Cyprian Cox
Network Marketing Professional partnered with MyDailyChoice| Health & Wellness
Yesterday I attended a Wellness Webinar with a presentation by Amy Johnson, Director of Product Development for the company I am associated with as an Independent Affiliate. The Webinar focused on ways to maintain and/or increase your energy.
Why are we so tired
(1)Lack of Sleep
(2)Unhealthy Diet
(3)Unhealthy Sleep
(4)Minimal Exercise
Tips For Restful Sleep
(a)Try our Daily Spray SLEEP: use 6 sprays before bed
(b)You can also use the Mantra RELAX blend
(c)We also have the HempWorx CBD + Melatonin softgel
We eat too much energy depleting foods such as:
-White bread, pasta, and rice
-Sugar and foods with added sugars
-Energy drinks
-Fried and fast foods
One possible solution if you are a coffee drinker, is to switch to our Hempworx CBD-Infused, keto-friendly coffee to boost your energy.
Replace your Energy drinks with E-CELL, BOOST, ULTRA CZ, and PEAK.
A basic weight management tip is as follows:
Eat Less + Exercise More + Weight Loss
Use E-CELL and BOOST before exercising. This will increase your energy and cause you to exercise longer.
Use TRIM365 3X per day(apply 4 to 6 sprays each time). This will reduce your appetite.
Exercise can reduce your risk of illnesses.
Use E-CELL and BOOST(4 sprays each) before exercising.
Use PEAK for after exercise recovery.
Mantra ENERGY blend: diffuse and apply to bottom of feet.
To help maintain a better feeling, use the following:
HempWorx CBD tinctures; Mantra Scents; Mantra RESTORE blend.
You can get more information on our DAILY SPRAYS, HEMPWORX products, and the MANTRA Essential oils, scents, and blends on the website below.