IT Management, The Basics

Information Technology in most organizations is regarded as a support function. I also actually agree. It provides a platform for which other departments can realize their ebb and flow. It provides the necessary tools to achieve other business essentials such as data mining, research, systems integration and many more others. However, to some extent, IT actually drives the business. Yes it does. In today's business world, it is critical to identify the drivers of your business. some businesses fail while others flourish in the same environment. The difference is in the drivers and how succesful they adapt to their environmental challenges.

ICT can drive any business with utmost ease. There are a number of ICT tools available on the market today. However it is important to properly choose what suits your business needs. Tools such as Enterprise Resource Planning, Customer Relationship Management, Materials Requirement Planning, Internet tools, Collaboration tools, Content Management tool and the list keeps growing (We will discuss some of these tools in coming days).

I C T tools have capabilities to dictate the outcome of any business plan, any business objective and even predict the outcome of your business proposal. The business community need to identify the most suitable tool to their business. Wrong choices of tools can have adverse realities to the business. On the other hand a well chosen tool can have greater positive benefits to all system users and organisations. Some of the benefits of using ICT tools are; Increased efficiency and productivity, huge reduction on business operational costs, improved business performance, greater brand recognition, investment attraction, easy access to data as when you need it, greater partner collaborations etc.....

All the above write up is already invested in any IT staff. They already know the tools and what they can do. These tools are essential to any business entity. It is upto the IT guy to advise the investors, business leaders which way to take. It is always good to take it simple and affordable. Make use of the tools that will make your job enjoyable so that each morning you will wake up looking forward to another happy day at work.

The IT staff must identify the needs of the organization and what is beneficial to the business. To achieve this, involve all members of staff whenever a decision is due. There are often times we the IT people presume we have all it takes to decide on any other person in the company. This we get it wrong. The person who knows it-all is the "stakeholder". Involve them at early stage and all shall fall in place.

Make your work enjoyable. ICT can be boring sometimes. Find space to talk to people rather than keeping yourself holed up fighting with syntax errors. Let not your career stress you, it is meant to be enjoyed. Love it to the max! apparently you can only do this when you involve the people. They are part of the solution to your pressing issues. Ask head spinning questions to Jim and Jack, you will be surprised how solutions will flow. Never assume that you are the only spring of knowledge in the organization.

ALWAYS make your ICT management as simple as you can. Enjoy your JOB! Thats IT

[Look out for my next talk]


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