Manage Power BI (semantic model=analytic cube) over Bigquery (SQL gold DWH)
?? Christophe Hervouet
DATA Advisor : Organisations / Gouvernances / Architectures + Lead tech Microsoft Data : Azure / Power BI / Microsoft Fabric + Expert Bigquery / DBT Cloud
Data/BI architects and decisions makers
You have invested a lot (budgets, time, projects) on Snowflake, Databricks or Bigquery etc..
And you are right because they are excellent DATA platforms systems, very features-rich and with a large community
?? About "last Analytics stack" , above all how to manage a linked domain semantic model (star model, RLS, powerful KPIs) and its dataviz (Reporting) ?
Tableau / Looker / Power BI Analytics stack (semantic model = cube & dataviz)
Follow me please on this Power BI over Bigquery focus ==>
?? Don't hesitate to embrace the also fantastic Power BI (great maturity & community , powerful (features , security & sharing) , rich DAX language for KPIs , nice visuals etc .. ect...) Nothing to prove more about the product and no list "à la Prévert" here
?? My advises for a Power BI great cohabitation with Bigquery (few points perhaps also availabe with Snowflake and Databricks) ==>
Twelve key points to handle opimally both data platform ecosystem :
1) FINOPS and USAGES : SQL queries tracking : Mandatory - Connections costs & usages
We want Microsoft and GCP to work together on richer logs (PBI over BQ and others MS Fabric tools over BQ) offered by Bigquery logs (Bigquery audit logs)
?? Currently on BQ logs we can observe :
the MS connector name , the SQL query (native or M folding) script , duration , the query cost (data processed volumetry ) , start/end datetime and the IP address of the requesting system
But we also need please :
?? The name of the Microsoft Fabric Workspace , the name of MS Fabric tool (normally PBI) , Fabric item (the semantic model name) , operation name , model table name is refrsh , a rich context ==> refresh import mode or Direct query mode ? /+/ query origin : does the query come from Service or Desktop ? /+/ type : native or folding query ?
?? We also needs for GCP logs information if this SQL query (from Microsoft Power BI or Fabric ) is using normal cache BI engine
is using some tables partitions
?? FINOPS persons on BQ will be very very happy this day
?? Also track "strange" SQL queries provided by Power BI to BQ (As a result : strong BQ serverless cost)
Like ==> SELECT Col1 , Col2? ?...?FROM My_table? LIMIT??1 (or top 1000)? OFFSET 0?
?? Why the above queries occur ? Is it due to power query tables schema detection requirements in some cases ?
?? Also track long and costly SQL queries ==> Investigate : Is it missing incremental refresh policy on my PBI semantic model ?
Or/and is it also missing table partitions on my BQ tables , tables linked to PBI incremental refresh ?
2) DATA GOVERNANCE : Push every time to provide Domains Data Products (sales global / entity , supply , financial etc .)
?? SQL DWH gold & PBI semantic model data
??Ensure governance , quality , avoid duplicates
?? Link only "ready to use" SQL gold tables to Power BI
?? Forbid custom SQL query on the connector - Only SQL dimensional model table access
?? Highlight domain data products on data catalog
?? The crossing ? Create "Crossing domains analysis" domains projects on Bigquery & PBI
3) INFRA : Connector quality - The native Bigquery connector on PBI & MS Fabric
?? We are impatiently awaiting transition to Apache ARROW ADBC protocol to boost performances (ODBC, however, "without gateway need" is currently a little bit "slow")
Current connect benckmark
Context : PBI Service - Dataset refreshes - Native Bigquery connector -36 millions rows - 9,01 Go of data (rows * columns sizes)
Simple native query on the connector - BQ project region ? - MS Fabric capacity region ?
SELECT * FROM proj1.ds1.activity LIMIT 36000000
Results :
Difference perhaps due to different regions , network ... but please adopt Apache ARROW ADBC protocol soon
??Check for GCP BQ project region (Exp : West Europe) & Microsoft Fabric capacity region (Exp : West Europe) , as close as possible
?? "Zero" on premise gateway setup here as link of course
4) SECOPS : Key point - Connection security
?? Normally use GCP Service account and avoid user GCP UPN
?? But to use GCP Service account ask Microsoft to offer a key vault access on Power BI (Desktop + Service)
??If you show Service accounts secrets (IT) to several PBI developers (Business) ... it could be catastrophic
?? Coming one day : By domain, provide an external data sources broker on Microsoft Fabric will certainly solve/fix this problem
?? Managed by few security domain officers (restricted management & access) : All connections shared to all MS Fabric ingestion tools & all connections shared to several developers
?? Only domain security officers can see : credentials , service principal secrets , passwords , tokens , key vault access , managed access
?? Reducte time to market for developers : "One clik" shared connection are "ready to use" on pbi , dfgen2 , notebook , data pipelines , event stream , mirroring connections
5) MODELING : (SQL DWH --> PBI) Import mode
?? To be preferred but ask MS to boost its "slow" connector point 2)
A F64 capacity allows 25 Gb of compressed storage vertipaq by semantic model .. nice
6) MODELING : (SQL BQ DWH --> PBI) Direct Query mode
?? A "non-intelligent" cache is provided for free by BQ - It 's emptied at each append/update of table rows
?? SSO & security & privileges at the source requirements ? RLS /privileges/accesses of hundreds of end-users provided by SQL gold source ? Good luck to manage end-users in addition to data enginners & data analysts , but "why not"
?? I really advise to avoid Direct Query as much as possible because of the query serverless cost of BQ (Aka data processed on columnar tables - zero INDEX - only tables partitions & clusters to reduce data processed)
?? Direct query but then only for 3 or 4 use cases where we are going to display "real time" PBI KPIs every 5 min on a TV screen
OR to deal with a fantastically huge BQ table volumetry ( create PBI composite model)
OR If "why not" we are "rich" and we have subscribed to the GCP BI engine service (BQ's intelligent cache)
7) INTEROPERABILITY WITH MS FABRIC : Coming one day BQ DWH SQL --> MS Fabric WH SQL via replica: The future BQ mirroring in Fabric (in "one way" replica)
Natively (without third-party synchronization tool) MS offers
And at least display SQL BQ tables on others Fabric workspaces WH (Info. : type tables shortcuts coming soon for WH)
?? Why not? Nice for doing direct lake and replacing direct query
?? But beware of the cost of replications
??And as for Snowflake ==> Prohibit all new SQL transformations over an official company domain data product
?? Governance : We "protect" our compagny SQL domains data products
8) INTEROPERABILITY WITH MS FABRIC : Coming one day BQ DWH SQL --> MS Fabric WH SQL via iceberg files (on buckets) shortcuts : data storage & metadata of BQ tables occur with an ICEBERG format that Fabric would read via shortcuts (Iceberg to delta parquet translation)
And at least display SQL BQ tables on Fabric WH (Info. : type tables shortcuts coming soon for WH )
Natively (without third-party file copy tool)
?? Why not? Nice for doing direct lake and replacing direct query
?? But be careful you know about : "Zero" SQL transformations above SQL data products, please
?? Governance : We "protect" our compagny SQL domains data products
OR BQ DWH SQL --> refresh --> PBI Dataflow
?? Governance : Honestly , AVOID these above architectures , normally BigQuery is your single SQL gold DWH source of truth
?? Catastrophic for BQ data products
?? Governance : We "protect" our compagny SQL domains data products
10) DATA GOVERNANCE : Offer a data catalog tool according to track BQ/PBI/Fabric objects inventory , dependencies , lineages
?? Highlight control how are consumed BQ SQL data products
11) DATA GOVERNANCE : Feed a Power BI Admin SQL DATA PRODUCT (on BQ) with PBI metadata & PBI activities & PBI access data
?? Ingest PBI admin APIs : scanner & activities APIs
?? Highlight control how are consumed BQ SQL domains data products
?? Offer a federal Access Audit Report for controls
11 bis ) DATA GOVERNANCE : Feed a Bigquery Admin SQL DATA PRODUCT (on BQ) with BQ access/privileges - BQ audit log - BQ inventory (tables descriptions ,views dependencies ..)
?? Highlight BQ SQL domains data products
?? Offer a federal Access Audit Report for controls ( BQ & PBI - objets <- access --> users types )
12) SUPPORT : BQ / PBI & Fabric supports (Issues / Questions / Improvements ...)
?? Initiate strong support contracts with GCP and Microsoft
?? Initiate a "VIP" channel to ask for ideas / questions
?? Warn both editors you are using PBI over BQ and you want to drastically reduces connection issues
?? Ask for great & rich ticketing systems to GCP and Microsoft
?? On board your both GCP & Microsoft dedicated engineers on "connections issues" tickets
Implicitly : On both data platforms , this ecosystem perform :
?? Billing and cost controls
?? Both PAAS administrations
?? Mount an internal great ticketing service BQ / PBI
?? Manage Power BI Fabric capacities ( Cost is called CUs)
?? Data Quality Controls (data)
?? DATA OPS practices controls on BQ & PBI
DATA Advisor : Organisations / Gouvernances / Architectures + Lead tech Microsoft Data : Azure / Power BI / Microsoft Fabric + Expert Bigquery / DBT Cloud
4 个月Power BI over Cloud PAAS SQL DWH focus ------------------------------------------------- Future Azure DWH ? (one day ? ) focus -----------------------------------------------