Managing Complexity

Managing Complexity

This article is a re-posting of the original located at:


Most software projects fail (~75%). This is a fact that has been known for decades. The reasons for this are many and varied but generally fall into two categories: human organization and technical. The human organization aspect I have covered partially in a previous article. Here I will focus on the technical aspect.

Fighting Gravity

Traditional architecture is discussed in terms of buildings and other physical structures. Let us look at one of the most popular human-built structures The Great Pyramid of Giza:

Credit: Nina Aldin Thune

This structure is quite imposing. Standing at 481 feet tall and having a weight of at least 5.75 million tons, it remained the largest man-made structure for more than 3,800 years. [ref]

Despite it being a grand monolith, can it be considered a grand architecture? No, this is an example of what can be accomplished with perhaps the greatest of brute force methods. It amounts to little better than a pile of rocks:

Credit: Wikipedia

Even so it still took more than 3,800 years until another structure could overtake it in height in the year 1092; The Lincoln Cathedral:

Credit: Wikipedia

This cathedral stood at 525 feet and was the tallest man-made structure itself for another 238 years. You’ll notice that the form of this structure is vastly different from the that of the pyramid. What is the fundamental difference between the two? What enabled this new scale? The answer was not some new material but a new organization of existing ones, specifically the Arch:

Credit: Wikipedia

The arch enabled grander constructions with orders of magnitude less effort. No more brute-forcing large structures. We obtained scale through organization.

As with most media from which things are built, whether the thing is a cathedral, a bacterium, a sonnet, a fugue or a word processor, architecture dominates material. To understand clay is not to understand the pot. --Alan Kay
Credit: Nina Aldin Thune

The Great Pyramid of Giza: 481 ft, 5,750,000 tons[ref]

Credit: Benh LIEU SONG

The Eiffel Tower: 1,063 ft, 8,047 tons[ref]

Thus, the following quote becomes clear:

“Any idiot can build a bridge that stands, but it takes an engineer to build a bridge that barely stands.” -- Unknown

Fighting Complexity

In traditional architecture the primary enemy is gravity. The Arch is an effective tool that fights against it. The question we have now is: what is the analogy to gravity in Software, and what is the “Arch”?

In the early days of Software Engineering there was a major concern. It was referred to as The Software Crisis. This crisis can be summarized by a couple quotes:

“The major cause of the software crisis is that the machines have become several orders of magnitude more powerful! To put it quite bluntly: as long as there were no machines, programming was no problem at all; when we had a few weak computers, programming became a mild problem, and now we have gigantic computers, programming has become an equally gigantic problem.” --Edsger Dijkstra
Most software today is very much like an Egyptian pyramid with millions of bricks piled on top of each other, with no structural integrity, but just done by brute force and thousands of slaves. --Alan Kay

There was a point where the computer was the most expensive part of a project. Now it is by far the programmer. Computing has become practically free, but the price of programming has skyrocketed. You, I, and most people now have a supercomputer in their pocket:

1997 - Intel ASCI Red/9152 supercomputer: 1.338 TFLOPS
2021 - iPhone 13 Pro: 1.5 TFLOPS

Additionally, we have Wirth’s Law which is an adage on computer performance that states that software is getting slower more rapidly than hardware is becoming faster.

So why do most software projects fail if the machines are plenty and more than capable?

The failure rates, depending on the study, range from 50% to 80% or more. There is also a cute aphorism called the Ninety–ninety rule:

The first 90 percent of the code accounts for the first 90 percent of the development time. The remaining 10 percent of the code accounts for the other 90 percent of the development time. --Tom Cargill, Bell Labs

In my earlier article, “Conway’s Law and Consequences”, I tackle the human organization aspect of software and how they relate. I invite you to read that before continuing here. In this article I am focusing on the non-organization aspect.

So back to the original question: What is the analogy to gravity in software and what are our “arches”?

As we develop solutions, some problems are naturally (intrinsically) harder than others; for example: adding a list of numbers vs computing the running average of the same list. The code we write often has extraneous details and overhead that has nothing directly to do with the problem we are trying to solve (extrinsic).

Let us compare a program that writes “Hello World” to the console in Java and JavaScript:

// Java
class HelloWorld {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        System.out.println("Hello World");
// JavaScript
console.log('Hello World')        

Not to pick on Java in this contrived example, but it makes clear the point that many of our challenges in software are not because the problems are complex but that we make them complicated.

Elaborations to express an idea complicate the expression -- Gerald Sussman

So, the complexity of our code, whether it be extrinsic or intrinsic is the “weight” that bears upon us thus complexity is our “gravity” and what we fighting against. Our goal is then how can we get the two lines of this chart to align?

Intrinsic vs Extrinsic complexity over time

We cannot alter the intrinsic complexity of the problem, but we can reduce the extrinsic complexity of our solution.

For any system, there is a certain amount of complexity that cannot be reduced. --Tesler’s Law

Anergetic Systems Failure

Before we can identify our “arches” for fighting complexity, we need to understand that complexity better.

You may have heard of the Peter principle:

Every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence

There is an analogous observation by Michael Arntzenius for software:

Software grows until it exceeds our capacity to understand it.

These quotes may feel like observations of some greater general truth, but we do not need to take them as such. How does such a situation arise? It takes effort to implement features in our software and not all those efforts are useful.

In physics energy is defined as the ability to do work and can be expressed by the following relation: Energy = Exergy + Anergy. Exergy is the part of energy used in useful work. Anergy is that portion which is wasted in side effects such as heat, overcoming friction, and other activities not related to the desired outcome. Anergy is sometimes referred to as disorder and entropy.

In software, we deal with this as well by the analogous relation: Algorithm = Algorithmic Exergy + Algorithmic Anergy. You may have seen this under another name: Kolmogorov complexity. Plainly speaking, when we express an algorithm, we do so in some language we find convenient. These could be flow charts, Python, a natural language like English, or even artistic paintings. Whatever we adopt as our language of expression, we also adopt certain trade-offs. In the above “Hello World” comparison you can identify the useful work (exergy) clearly: the logging of the “Hello World” message. You can also identify the wasted effort (anergy) in the Java code: the ceremony around defining the class and method. As we create ever larger systems, this incidental complexity (anergy) grows as well until the “weight” of it makes further changes impossible. This “weight” being the cognitive overhead and execution cost on the underlying machine. This ultimate failure I like to call “Anergetic Systems Failure”, or as others have called it: “Project Heat Death” as an analogy from cosmology.

Interconnectedness makes big programs eventually crumble under their own weight. -- Simon Peyton Jones

A Semiotic Perspective

Semiotics is the study of signs and symbols and their use or interpretation. In software, we have many signs and symbols that we use to communicate with the computer, our colleagues, and ourselves. The relationship between a symbol and its meaning is represented by a “Semiotic Triangle”:

The Semiotic Triangle

In this diagram you see a relationship between Thought, Symbol, and Referent. The Thought is the concept/idea you are trying to express. The Symbol (Syntax) is the representation of that concept. The Referent (meaning) is the Thing-in-itself that the concept refers to.

Complexity can be found in all three aspects of the triangle:

  • Referent Complexity: The phenomenon we are dealing with can be inscrutable (e.g., Black Holes).
  • Thought Complexity: Our mental model can be a poor representation (e.g., Flat Earth Theory)
  • Symbol Complexity: The language we choose can be verbose and awkward (e.g., Arithmetic in Roman Numerals)

For each of these aspects, much can be written about how to manage complexity. Here I will focus on Symbol Complexity as it is the most directly under our shared control.

Measuring Complexity

To have any hope of managing complexity, we must be able to measure it otherwise we have no way to know if we are making progress against it. There are many ways to measure complexity due to its multifaceted nature and which aspects of it you are interested in the most. Some measures of complexity include:

Complexity Measure : Perspective

With these measures in hand, we can manage complexity in part by reducing it. Keep in mind that these are representations of complexity and not the complexity itself; The map is not the territory.

“When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure” --Goodhart’s Law

By blindly optimizing for one measure of complexity you may inadvertently increase another. For example, seeking the shortest code (Kolmogorov complexity) can lead to opaqueness. You can see this in the following regex for validating an email address:


Another example is that by Reducing Asymptotic Complexity you can increase Cyclomatic Complexity. Compare the following two implementations for computing the inverse square root:

let invSqrt = (x) => 1 / Math.sqrt(x)        
let buffer = new ArrayBuffer(4),
    ui32 = new Uint32Array(buffer),
    f32 = new Float32Array(buffer);

let invSqrt = (n) => {
    ui32[0] = 0x5F3759DF - (ui32[0] >> 1);
    let x = f32[0] = n;
    return x * (1.5 - 0.5 * x * x * n);

The first implementation is clear and concise but the second may be more efficient depending on the runtime. So, which is “better” in terms of complexity?

“For every polynomial-time algorithm you have, there is an exponential algorithm that I would rather run” --Alan Perlis

Since complexity is multifaceted and cannot be minimized in all aspects simultaneously, we must instead treat its management like a fitness landscape where we are optimizing for a balance of measures. As the project, environment, goals, and systems change, so too will the balance of complexity measures.

Complexity cannot be removed, only shifted --Waterbed Theory

Language: The Material Of Thought

Some believe that language is a tool, even a tool of thought and we should use the best tool for the job. The problem with this analogy is that tools go away when a job is done, but languages persist. A language is not a tool but a material with which we build our software and as a consequence, it has a direct impact on the complexity of our work.

The Language Of The Domain

What is the right language? It is the one that allows us to express ideas directly in terms of the domain in the most concise and clear way. A “domain” is a sphere of knowledge, subject area, or activity. In other words, the “Universe of Discourse”. This we refer to as a Domain Specific Language (DSL). It serves not only as the “material” with which we build our software but also as the ubiquitous language that we use to communicate. Being a negotiated language between the computer, the programmer, and the domain, it can never be informationally perfect but still serves as an optimal compromise.

Some examples of DSLs would be a language of shapes for a graphics program (SVG), a language of queries for a database (SQL), or a language of styles for a document (CSS). These languages are designed to be concise and clear in their respective areas. They abstract away the incidental complexity of the problem and allow the developer to focus on the essential complexity.

Care must be taken when choosing or creating a DSL. The language must be expressive enough to cover the domain but not so expressive or restrictive that it becomes a burden to use. Here is an example DSL called HQ9+ for generating the lyrics to the song 99 Bottles of Beer:


Yes, that is it, a single character which will generate the lyrics to the song. This DSL is an extreme example of specialization but it cannot be extended. When you have a closed domain like 99 Bottles of Beer, it is fine to use a DSL like this. However, when you have an open domain where new entities may be introduced, you need a DSL that can also be extended. This is where the choice of language becomes critical.

Another example of a poor DSL is the Regular Expression. Regular Expressions are a powerful tool for matching patterns in text but they are also a source of many bugs due to the write-only nature of the language as many have called it. A better alternative would be a language like Raku’s Grammars

Regex vs Raku Grammar for matching an email address:

grammar EmailGrammar {
    token TOP {
        ^ <local-part> '@' <domain> $

    token local-part {
        <[a..z A..Z 0..9 ._%+-]>+

    token domain {
        <subdomain>+ % '.'

    token subdomain {
        <[a..z A..Z 0..9 -]>+

The Raku Grammar is more verbose but it is also more readable and maintainable. It is also extensible whereas the Regex is not.

A good language in general is one that consists of primitives that are orthogonal, a means of combination, and a means of abstraction. The primitives are the building blocks of the language and should be as simple as possible. The means of combination allows you to build more complex structures from the primitives, and the means of abstraction allows you to create new primitives from existing ones.

The purpose of abstraction is not to be vague, but to create a new semantic level in which one can be absolutely precise. --Edsger Dijkstra

With the concepts and language of the domain in hand, a paradigm emerges. With a language of shapes, you develop a shape-oriented paradigm. With a language of queries, you develop a query-oriented one, and so on.

A well-designed program uses the right concepts, and the paradigm follows from the concepts that are used. [Paradigms are epiphenomena] --Peter Van Roy

Depending on the domain you are trying to model, you may find that it is still difficult to express in the language you are using. This may be due to the language not being expressive enough or the concepts not being well understood. You’ll see this manifest as a proliferation of design patterns. These patterns emerge when the paradigm does not match the domain. They may not be obvious patterns but you’ll “smell” them and feel that something is off; Leaky abstractions, emergent behaviors, boilerplate code, redundancy, invisible/implicit dependencies, and other aspects of the code that that cannot be eliminated by refactoring.

Design patterns are bug reports against your programming language. --Peter Norvig
The limits of my language mean the limits of my world. --Ludwig Wittgenstein

As Alan Kay has said: "Perspective is worth 80 IQ points". By changing the perspective of the problem you can often find a better language to express it in and potentially eliminate the design patterns that have emerged. Instead of thinking in terms of shapes and groups, thinking in terms of objects and messages may be more appropriate. Instead of thinking in terms of queries and results, thinking in terms of transformations and rules may be more appropriate, and so on.

An example is the Fibonacci sequence:

let fib = (n) => n < 2 ? n : fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2);        

The above is a straightforward, but naive implementation that requires an exponential amount of time and space to produce a result (specifically, O(φ) which is in O(n^2)). This can be improved significantly by utilizing iteration:

const fib = n => {
    const f = (n0, n1, step) => step === n ? n1 : f(n1, n0 + n1, step + 1);
    return f(0, 1, 1);

This implementation is linear in time (O(n)) and constant in space (O(1)). But a new design pattern has emerged of using a recursive function with an inner function for the purpose of iteration. We could abstract this pattern into an iterate function, or we could change our perspective and think of it in terms of a Closed-Form Expression which not only eliminates the pattern, but runs in constant time and space (O(1)):

// Binet's Formula
function fib(n) {
    const sqrt5 = 5 ** 0.5,
       phi = (1 + sqrt5) / 2,
       psi = (1 - sqrt5) / 2;

    return Math.round((phi**n - psi**n) / sqrt5);

Changing perspective can be particularly challenging as it requires a shift in thinking, but it can also be very rewarding if you can find the right perspective for the problem you are trying to solve.

The Language Of The System

In most software projects, you will find that you are dealing with multiple domains. For example, in a web application you may have a separate domain for the database, the front-end, the back-end, deployment, and of course the business domain of the problem itself. Each of these may have their own DSLs: SQL for the database, HTML/CSS/JavaScript for the front-end, Java/C#/Python for the back-end, Terraform for the deployment, and potentially a DSL for the business domain itself (i.e. Decision Model and Notation).

This leads to a cognitive overhead as you switch between these domains (Context Switching Cost). There is also the issue of impedance mismatch between these domains when they interact with each other. You often find yourself writing code to translate between them (ORMs, APIs, etc.)

Many people try to avoid this problem by using a “General Purpose Language” (GPL) for all domains. These are the most popular languages like Java, C#, Python, JavaScript, etc. These languages are designed to be expressive across a wide range of domains. The trade-off here is that they are often more awkward to use in any particular domain which leads to incidental complexity due to the additional ceremony and design patterns required to make them work effectively.

A language is considered Low-Level if it forces you to pay attention to the irrelevant. -- Alan Perlis

So by choosing a GPL for all domains you are trading off the cognitive overhead of coordinating multiple specialized languages for the incidental complexity of a coarser one. Ex: Everything is an object in Self, everything is a function in Joy, everything is a file in Unix, etc.

The General Purpose Language, especially the most popular ones, have a tendency to grow ever larger and more complex as they try to cover more and more domains for their users. Eventually the language becomes so large that users start to use only small subsets of the language and the rest becomes a burden (C++, LaTex, Common Lisp, etc.).

Moreover, at some point the elaboration of a high-level language becomes a burden that increases, not reduces, the intellectual task of the user who rarely uses the esoteric constructs. -- Fred Brooks, “No silver bullet”, 1987
Beware of the Turing tar-pit in which everything is possible but nothing of interest is easy. -- Alan Perlis

So, how can we obtain the benefits of a DSL while not having to learn a new language for each domain? One answer (there are others) is to use a GPL which is extensible syntactically and semantically with a brevity of expression. In other words we want to have the facilities to create our own DSLs within the GPL. This is the idea behind Language Oriented Programming (LOP) but applied by the individual developer rather than the language designer. We create what are called Internal DSLs. These are DSLs that are defined within the GPL itself. This contrasts with External DSLs which are defined in a separate language and then translated into the GPL via a parser. Major benefits of Internal DSLs are that they are much quicker to develop and can leverage the existing tooling and features of the host language. The downside is that they are potentially limited by the host language and cannot be extended as easily if that host language is not extensible. Another challenge is the potential for “mixing metaphors” in a confusing way: is "table" a database table or a furniture table? This introduces an interesting analogy to Language Games in philosophy.

Fluent interfaces are a common example of a means for creating Internal DSLs. Here is an example of a fluent interface in JavaScript for creating graphics:

const graphics = GraphicsDSL.create();

  .rectangle(10, 10, 100, 50)
  .circle(50, 50, 30)
    .rectangle(20, 20, 50, 50)
    .circle(60, 60, 20)
    .circle(80, 80, 10)

Other ways for defining Internal DSLs include but are not limited to macro systems and Meta-Object Protocols.


Regardless of the quality of your building material (language), as the scale of your system grows, architecture dominates, so we turn to the question: What is “Architecture”? Software architecture is the organization of code into a structure that exhibits emergent properties. These properties can be both expected and unexpected. When expected, they are aimed towards the goals of the system. When unexpected, they are the bugs and performance issues that plague them. In other words, when the system is more than the sum of its parts it is the product of its interactions. The goal of architecture is to control these emergent properties to while keeping the system functional and maintainable. When the properties are not explicit in the code, then the system cannot be understood in terms of its parts. This is why many systems fail (Systemantics).

If you view architecture through the lens of language itself: primitives, means of combinations, and means of abstraction, then you can see that many familiar architectural patterns and practices can be categorized:

- Primitives
    - Entities
    - Use Cases/Interactors
    - Controllers/Presenters
    - Gateways/Repositories
    - etc.
- Means of Combinations
    - Layering
    - Dependency Inversion
    - Adapters
    - etc.
- Means of Abstraction
    - Modules
    - Interfaces and Abstract Classes
    - Domain Events
    - Factories
    - Specifications
    - etc.        

The list is far from exhaustive and the placement of some items may be debatable but it gives an idea of how architecture can be viewed as a form of Domain Specific Language organizing sub-languages in each subdomain. Like any language, it can be expressive or awkward, clear or opaque, concise or verbose. Architectural design patterns, like design patterns discussed earlier, are bug reports against the language of the system. There are architectural smells just as there are code smells.

When done well, and with the right perspective, you can identify many terrible smells in systems and the consequences that are suffered as a result (a Big Ball of Mud). A ubiquitous example:

An operating system is a collection of things that do not fit into a language; there shouldn’t be one. -- Dan Ingalls

When considering the architecture of a system, two perspectives must be taken into account: the Domain and the Use Cases. The domain and its language are the foundation of the system that both limits what is possible and guides what is necessary. The use cases are the interactions with the system and the reason for its existence. The architecture must balance these two perspectives to be effective. This is why Domain Driven Design and Clean Architecture were evolved respectively.

Clean Architecture by
DDD - Bounded Context by

Recall above in The Language Of The System, that each subdomain can have its own DSL. From the Clean Architecture diagram above, you can how these subdomains could be organized with the outermost layer being the most specialized and infrastructure specific, and the innermost layer being the most general and idealized.

These two perspectives of Use-Case driven and Domain-Driven are not in opposition but in a dialectical relationship. They can be synthesized in a Feature Driven Development approach where each “feature” satisfies one or more use cases in the domain and is organized in a layered architecture that realizes it.

The above is not attempting to be a comprehensive guide to architecture nor prescriptive. There are many architectural styles and patterns just as there are many languages. The goal is to provide a perspective on how to view architecture as a language and how to manage complexity in software by choosing or designing the right language for the job.


In summary, the analogy to gravity in software is complexity and the analogy to material is language. The architecture we build is the organization of that “material” into a structure that exhibits the emergent properties we desire. By choosing or designing the right language we can reduce the incidental complexity of our solutions. By choosing and utilizing the right architecture we can control and guide the emergent properties of our systems at scales that are more than the sum of their parts and ultimately avoid the “Anergetic Systems Failure” that plagues so many projects.

References And Additional Reading


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