Management Ethics and Values-Based Decision-Making
This course by Cambridge Kipp about Management Ethics and Values-Based Decision Making introduces you to the principles of ethics and the application of these ethics in the management environment of healthcare. The course will discuss how ethics and values affect your decision making as a supervisor or manager, whether it was your personal ethics or those of the employees and the organization as a whole. Various examples will be given in order to provide an explanation of the application of the ethical principles in the management setting of healthcare, in addition to analyzing specific laws that are related to ethical concerns in addition to addressing the responsibilities of managers. A clarification of the differentiation between ethical and legal concerns will be provided, and there will be opportunities given to define and recognize the ethical dilemmas and conflicts in management. In this course by Cambridge Kipp, you will work on resolving and analyzing ethical issues in management through the utilization of ethical decision making frameworks and processes.
The course number at Cambridge Kipp College is 65642.
The date of the course depending on the module that you are going to sign up for:
- The duration of individual module: Students enrolling in an individual module have a total of thirty days to complete the module starting from the release of the access information of the module (the access information includes the student’s user name, password and URL).
- The duration of the full certificate program (six modules): The full certificate program takes a duration up to nine months.
Management Ethics and Values-Based Decision-Making course from Cambridge Kipp is taken online.
This course that is provided by Cambridge Kipp should be attended by:
- Personnel working in the front-office and back office in medical settings.
- Different healthcare professionals such as physicians and nurses.
- Individuals who fill roles as supervisors or managers in medical settings.
- Healthcare systems that seeks to provide training that is cost-effective to its employees.
- This course would be beneficial to the supervisors and managers who work in other fields and seeks to enter the profession of healthcare.
Information related to continuing education:
- CEUs of 1.5 will be given for any single module completed.
- CEUs of 9.0 will be given upon completing any 6 modules of the program.
- Completion certificate from Cambridge Kipp and Cambridge Kipp Leads.
- You can qualify for 10.5 continuing education credits through completing the first 7 modules.
Prerequisite Courses:
The minimum requirements for taking part in the complete program is to have an associate certificate from a college or a technical school or equivalent experience.