Managing Cities in India -Issues and Options
Managing ?Cities in India -Issues and Options???????????????????????
????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????*Jit Kumar Gupta
??????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????** [email protected]
Cities in India are known to be in perpetual crisis; facing numerous crises in terms of; crisis of rational growth, crisis? of orderly and planned development; crisis of effective and efficient urban management; ?crisis of making provision of basic infrastructure and services; crisis of climate change; crisis of global warming; crisis of poverty, pollution and population and ?crisis of making human living and prevailing environment qualitative. These urban crises have genesis in the fact that cities in India, lack ownership, command, authority and lack of willingness to run and manage cities ?professionally and objectively. In majority of cases, cities in India are run by proxy. In terms of physical growth and development; large cities are marked by multiplicity of agencies claiming ?right/ownership of development over the? urban areas, whereas ?smaller cities face absence of such ownership and are made to run, operate and function like orphans
?Following the national agenda of ?making urban local bodies owners of the ?cities, these agencies remain marginalized, muted and diluted, so far as the rational development of cities are concerned. In majority of cases, urban local bodies, despite having ?history spanning over more than 347 years, have little willingness to make cities better places to live. Despite enacting 74th Constitutional Amendment Act, by the Indian Parliament 32 years back in the year 1992, providing for making urban local bodies as ?third tier? of government, in their own right at local level, these local bodies suffer from the malaise of ?competency, capacity, capability, willingness, power, authorities, role, functions and resources to act and perform like a government. Urban local bodies, in majority of cases are treated as the annexure of the State government and are being run as a line department, subjected to all the whims, fancies ?and controls ?of state politics and bureaucracy. Accordingly, these local bodies ?neither perform nor inform of what they are doing for city, communities and citizens.
Development Authorities ?and Improvement Trusts created at local level, have taken over the planning and development functions of the cities and siphoned off large resources generated through urban development. Even the ?external development charges, collected from the developers have also gone into the coffers of these Development Authorities. Having no accountability and responsibility to urban local bodies, these authorities follow their own agenda ?of growth and development without consulting and taking into loop the ULBs and without caring for the city and communities.
??Master Plans ?for the cities are prepared by the Urban Development Authorities/Town Planning Department, which operate separately and are attached to different state departments. Accordingly, Master Plans ?for the cities are prepared without involving the ULBs , who are ultimately given the task of implementing these long term and short term plans. Accordingly, ?role of ULBs in the domain of urban planning and development remains diluted and marginalized.
Political and bureaucratic system managing ULBs also have little knowledge and understanding of the urban planning, ?development and management and accordingly cities continue to suffer from the malaise of unplanned, sun-standard ?and haphazard development.
Looking at the entire context, if the cities are to run and managed on professional lines and cities are to act and operate as engines of economic growth and promoters of quality of life , then cities must have a ?dedicated and well-defined exclusive ownership made responsible for its planning, development, management and governance. In case ownership has to be given to ULBs , then all ?planning and development agencies must be integrated at local level and made ?integral and essential? part of the ULBs.
?Issue of professionally managing the cities must stem from the state level. At state level , Departments ?of ULBs and Housing and Urban Development must be merged and placed under one Administrative Secretary and same Minister, so that existing dichotomy in the planning and development is eliminated. Town Planning Department should be mandated to undertake planning of cities and preparation of Master Plans/Development Plans , in consultation/ active involvement of ULBs. Municipal laws must be amended to include preparation of Master Plans etc., ?in the domain of ULBs, gto make it a distinct reality.
All Development Authorities’ and Improvement Trusts , created and operating at local level, should be merged with the ULBs ?to act as technical arms of the ULBs and peri-urban areas. ULBs? functional domain should be divided into two ?distinct parts, Governance and Development. While Governance issues should be dealt by the elected representatives, whereas all ?Planning and Development functions should be? discharged by the technical arm comprising of ?Development Authorities/ Improvement Trusts.
However, ULBs, in majority of cases, have quality of ?manpower which does not allow it to function and operate as Government , in its own right. Municipal cadres accordingly, ?needs to be reviewed, revised and redefined, with the induction of appropriately skilled and trained professionals having adequate experience of planning, development, financing and management of urban ?areas. Cities need to develop a culture of management and accountability, with role, function, duties and responsibilities ?of all stakeholders/functionaries/employees well defined. If cities are required to generate resources, it will also be critical to rationalize the expenditure by the ULBs, where majority of resources are wasted and spent irrationally.
Executive officers appointed to run ?the city must be drawn from professional cadres of Architecture, Planning and Engineering rather than generalists, if the cities are to be managed professionally. Qualification of the EO must be revised to make the cadre professional. In the Indian Administrative Services, ?a? specialised and dedicated cadre for Urban Development must be developed and only those officers who have knowledge, skill and experience must be posted as Commissioners in the Municipal Corporations. In addition, post of Commissioners should also be allowed to be managed by renowned Architects, Planners and Engineers working in the state cadres. Urban development must be included as integral part of training curriculum of IAS/PCS services for ?creating required level of competency to manage/run/operate cities in a rational and realistic manner.
?State Government must set up an expert group to look into the operation and function of the ULBs and ?suggest framework/options to make it more rational, effective and efficient. Unless ULBs are made to work/operate ?in a professional manner, cities will continue to grow in haphazard and unplanned manner creating numerous challenges of climate change, global warming, poverty and ?pollution, for people, communities, state and nation in the years to come.
12 个月