 21-23, 2008.
- When is Light Right?, XP Denver, April 23rd, 2001.
- Making Agile Development Work in a Government Contracting Environment - Measuring Velocity with Earned Value?- Glen Alleman, Michael Henderson, CH2M Hill, and Ray Seggelke, Envision Technology, Agile Development, June 25-28, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- Setting up the Agile Program for EVM Compliant Validation, using the Principles of Agile Systems Engineering, EVM World 2016.
- You Don't Need Agile to Avoid the Seven Deadly Sins of Project Management?- Bad Project Management is Just That?Bad Project Management.
- Agile Program Management: Moving from Principles to Practice
- Blending Agile Development Methods with CMMI?
- CMMI and Agile, Joining Principles with Practice to Produce a Single Integrated System, PMI Professional Development Day, Grapevine, TX, June 23, 2011.
Estimating Agile Software and Traditional Projects
- From Product Roadmap of Needed Capabilities to Release Plan, to Feature Breakdown Structure, to Credible Estimates, DHS Cost Analysis Stakeholder Working Group, Thomas Coonce and Glen Alleman.
- Building a Risk-Adjusted Engineering Estimate and Executing the Risk-Adjusted Product Roadmap, the Risk-Adjusted Product Roadmap starts with Risk-Adjusted Engineering Estimates and the Resulting Rough Order of Magnitude Estimate.
- How Should We Estimate Agile Projects and Measure Progress to Plan, Thomas Coonce, and Glen Alleman, Naval Center for Cost Analysis, Software and IT Cost Analysis Solutions, August 22, 2017.
- Options-Based Agile Decision Processes - How to Apply "Real Options" Theory to the Development of ERP?- Agile Universe, 2002, Chicago Il, August 4 - 7, 2002.
- Calculating Physical Percent Complete for the PMB Using an Agile Tool, EVM World 2017.
- Basis of Estimate Training - Developing a Basis of Estimate is an Art and a Science
- Establishing the Performance Measurement Baseline (PMB), 5th Annual College of Scheduling, Chicago, May 4-7, 2008.
- Basis of Estimate Training - Developing a Basis of Estimate is an Art and a Science
- Paired Comparison Analysis?- in paired comparison experiments, the worth or merit of a unit is measured through comparisons against other units.
Establishing the Performance Measurement Baseline (PMB)
- Building a Credible Performance Measurement Baseline, Glen Alleman, Tom Coonce, and Rick Price,?PM World Journal, College of Performance Management, 2015
- The Road to a Successful Integrated Baseline Review (IBR) with a Validated Earned Value Management System?- The path to the IBR starts and ends with planning.
- Establish the Performance Measurement Baseline, AACE Workshop, Denver, Colorado, April 16, 2011.
- Establishing the Performance Measurement Baseline, Fort Worth PMI Symposium, 16 July 2010.
- Performance Measurement Baseline in a Nut Shell?- 5 Principles That Increase the Probability of Project Success, Austin PMI Chapter Dinner, 24 April 2002.
- Establishing the Performance Measurement Baseline (PMB), 5th Annual Conference, PMI College of Scheduling, 2008.
- Establishing the Performance Measurement Baseline (White Paper), 5th Annual Conference, PMI College of Scheduling, 2008.
- Cost and Schedule Integration: An Industry Update, 2nd Annual Acumen Sumit, September 18-19, 2012.
Managing Embedded Systems and Systems Architecture
Managing Software Intensive System and Systems (SISOS)
Planning and Scheduling
- Schedule Margin White Paper?- the term schedule margin is a project management tool for dealing with schedule contingencies.
- Concurrently Verifying and Validating the Critical Path and Margin Allocation Using Probabilistic Analysis?- The critical path, with the lowest total float to project completion, should be validated to ensure the project can identify and actively manage the tasks with the largest impact on the completion date of the project.
- Building the Three Tiered Schedule in Accordance with DOE IPMR 2018?- Building, deploying, and executing the Three-Tier Schedule requires a change in the conventional paradigm of project planning and controls and management processes.
- 10 Best Practices of Scheduling?- using the Schedule Assessment Guide: Practices for Project Schedules - GAO-16-89G, December 2015.
- Using a Cross Walk File to Manage Givers and Receivers, Ron Powell, Glen Alleman, and Risk Price, Joint Space Cost Council, Ball Aerospace and Technologies Corporation, Boulder, Colorado, 21 September 2017.
- Time Box Scheduling?- technology is not the strongest driver of productivity for a software project.
- Probabilistic Schedule and Cost Analysis?- developing a resource-loaded, risk-tolerant, Integrated Master Schedule (IMS), derived from the Integrated Master Plan, clearly shows the program deliverables' increasing maturity through vertical and horizontal traceability to the program's requirements.
- Network Schedule Analysis?- complying with DID 81650 and improving the probability of success.
- Event-Based Scheduling?- planning the painting of the garage floor with the help of a 9 and 10-year-old.
- Event-Based Planning?- Vertical planning provides visibility into the maturity of the project rather than measures the passage of time.
- Critical Success Factors for Enterprise Projects?- ERP, PDM, CRM, and EDM System critical success factors.
- Creating the Foundation for IT Project Portfolio Management at Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site
- Connecting the 5?Principles?and the 5?Practices?of Performance-Based Project Management? to Increase the Probability of Project Success (PoPS)?- Both are needed, but neither works alone.
- Time to Do It Right, Tom Coonce and Glen Alleman, Octber 31 - November 2, 2016 IPM 2016
- Top Habits of Success Project Managers?- Delivering Value
- The Simple Problem of Schedule Performance Indicies?- Knowing how our project is performing means knowing how our Cost, Schedule, and Technical Performance is performing according to Plan.
- Performance-Based Project Management?- Appling PerformanceBased Project in the DOE Order 413.3-9 Environment
- Building Teams Through Project Charters?- chartering empowers team members individually and collectively.
- Paradigm of Managing Agile Software Development?- What does it mean when we say "Agile Development" depends on the domain and context of your work
- Mission Engineering, IPMDWeninar, Improving Program, and Project Management, National Defense Industry Association, 26 July 2021.
- The Nine "I's" of Program Success - For any program to succeed, there are Nine Integration activities that must be in place and connected, College of Performance Management, July 2013.
- 5 Immutable Principles of Projects Success, EcoSys User Conference, San Diego, 2013.
Getting to Done
PGCS, University of New South Wales, Canberra Australia
- Increasing the Probability of Program Success with Five Principles, Five Practices, and 25 Essential Views of Program Performance, Glen B. Alleman ? Niwotridge LLC, Thomas J. Coonce ? Adjunct Research Staff, Institute for Defense Analyses, Rick Price ? Program Planning and Controls, ClearPlan Consulting, Kym Henderson ? TBH Defense Systems (This is an unpublished paper, submitted for review to PGCS).
- Getting to Done - Principles, Processes, Practices, and Tools to Increase the Probability of Successfully Complete Project's On-Time, On-Budget, with Needed Capabilities?- PGCS 16 August 2018.
- Getting to Done and Some Issues Along the Way?- PGCS 15 August 2018.
- How we Deal with Risk is a Critical Success Factor for Increasing the Probability of Program Success?- PGCS 14-16 August 2018.
- Integrating Systems Engineering (SE) and Project Performance Management (PPM) - The Match Made in Heaven Which Increases the Probability of Project Success?- PGCS 22 August 2019.
- Increasing the Probability of Project Success with Five Principles and Practices?- PGCS November 11, 2020.
- Increasing the Probability of Project Success with Five Principles and Practices?(Vimeo Narrated Version) - PGCS November 11, 2020.
- Strategies to Detect, Prevent, and Correct the Causes of Complex Program Stress and Failure?- Key Note, PGCS 12 August 2021.
- Strategies to Detect, Prevent, and Correct the Causes of Complex Program Stress and Failure?- Master Class, PGCS 12 August 2021
- Integrating Systems Engineering and Project Management to Increase Probability of Project Success?- 21-22 August 2019.
- Keynote - 2: Integrating Systems Engineering (SE) and Program Performance Management to create ... A Match Made in Heaven, PGCS Tuesday 20 August 2019.
- Using Technical Performance Measures to Inform Earned Value Performance, 15 August 2018.
Deliverables-Based Planning (DBP)
- Principles of Program Governance?- governance of enterprise programs focuses on delivering products or services to support top-line growth with moving operational savings to the bottom line.
- Program Governance Road Map?- Program Governance Road map for product development, deployment, and sustainment of products and services in compliance with CMS guidance, ITIL IT management, CMMI best practices, and other guidance to ensure high-quality software is deployed for sustained operational success in mission-critical domains.
- Principles of IT Governance?- governance of Enterprise IT focuses on the Delivery of Services to Support Top Line Growth.
- Project Governance?- Project Management is a well-defined concept found in many guidebooks and Bodies of Knowledge.
Performance Measurement Baseline (PMB)
- Performance-Based Project Management? in Nutshell?- Principles, Practices, and Process that Increase Your Probability of Project Success.
- Performance-Based Project Management??- The Principles, Processes, and Practices used to increase the Probability of Program Success (PoPS) to accompany the book of the same title from?AMACOM Books, 2014.
- Building a Credible Performance Measurement Baseline, Glen Alleman, Thomas Coonce, and Rick Price,?The Measurable News, 2014.04
- Building a Credible Performance Measurement Baseline (PMB)?- 21st International IPM Conference, November 2-4, 2009.
- Building a Credible Performance Measurement Baseline in Two Days?- starting with DID 81650, assemble a credible PMB to increase the Probability of Program Success (PoPS).
- Building a Credible Performance Measurement Baseline (PMB)
- Establishing the Performance Measurement Baseline
- Project Success Assessment
- Building a Credible Performance Measurement Baseline
Management of Change
- Managing the Change Culture?- John Kotter's?Leading Change?description of organizational errors that need to be addressed to assure a successful outcome from our change efforts.
Case Studies
Engineering Manager
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