Manage Your Stress with Dr. Chris Lee

Manage Your Stress with Dr. Chris Lee

Is there anything more momentum-muting than when you put yourself out there with your best foot forward, when you bring your absolute A-game, and yet something about your approach, your message, your offer… something about YOU, elicits a brutal, ice-cold, rejection? As intentional seekers of YES in business and in life, the real truth is this:?if we didn't get shot down every once in a while, the wins would quite simply not feel as euphoric. We?know?that without those glorious, spicy, magical moments of aliveness- our wins would eventually just feel like “meh”?moments of mediocrity.?




When the rejections start to pile up:?when the clients don't sign, the deals don't get done, the team doesn't back you, the boss doesn't promote you… it can feel impossible to fend off the sneaky secondary level of stress that compounds on top of our pre-existing normal life stressors. And on top of past "little t" AND "big T" traumas. And THAT is when we must be extra, uber, radically diligent- so that we don't find ourselves accidentally succumbing to the narrative of the victim as opposed to the victor.

If you've been battling multiple levels of chronic stress, this week's episode of On Your Terms with Erin King is exactly what the doctor ordered. Literally. Dr. Chris Lee is an esoteric, scientific spitfire who shares with us how the time between trauma and the manifestation of mental health challenges is actually about 18 months. So when you think about where we are in terms of being "post-pandemic"- it's no wonder we're now seeing massive spikes in anxiety, mental health issues, domestic violence and more.

This week, he explains the science of stress, how to evaluate how much stress you can tolerate every day, how to better self-regulate your stress, and the how to restoratively rest after both everyday stressful stimuli AND heavy cognitive lifting. Dr. Lee's practical how-to action steps for stress management in this episode will help you to truly armor up for the week ahead.

Today is your day to choose to get your stress under control, so you can invite more of the YES that you so deserve back into your life. ?

You can listen to this week's episode here.


Erin King is the world’s leading digital persuasion expert, a 2x bestselling author, and Chief Digital Officer at Strikepoint Media.?She helps sales and leadership executives become more persuasive communicators using her PUB Method?. SUCCESS Magazine named King one of 2022’s “Top 10 Must-See Motivational Speakers”.?She is the author of two bestselling books “Digital Persuasion” and "You're Kind of a Big Deal". Her podcast, “On Your Terms with Erin King” is in the top 10% of all podcasts on iTunes. To learn more about Erin's keynotes , trainings, or workshops please visit


