Managers: Driven instead of driving - An in-depth analysis
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Managers: Driven instead of driving - An in-depth analysis

What it's all about

Managers play a decisive role in shaping the work culture and performance of organisations. It is their job to inspire teams, manage goals and drive the success of the organisation. However, managers often find themselves in the role of the driven instead of the driver. In this article, we will discuss in detail the many causes and reasons for this dynamic.

Increased pressure to perform and short-term goals

In many organisations, there is a great deal of pressure to perform, which is intensified by short-term targets set from above. Managers are often forced to deliver quick results, which pushes strategic thinking and long-term planning into the background. The constant focus on quarterly figures and annual financial statements leads to managers reacting rather than acting, which turns them into drivers.

Insufficient resources and support

Another reason why managers often feel driven is the lack of resources. This can include financial constraints, staff shortages or insufficient technological support. Lacking the necessary resources to lead teams effectively and implement projects successfully can lead to a constant feeling of running behind.

Lack of autonomy and decision-making freedom

Managers working in highly hierarchical organisations often encounter limited decision-making freedom. When every decision has to be approved by higher levels, managers lose the ability to be proactive. This undermines their role as drivers and turns them into passive recipients of instructions.

Constant change and uncertainty

In a fast-paced business world, organisations are subject to constant change. This dynamic can be overwhelming for managers, especially when faced with constant strategy changes, market uncertainties and technological upheaval. The need to constantly adapt leaves little room for proactive behaviour.

Lack of training and development opportunities

Many organisations do not invest sufficiently in the training and development of their managers. Without the opportunity to learn and develop new skills, leaders cannot respond effectively to new challenges or drive innovative solutions. This contributes to them reacting to existing problems rather than creating new opportunities.

Corporate culture and lack of recognition

A corporate culture that is based on strict controls and offers little recognition for individual performance can also lead to managers feeling driven. When the focus is more on avoiding mistakes than achieving success, leaders become more cautious and less inclined to take risks or pursue innovative approaches.

Toxic or harmful ways of thinking and acting

These can have a significant impact on the effectiveness of leaders, entrenching them in their role as drivers rather than enablers. A toxic mindset can poison the company culture and lower morale, which has far-reaching negative effects on the entire organisation. Here are some specific toxic mindsets that can prevent leaders from successfully leading their teams:

The zero-error mindset

Some leaders believe that mistakes are unacceptable under any circumstances. This creates a culture of fear where employees avoid risk and shy away from innovation. Instead of learning and growing, teams focus on not making mistakes, which inhibits development and proactive action.


Managers with a micromanagement approach monitor every little thing and leave little to no room for their employees to take initiative. This undermines the trust and autonomy of employees, which is essential to act as a driving force.

Excessive pessimism

A constantly negative view of things can affect a team's morale and motivation. Managers who only ever see the risks and rarely the opportunities spread a toxic energy that nips creative thinking and optimism in the bud.


Some managers refuse to change their methods or views even when circumstances change. This inflexibility can lead to them being "driven" by developments in their industry or within their own organisation, rather than setting the direction themselves.

Misuse of power

Leaders who use their position to intimidate or manipulate others create an environment of uncertainty and mistrust. This can lead to a significant drop in team performance as employees are more concerned with catering to the leader's whims than with doing their jobs effectively.

The syndrome of the irreplaceable leader

Some leaders see themselves as irreplaceable and believe that the organisation cannot function without them. This mindset often leads them to fail to develop strong succession plans and develop employees, leaving the organisation vulnerable and increasing dependence on a single leader.


To transform leaders from driven to drivers, organisations need to make a number of changes. This includes creating a supportive culture, encouraging autonomy, decision-making and self-reflection, providing adequate resources and investing in the development of their leadership teams. This is the only way leaders can be fully effective and lead their teams and the entire organisation successfully into the future.

Reflect, Analyze, Advance!

Literature on the topic

The following references cover the most important aspects of the text and provide additional insights and research findings on the topics addressed:

Increased Pressure to Perform and Short-Term Goals

- Hewlett, S. A., & Luce, C. B. (2006). Extreme jobs: The dangerous allure of the 70-hour workweek. Harvard Business Review, 84(12), 49-59.

- Probst, G., & Raisch, S. (2005). Organizational crisis: The logic of failure. Academy of Management Perspectives, 19(1), 90-105.

Insufficient Resources and Support

- Gómez-Mejía, L. R., Berrone, P., & Franco-Santos, M. (2014). Compensation and organizational performance: Theory, research, and practice. Routledge.

- Nohria, N., & Gulati, R. (1996). Is slack good or bad for innovation?. Academy of management Journal, 39(5), 1245-1264.

Lack of Autonomy and Decision-Making Freedom

- Amabile, T. M., & Kramer, S. J. (2011). The progress principle: Using small wins to ignite joy, engagement, and creativity at work. Harvard Business Press.

- Ryan, R. M., & Deci, E. L. (2000). Self-determination theory and the facilitation of intrinsic motivation, social development, and well-being. American psychologist, 55(1), 68.

Constant Change and Uncertainty

- Kotter, J. P. (2012). Leading change. Harvard Business Press.

- Worley, C. G., & Lawler III, E. E. (2010). Built to change organizations and responsible progress: Twin pillars of sustainable success. Research in Organizational Change and Development, 18, 1-49.

Lack of Training and Development Opportunities

- Aguinis, H., & Kraiger, K. (2009). Benefits of training and development for individuals and teams, organizations, and society. Annual review of psychology, 60, 451-474.

- Noe, R. A., Clarke, A. D., & Klein, H. J. (2014). Learning in the twenty-first-century workplace. Annu. Rev. Organ. Psychol. Organ. Behav., 1(1), 245-275.

Corporate Culture and Lack of Recognition

- Kerr, J., & Slocum Jr, J. W. (2005). Managing corporate culture through reward systems. Academy of Management Perspectives, 19(4), 130-138.

- Schein, E. H. (2010). Organizational culture and leadership (Vol. 2). John Wiley & Sons.

Toxic or Harmful Mindsets and Behaviors

- Frost, P. J. (2004). Handling toxic emotions: New challenges for leaders and their organization. Organizational Dynamics, 33(2), 111-127.

- Lipman-Blumen, J. (2005). The allure of toxic leaders: Why we follow destructive bosses and corrupt politicians--and how we can survive them. Oxford University Press.


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