Managed File Transfers by Trustlink & IBM
External file transfers of digital assets are risky for everyone—no matter if you’re a healthcare organization, financial institution, insurance company, retail store, manufacturer or in education.
Your business processes are critically dependent on information shared through documents and files. In fact, according to research, 55% of all systems integration is still done through file transfer.
MFT brings security, reliability and governance to the movement of these files inside and outside your business. File transfer demands continue to extend and mature as your needs expand, creating an MFT journey. File transfers environments have to adapt to the business needs for automation, consolidation and cloud architecture.
In South Africa there ia a strong use case for managed file transfer where organizations exchange information with critical business partners such as their bankers. Security, stability, automation and visible audit trails are some of the motivating factors.
Your organization’s success ultimately depends on the reliable, secure and governed flow of critical information. Whether you need to have a straight-through process from your back office to your bank, transfer batch transactions to an outsourced payroll provider or exchange B2B files for supply chain processes, you need a way to do so efficiently, with greater security and in a way that scales quickly. And you need to be able to do all of this in any environment – on-premise, hybrid cloud, or cloud.
To learn more about Managed File Transfer and start your MFT journey, please contact Trustlink @ [email protected], or on 012 470 4800. You can also find more information at