Managerial Skills
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We wonder about the special characteristics that some Leaders have and that lead them to be successful. Today we will have the opportunity to review the skills that distinguish them, for this we must understand that the level of execution that the Leader shows in each of these skills describes the effectiveness with which he acts.
?And we ask ourselves: is that the formula? Does success depend on how the Leader manages a series of managerial skills? We cannot assure that but executing the managerial skills that I will mention next, give the Leader the ability to increase his effectiveness consistently.
?Management Skill is defined as the ability of a person to manage an organization towards clearly determined objectives. It can be obtained through formal education or through personal experiences. This last learning process is the most valuable, it tells us that we can have an extremely effective Leader without having gone through formal education.
?I list the management skills that in my experience have revolutionized some global companies. These organizations have been able to base a successful culture of sustainable achievement.
?Concluding: All of us have the capacity to work the managerial skills described above, the problem is that some of them are managed in high effectiveness and some others in low effectiveness. All of us can learn how to manage high effectiveness actions supported by a development plan, these plans require a certain technique to be effective, we must go beyond mere observation.
?I hope this article has given you a clear introduction regarding management skills. Any questions or comments I will be willing to receive and answer. See you soon.
?Pablo Gerardo Zayas Blanco
?Cel. 6562375686