Managing Across Organizational and cultural Boundaries
Globalization has been one of the factors influencing the achievements in various industries, including healthcare. The need for collaborations has been instrumental in handling the issues affecting countries, considering the resource endowment and economic development differences (Pollard, Morran, and Nestor-Kalinoski, 2020). The collaboration to tackle the global challenges is a course that many countries support. For developing economies, such strategies and initiatives create room for achieving the efficiencies required in tackling the issues. The COVID-19 pandemic has been one of the recent global challenges and pandemics affecting countries worldwide (BMJ, 2021). Through the United Nations (U.N.), countries can collaborate in tackling the pandemic through the World Health Organization (WHO).?The organization depends on the collaborative inputs from the countries to identify, define and create solutions for the pandemics. A typical organization increases the chances for collaborations, although factors such as sovereignty affect each country's obligations. The current report evaluates how power and trust affect global collaborations' actualization, especially when dealing with pandemics.
Power and trust are essential bases in collaborations. However, when power transforms into struggle and trust is not well established, collaboration inertia rather than a collaborative advantage.
In the arguments of power and trust, the principal focus is on developing and creating collaborations that uplift developing economies, especially during the pandemic. Power refers to the authoritative perspectives that influence the national or international perspectives in handling the pandemics. Trust refers to the ability to believe in each other and the individual obligations to develop equality at the national level for international benefits (De Campos, 2020). The relationship between power and trust enables collaborative advantages, primarily when geared towards a global challenge. However, building trust remains an aspect of concern for most countries due to the power struggles. Trust is a reciprocal process, meaning that the collaborations depend on the efforts from each other to develop trust (De Campos, 2020). Developing trust requires a common goal, negotiated purpose, and commitments towards such goals, from the global perspective, WHO provides a platform for handling health matters, creating a platform for building trust. The organization faces challenges in promoting equality due to the power perspectives, with most developing economies facing the wrath of power struggles (BMJ, 2021). Developed regions, such as Europe and East Asia, have integrated economic goals in power and trust perspectives, leading to collaborative inertia. Power in collaboration can occur in three perspectives, with each of them influencing the collaboration advantages or inertia, as shown below:
Power over
Power over adopts a "gain" perspective, whereby there is some level of control in the relationship. Globally, the economic growth rate and stability create room for countries to assume control over developing economies. For instance, most developing economies, including Kuwait, have been exposed to the vulnerabilities of exploitive World Bank loans during the pandemic, despite being part of WHO (BMJ, 2021). The contextual perspectives in power overcome when trust fails—the formation of WHO was part of the global measures to adept collective approaches on health matters. However, the organization expects that all countries trust their policies and contribute towards the various mandates. Lack of trust comes from the need to control based on economic power, overlooking the negotiated purpose within the collaborations (De Campos, 2020). Power over creates power struggles, which leads to collaborative inertia since the relationships within the collaborations overlook the negotiated purposes and commitments.
Power to
Power to entails a situation when there is trust within the collaboration, creating a mutual gain in the engagements. The mutuality perspectives in the collaborations consider the differences in capabilities between the parties involved (De Campos, 2020). For example, during the COVID-19 pandemic, international collaborations appreciate that some countries have better capacities, policies, and knowledge in handling the pandemic. The production and distribution of vaccines in such a perspective allow the countries to promote global interests. Building trust in such a context is crucial for the success of power due to the opportunities for exploitation. In most cases, nationalism takes center stage in international collaborations, creating inequality (Pollard et al., 2020). Concept power eliminates power struggles and creates collaborative advantages, although the powerful countries should take actions that benefit the collaborations.
Power for
Power for perspective entails the use of a shred approach in handling power within the collaborations. Transferring power within the collaboration indicates high trust levels. In the international contexts, the concept applies when the developed countries allow developing countries to influence policies, despite the disparities in production or economic capacities (Pollard et al., 2020). For example, the concepts used in tackling COVID-19 include lockdowns, vaccinations, and restrictions, which affects the economies. In Kuwait, the pandemic has reduced the economic growth rate, leading to needing for economic revival. WHO utilizes its obligations to develop collaboration empowerment through controlling resources and priorities. However, access to resources depends on the national willingness to provide resources and build capacities to tackle global challenges (Levesque et al., 2017). Implementing power for international collaborations has proved challenging due to the nationalism that optimizes national capacities and prioritizations. Lack of trust remains a core factor in reducing the power for approach since each country has individual goals that affect collaborative advantages.
Collaborative advantages and inertia
Collaboration refers to an engagement between parties or entities guided by specific goals and objectives. The collaborative approach utilizes common goals in creating the strategies while investing inequality across the parties. Kuwait is one of the countries that has subscribed to WHO guidelines in the fight against COVID-19. The country delivers updates on the pandemic state, making it easy to generate internal regulations. For instance, the country recorded the first case in the last week of February 2020, with the government depending on the health ministry in developing and implementing WHO guidelines (Gasana and Shehab, 20203). The economic perspectives of the pandemic in Kuwait indicate the presence of strategy challenges due to the restrictions imposed across the various sectors. Kuwait has been classified as a developing economy, with a GDP growth of 1.2%. Even with the pandemic, the country use recommendations from WHO to reduce the internal challenges such as adverse impacts of the pandemic (Gasana and Shehab, 2020). The compliance with WHO guidelines have indicated the collaborative advantages since WHO recommends universal health guidelines for all countries.
COVID-19 is a global pandemic and international collaboration through U.N. is paramount for a successful approach in tackling the issues affecting the countries. The collaborations in such pandemics include resource generation and distribution, which has been a challenge in the current pandemic (BMJ, 2021). Kuwait has been among the countries facing issues in accessing resources, despite the efforts to comply with WHO guidelines. However, the country has been on the radar of European countries when restricting international movement. Developed economies are usually at the forefront of influencing the actualization of collaborative benefits. For instance, in the COVID-19 pandemic, most developing economies have been dependent on cushioning from developing countries (Kyhlstedt et al., 2020). The capacity to develop preventive and curative measures for the virus is a distinguishing factor between the developing and developed countries, despite the presence of WHO as a central organization. The disparities create collaborative inertia, with the countries experiencing minimal benefits from the international engagements.
How power and trust are materialized between WHO and Kuwait and the effect on thecovid-19 pandemic in general and specifically in the administration of the vaccine
The fight against COVID-19 has indicated internationalization and engagements in developing the expected capacities across countries. The commitments to solidarity and equity have been tested, with the countries having different approaches in responding to the pandemic (Smith and Judd, 2020). The United Nations development created a platform for organizations to create globalized approaches in tackling global pandemics.?For instance, engagements between Kuwait and the European region in tackling COVID-19 have been escalated by their WHO membership, despite the lag in responses. The article focuses on the factors favouring international collaborations, with power and trust being instrumental in policies developed (BMJ, 2021). Access to resources and policies is a factor to consider, with the countries having different capacities. One of the major concerns is the lack of commitments to creating solutions, which has led to countries suffering the same fate of rapid growth in infections and fatalities. The effectiveness of the international collaborations depends on the power perspectives since powerful countries are expected to promote equality to developing economies. WHO has raised concerns about the politics behind COVID-19, which has created challenges in sustaining collaborative advantages. WHO is at the epitome of encouraging cooperation between countries, focusing on a joint health agenda.
In Kuwait, the need for collaborative advantages is evident, given the current struggles to tackle the pandemic. The WHO guidelines have been effective in slowing down the pandemic, with a ripple effect on the economic development gains. Since it is a developing economy, the demand for revival is high, which has influenced WHO's national commitments. The realities of the COVID-19 response indicate significant challenges in creating cross-border management approaches (BMJ, 2021). The political framework at the national level, coupled with the international ties, remains a hindrance in promoting international collaboration (Smith and Judd, 2020). WHO identifies the materialization factor as one of the causes of challenges in developing effective measures in dealing with the pandemic. Materialization refers to the aspects of looking into the economic benefits that countries would gain from the pandemic. For instance, the vaccine administration has adopted the nationalism aspects, with the various brands in the market indicating a lack of collaborations across the countries. For developing economies such as Kuwait, the individual relationship with countries has influenced the interactions with other countries, overlooking the concept of international collaboration (Smith and Judd, 2020). Lack of trust between the powerful countries has reduced their cumulative inputs in helping developing economies, which explains the fragmented approaches in tackling the COVID-19 pandemic.
The ethical perspectives in contributing towards global solutions are also a challenge. Ethical and moral commitments between the countries depend on many factors, including trade relations and national interests (BMJ, 2021). WHO must influence international policies. However, the organization has been exposed to frustrations by powerful countries, which form alliances that support their shared mission. Such alliances reduce the strengthening perspectives, which could have favoured the WHO's contribution in promoting equality in tackling COVID-19 (Deslatte, 2020). Such associations create the notion of corrupt, unwilling and material-based countries, with developing economies such as Kuwait not experiencing any collaborative advantages. The primary issues have come during the vaccination period, with the powerful countries reducing their inputs in vaccine development and commitments to distribution across the countries. In Kuwait, access to the vaccines has been at the mercies of WHO, guided by the various interventions and pleas for equal consideration, regardless of the economic perspectives (Gasana and Shehab, 2020). The logicality behind nationalism remains a profound argument, although WHO identifies the presence of unethical policies that have reduced the equality factor in fighting the pandemic (Gopichandran et al., 2020). The powerful countries have thrived in vaccinations without considering the plight of developing countries such as Kuwait, citing nationalism.
The COVID-19 has been one of the recent pandemics that have tested international collaboration in practicality and consequent implications. Power and trust have been at the core of the national inputs and decisions in handling the pandemic. Countries such as Kuwait have subscribed to the WHO guidelines, which are the international organizations obligated to health matters. The member states are expected to overlook the power and build trust to ensure collaborative advantages. However, trust and nationalism have affected the collaborations, creating challenges in developing effective strategies for global solutions. The report concludes that developing power and trust requires national commitments and willingness to promote equality. The practicality of international collaboration eliminates materialization and politics that affect relationship within the member states.
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