Are there management learning from our personal dates

Dates on record

I decided to novel a dating scene for us to reference and analyze


I love you. Good luck not impressing me

Rebecca - Propositions

Every property has values, interests and ways of working

Each policy is odd in the sense that it varies with place

I shoot when I see limitations

I execute with suite, servants, mind and intel

I go field testing

I accounted for what is known to what is known to get to the cause of health problems

I got to surveys and complexity of situation in Africa

Raunak - Grades

One time lets call it favors two times would be a treason

Belief network of talent reaps reward and makes ROI for self

Club music is promising, made me a challenger and a man out of me

I have orchestrated agreements with International Research Organizations

I have owned for my mental and physical fitness to my delight

I have lobbied group support to national initiatives

My rolodex led to my entry to drinks at shacks which induced a distortion in my mind

I prefer networking for fashion and vinyl sensations - a global outreach - so far been half way around the globe

My dinner conversations hold to the standards of intellectuals - Lets learn to be more than the university you went to

Lastly, I have been hijacked just like 9/11 so theres risk to your life if we move to the next date.

Rebecca - Questions

I have many questions

Do you parallel reasoning often sought as a Regret - Memory - Behavior pattern

Have you made and raised requires Obligation - Search - Cooperation - Funding

Narrate everything positive and neutral about you

Raunak - Raises

We gave time to field growers as lots of money was out of hands with banks ways of working

And brought guitar to convocation zone to tell them how olden ways of yours are

I have received

  • Private training support in global incubation houses
  • Personal note of mention in Director's graduation book
  • Peer optimized learning to a scientist's tackle
  • Planned succession to post school work
  • Convocation with leading sportsperson
  • Rode passages to awards, gadgets, certificates and binding trips to scenic beaches

Regrets -

Sine qua non. When didn’t ridicule in giving orders, they tripped me! Desi feeling and flowers. Catering escape to entry. Squats and battery case intelligence was the interview criteria.

Listening to singers and dancing to the music became my best hobbies.

500 hundred miles :

Positive things

I have tried hard to keep my promises. It has been to some extent setting risks vs reward equations in helping companies and foundations succeed by investing, handling? operations, and closing public service endeavors and joining members of many Wall Street Clubs.

Navigated the team through data challenges along the way. I personally spent $ on campaigns of startups given the trend in the market to identify the depth needed for the above exercise. I also gaged the business owners point of view to put things into perspective.

For budding talents, grab a lunch with prominent folks in your company. Common sense makes 100x of a difference.

Received suite reckonings and behavior model plan acknowledged. Spent inordinate time preparing and penning deals. Deal execution would have been flawed for time application level set doubles game. In simpler words the risk/reward equation. When you understand scale is leverage you would understand this was a masterful success. Fortune makes many a businesses. Verified Business Presence for all levels of intelligence. For arguments vein had rooftop luncheons and over the phone networking discussions. Final Price to contract was 1,570,268.

Triage work done in summer to support the people. Addressing their fears and filling out the paperwork needed to boost their confidence. The predicament and wikipedia learnings were paramount.

To lead one has to be adaptive. Realistic timelines and moderation of duties builds credibility. A recluse to change is irrational yet rational hence legal. Art of modeling is in essence learning to keeping the variance low. Science of modeling is to have good accuracy while precision is not completely ignored.

There are so many techniques out there to create value in life and ways to deal with it. However, many a times it's your hypotheses put in the right context which is the differentiator. Thus, the essence of science is in the world you create. I constantly strive in pursuit and to apply knowledge and understanding of the natural and social world more in lead orientation than follow.

Let's auction my experience in time and space. You would get the chess instruments - a castle, knight, queen, pawn and a bishop.

Global Vice President Policy work at 21. Double aces in my book. A facebook promise and Goa state representation and capital management and media. Entering on a global stage from Paris marked my interactions with then ministers and political leaders. Policy threads and compliance metrics are features of governance. Foundry workloads were kuberneted by the team. For me race is social and ethnics food preferences.

Further performed gravity defying maneuvers to understand cross-lingual problems. The perpetual grace effect lingered on with kind transactions globally. To lead one has to be adaptive. It allows us to keep our costs low and address availability across mainland. Supervised scaled operations and ascertained control to recognize crowd sentiments. My talk on enterprise fund concept is captured in the public.


What's the treat?


Merit is personal favors since need is many. Billionaire now going for the Nrillionaire status.

Hosted buffet on my birthday in college. Granted la carte on my birthday in the city. Got fired by invasion of cell phone privacy - Personal information should only be with law enforcement not companies.

Gifted dark latte products for fashion $

Sushimi Video £

£ Greek Wine and everything

¥ Tokyo Drift


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