Management Headaches / Rewards

Management Headaches / Rewards

I wrote this a few years ago, when I was a manager....April 1, 2016

One of the biggest headaches in management is also one of the most rewarding. I’ve been unfortunate/fortunate to experience it numerous times. Does that sound odd? I would think so but perhaps with a bit of explanation it will make more sense.

From day one a priority for a manager is to develop his team. That’s the whole purpose of coaching and training. Of course you are helping them to be more proficient in their present position to make the company more profitable, as well as your own life a bit easier. The purpose isn’t to limit them to their present job though. You maintain a dialogue with each team member to learn about their desires and goals. Sometimes they want your job, or even a much higher role! Part of your job is to mentor and help them along a path to reach their goals. At least it should be unless you are too self -centered to recognize you expect the same thing from your boss.

In a perfect world every member of the team wants to keep the same position because you are such a prince to work for and they can’t imagine ever leaving. Managers don’t live in a perfect world; they live in the real world. It’s a world that is thankfully ripe with opportunity. (I should add that I am, in fact, a prince to work for…)

Over the years I have had members of my team get the promotions they deserve and they move on. When they move forward they leave a void that needs to be filled, which in turn results in the previously mentioned headache. Each time you know you’ll be starting over to a certain extent. Once you select a replacement for your right hand man/woman you cross your fingers that your selection abilities are up to par with your mentoring skills. It can be a vicious circle.

With that being said, there is extreme satisfaction in seeing someone succeed even if you only had a small part in that development. If you played a large part in their development it’s an even more rewarding experience. If the relationship is strong enough, the moment of moving on can be painful, often involving tears. You realize though that this is due to appreciation on both sides. I certainly appreciate the work that others do on my behalf. On the one hand, you know the next few months will be critical. On the other, you know this moment is what your team member was trying to obtain. Take the time to let them rejoice in their accomplishment.

Today I found out I’ll be losing my right hand woman because she received an exceptional offer from Freddie Mac that I know in my heart she would regret turning down. I know because in only six months I’ve had conversations with her that make me think this opportunity is what she was really looking for along the way. It fits her development plan to a tee, even though the idea was for her to stay in house. I can’t take any credit for her success because she has taught me more in my first six months than I’ve been able to give back.

I feel like I’ve lived this about a dozen times, likely because I have. I’m thankful that I’ve been able to see many on my teams become great leaders, analysts and more importantly friends. I can take some pleasure in seeing someone I’ve developed a relationship with attain another goal, even if it means a temporary headache for yours truly. That’s the life of a manager.


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