Manage your Wellbeing for a Happy & Healthy Life
Global Wellbeing Network (GWN)
Building a healthier and happier planet
Sunmoonanand’s 6 important points for happy and healthy life. Assess your wellbeing before reading below
1. Love Yourself
Loving yourself is essential for a healthy and happy life. This means balancing your needs with the needs of others and striving for win-win solutions. Aim to achieve financial independence as soon as possible.
2. Empower Yourself
Stop blaming others and recognize your choices in each moment. Many people live as victims, blaming others until the end of their lives. Stay open to different perspectives—your viewpoint is just one among eight billion. Forgive yourself and others for past hurts and mistakes, understanding that we all have unique characteristics. Those who have hurt you can be your greatest teachers, helping you develop love for all beings, especially your pets.
3. Practice Gratitude
Start your day with gratitude: Unlike 300,000 people who will not wake up today, you are alive today. Accept people and life as they are, making choices based on your inner calling. Surrender to and align with your higher purpose. Cultivate a circle of friends who energize and support you by deep listening and by appreciating them.
4. Maintain Healthy Habits
Sleep according to your circadian rhythm and eat in alignment with your beliefs and your body's signals. Regularly check how your body responds to different foods. Avoid processed and toxic foods, including chemically laden milk. Focus on consuming more fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds.
5. Stay Active
Keep moving with activities you enjoy, such as walking, Tai chi, yoga, or going to the gym. Avoid prolonged sitting on a couch or sofa. Aim for 10,000 steps a day, a four-mile walk, or an hour in the gym to maintain your independence and avoid assisted living.
6. Manage Stress
Meditate or engage in activities that help manage your stress. Learn to live in the present moment—this is a learned behavior that can significantly improve your well-being.
Wishing each one of you a happy and healthy life. ????