Management terms simple as 1,2,3
Dr Hesham Fowzy
Chief Business Operations I Hospital Management l C Suite l Saudi Health Care Starts-up Expert
What is a successful management ?
Lets discuss it in a very simple 1,2,3 steps
If Barcelona football team is coming to your country to play a football game, and you print a sign saying: ' Barcelona will come to play a football next Month, then this is #Advertisement
And if you hang banners on cars and roam around the cites , than this is #Promotion
And if you do advertisements in other markets and countries explain the event and how much fun people will have when they attend, prepared a website and a hotline to answer questions in many different languages; and take reservations, and people came to see the game and booked hotels and spent few days around and shopping in the city, then this is #Sales
And at the time of team arrive at the air port , the Miss Universe attend , gave all a kiss and bouquet of flowers, and TV channels satellite channels covered the topic and the press wrote a story about it, then this is a #Publicity
And if you make the team visits a children art gallery of a unique children's school, sign the autographs and the captain of the team gave a statement that school is doing a great job and asks fans to donate little to the school so they can continue what they do, and post some photos with the children in his social media account, then this is #Public Relations.
And after watching the game and before leaving, you asked the visitors for their feedback and evaluation of the service, and suggestions on how to improve the service so that they could have more fun in their next visit. then this is # Quality
And if, after a couple weeks , you send a SMS message to wish one of the clients attended the game on the birthday of their little daughter. then this is # Client Relation
And if you get from your clients a list of the names and contacts information of their friends who may be interested in attending the next event, then this is # Potential Clients (Leads generations)
And if clients contacted you and asked when you will organize another match, and asked to book tickets for the next game before announcing its date, then this is # Create a Demand
And if there is competitor organizing an event at the same time as your next evnt, but clients pref-are to come to you and to go to other one; though your cost is higher . then this is # Brand
And after doing this business and you look into your book sheet and see that you were able to pay the team works with you , the football teams for the game , the AD agency for the marketing work , the sponsors got what you promised them to receive for sponsoring the event ,,,etc and you have generated some decent profit . then this is # good business operations
And ff you carry the P&L responsibility for implementing,providing tools of the teams working in each part of this plan to get the desired results , solve problems , put plans to stop obstacle happen again at any stage of execution from the minute clients make the reservation till they go back home happy, and have reached a full success in the process, and you got a call from a competitor wants to buy your business and pay 400% on top of your investment ; then this is # successful management