Managing Bugs Across Development Stages: A Simple Guide for Non-Techies

Managing Bugs Across Development Stages: A Simple Guide for Non-Techies

Picture this: you're building your dream house. You’ve got the perfect blueprint, laid a solid foundation, and the walls are going up. But somewhere along the way, you notice a crack in one of the walls, or maybe a leaky pipe. These problems need to be fixed, right? Now, imagine those cracks and leaks as software bugs. Managing bugs during the software development life cycle (SDLC) is just like managing issues during a home build—catching them early can save you a lot of headaches down the road.

In this article, we'll walk you through how bugs are managed at every phase of development and explain how a test management tool like Tuskr makes this process easier.

1. Planning: Creating the Blueprint

The first step in any project—whether it's building a house or developing software—is creating a solid plan. Without clear requirements, your project can quickly veer off course. Imagine designing a house without knowing how many bedrooms or bathrooms you want. That’s a recipe for disaster!

In software, the planning phase is where you lay out all the features and functions the product needs. If things aren’t clear at this stage, bugs will creep in later when developers start writing code.

How Tuskr Helps:

Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM) is like your detailed project checklist. It ensures you’ve outlined every requirement before you start, preventing confusion later. It’s like making sure you’ve got the right blueprint before the builders start hammering.

2. Development: Building the House

Now that you’ve got the blueprint, the building begins. Every line of code added to the project is like adding another brick to your house. But even the best builders (and developers!) can make mistakes. Bugs are inevitable. But, with the right tools, they don’t have to be catastrophic.

How Tuskr Helps:

Tuskr allows developers to create and manage test cases that catch bugs early in the process. It’s like having quality inspectors on-site to check that each room in the house is built correctly before moving to the next one. If something goes wrong, you can fix it right away instead of waiting until the house is finished!

3. Testing: The Final Walkthrough

Before you move into your dream home, you’d want to do a final walkthrough, right? You check if the windows open, the lights work, and the plumbing is in order. This is the same process in software development when we move into the testing phase.

Here, testers make sure everything works as expected, and no major bugs are lurking. Regression testing, for example, is like checking if the new chandelier you installed didn’t accidentally knock out the power in the whole house!

How Tuskr Helps:

With Tuskr, you can set up comprehensive test plans/runs that act like a room-by-room checklist. You can ensure that nothing was missed and that any bug is caught before you “move in” (i.e., launch the software).

4. Pre-Production: Dress Rehearsal

The house is almost ready, but before handing over the keys, you invite a few trusted friends or family members to check things out—turn on the faucets, test the appliances, and give their feedback. This is what happens in the pre-production stage of software development, where real users interact with the product to find any final bugs or usability issues.

How Tuskr Helps:

Tuskr can help ensure the software works as expected before launch. It’s like testing the heating system during winter to make sure it’s up to snuff!

5. Production and Post-Release: Move-In Day

You’ve moved into your new house, but after living there for a week, you realize the water pressure in one bathroom is off. In software, this is the equivalent of post-release bugs. Even after going live, bugs can still pop up due to real-world usage.

How Tuskr Helps:

Tuskr helps teams track these bugs, with their integrations and prioritize fixes. It’s like having a maintenance team ready to address any issue that comes up once you’ve settled into your new home.

The Tuskr Advantage

Managing bugs during the software development life cycle (SDLC) can feel like managing construction issues in a house build. But with the right tools, it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Tuskr acts as your project manager, helping you catch bugs early, track issues efficiently, and ensure the software works perfectly from day one.

If you’re looking to simplify your testing process and keep your project bug-free, why not give Tuskr a try? It’s like having the ultimate toolbelt for your software development needs.


Whether you’re a seasoned developer or someone who’s just curious about how software gets built, bug management is crucial to a successful product. Think of bugs like minor home repairs—they’re inevitable, but with a solid plan and the right tools (like Tuskr!), you can handle them quickly and efficiently. Just like you want your house to be perfect, you want your software to be bug-free—and Tuskr helps you get there.



