Manage the complexities associated with Supply Chain Sustainability. Ask this:

Manage the complexities associated with Supply Chain Sustainability. Ask this:

  1. If your organization has determined that sustainability in the supply chain is critical to business success, would there be a benefit in making a commitment to this in its environmental policy?
  2. How important is sustainability in determining which MRO suppliers or supply chain partners your organization will work with in the next 3 years?
  3. How does your organization ensure that other supply chain partners are complying with sustainability requirements?
  4. How does your organization identify the sustainability design constraints created by its supply chain partners and other external factors?
  5. What does the current focus on sustainability have to do with on shelf availability and costs in the physical supply chain for consumer goods?
  6. How often does your organization disclose its supply chain sustainability practices?
  7. To what extent will your organization prioritize supply chain sustainability efforts in which areas, post COVID 19?
  8. What is your organization doing to develop continuous improvement strategies addressing climate change and sustainability in its supply chain practices?
  9. Does your organization consider NSF sustainability to be the global traceable down standard and the best standard to reduce supply chain risk and provide full traceability?
  10. Have you established a mechanism for stakeholders in the supply chain to bring sustainability issues to the attention of your organization and seek redress?
  11. Does your enterprise have a formal process for identifying potential sustainability risks that might exist within the supply chain (upstream and downstream)?
  12. Is your organization strong on environmental and sustainability issues and has it examined social dimensions as human rights in its supply chain or workplace equity?
  13. To what extent have you adopted which technologies to ensure supply chain sustainability and responsibility, if at all?
  14. How are sustainability performance measures through the supply chain incorporated into your organizations performance management process?
  15. Has pressure on your organization for supply chain sustainability changed during Covid 19?
  16. How does green supply chain integration affect the sustainability performance of your organization?
  17. Is sustainability a defined and measured objective within your supply chain organization today?
  18. Are climate change, environmental and sustainability risks factored into the supply chain management processes along with human rights and ethics?
  19. When you take a closer look at your organizations sustainability objectives around environmental impact, diversity and inclusion, clean energy and supply chain management, do you measure up?
  20. Do you think sustainability will become part of supply chain professionals core responsibilities over the long term?
  21. What is each member of the supply chain doing to address key sustainability impacts and to improve sustainability performance?
  22. What are the sustainability (social, ethical and environmental) issues for Supply Chain management in your organization?
  23. What is your approach to sourcing goods and supply chain management, including tender evaluation and contract management?
  24. What are the influential organizational factors in the supply chain management activities for diffusion of environmental and social sustainability practices?
  25. How can your organization position your supply chain as an innovation engine and contribute to the sustainability objectives of the organization?
  26. How important is the supply chain for your organizations ability to meet its sustainability goals?
  27. How is the supply chain prepared for the sustainability and innovation requirements of any project?
  28. How can value be added to ensure sustainability criteria to all supply chain actors?
  29. Are employee and supply chain partner incentives aligned with your organizations sustainability reporting objectives?
  30. To what extent can the consumer influence supply chain responsibility in making sustainability improvements?
  31. What steps do you take to ensure your supply chain is responsible while achieving financial and sustainability metrics at the same time?
  32. With which sustainable supply chain management measures does your organization achieve the maximum impact?
  33. What do other organizations publicly disclose about supply chain sustainability programs?
  34. In which action area of your sustainable supply chain management does your organization most effectively apply its core competences?
  35. Which supply chain process/activities need to be improved to make it better fit to sustainability performance?
  36. Are sustainability risks in your supply chain managed effectively through the procurement contracts?
  37. Which types of suppliers in your extended supply chain are the most impacted by your supply chain sustainability efforts?
  38. What policies are in place to monitor and manage your supply chain regarding sustainability issues?
  39. Have the sustainability risks in your supply chain been analyzed with respect to key supply categories and sustainability impacts?
  40. What are the sustainability issues (env, social, ethical) in the supply chain for your organization?
  41. Have the sustainability risks in your supply chain been analyzed for procurement contracts?
  42. What is the propensity of companies within your supply chain to collaborate to reduce sustainability exposures?
  43. What sustainability actions within the supply chain are being used to drive superior environmental, social, and financial performance?
  44. What kind of sustainability goal setting strategy does your organization use for your supply chain?
  45. What are your organizations main barriers to adopting a strategy around supply chain sustainability and responsibility?
  46. What are the main environmental and sustainability issues in supply chain activity?
  47. How integrated is sustainability into your supply chain and procurement strategies and processes?
  48. Which aspects in your supply chain help you to maintain sustainability and healthy choices?
  49. How is supply chain engagement managed between internal procurement and sustainability functions?
  50. How far should you engage your supply chain in meeting any future sustainability targets?
  51. Is the supply chain changing as a result of sustainability and carbon footprint issues/ requirements?
  52. What are industry definitions and supply chain concerns for sustainability operations?
  53. How are sustainability indicators being used in supply chain management?
  54. How do you implement social sustainability in your organizations supply chain players?
  55. How do you integrate triple bottom line sustainability thinking into supply chain design?
  56. Does your organization perform risk assessments in regard to human rights impacts within its operations and supply chain (audit supplier checks, risk assessment of markets of operations)?
  57. How does your organization consider the security of supply within the supply chain sustainability assessment?
  58. How can all parties in your supply chain, from corporates and financiers to regulatory and certification bodies, better collaborate to strengthen transparency and sustainability standards?
  59. How do you align the marketing strategy with the overall company and supply chain sustainability strategies?
  60. Monitoring the financial sustainability of your vendors is clearly imperative, and how far down the supply chain should this monitoring extend?
  61. What are currently the main conflicts between supply chain efficiency, resilience and sustainability goals?
  62. What is the nature, the causes and effects of sustainability related supply chain risks?
  63. What is the role of your supply chain in shifting organization procurement strategies from product to value to achieve sustainable and competitive advantages?
  64. How far along the supply chain does the responsibility of your organization extend?
  65. How does your organization implement its sustainability standards in its supply chains?
  66. In which part of the supply chain does your organization operate (upstream or downstream)?
  67. Do your organizations operations or supply chain have an adverse effect on climate change (GHG, global warming)?
  68. What should your organization know about identifying, assessing, prioritizing, and managing sustainment supply chain risks?
  69. What governance structure has your organization put in place to manage human rights and supply chain issues?
  70. Do supply management and global sourcing matter for organization sustainability performance?
  71. Does the board and all levels of your organization understand the business case for a responsible supply chain program?
  72. How important are which benefits your organization would hope to achieve through digitalization of supply chain activities?
  73. Do any of your organizations operations or supply chain have an adverse effect on the environment (air, water pollution, land degradation, deforestation and resource depletion)?
  74. Does your organization engage with its supply chain and customers on key issues on forest resources?
  75. Do your organizations operations or supply chain have an adverse effect on human rights (discrimination, lack of diversity and equal opportunities)?
  76. Does your organization engage your suppliers in improving the sustainability of your supply chain?
  77. Do you have someone in your organization who is an expert in sustainment supply chain issues during acquisition?
  78. How does innovation in sustainability issues take place in the governance of international supply chains?
  79. Does your organizations policy and strategy reflect material sustainability impacts of your supply chains and organizational drivers to sustainable procurement?
  80. How does your environmental and social performance impact your supply chain performance?
  81. How does your organization communicate differently with customers, supply chain companies and your community about sustainability?
  82. What are the biggest obstacles and challenges preventing your organization from more effectively engaging and committing to supply chain and procurement sustainability?
  83. Do you operate within a collaborative culture that supports organization wide sharing of ideas for improving supply chain performance today and sustaining it tomorrow?
  84. Should your organization actually measure and monitor results achieved on sustainable supply chain goals?
  85. Are there indications of involvement of any organization in the supply chain in practices related to illegal logging?
  86. How does supply chain interest in sustainably grown food potentially impact your business?
  87. Do you have contingency plans present to address supply chain disruptions and operations in countries that are impacted by a disruption?
  88. How have strategies and practices improved your supply base sustainability performance?
  89. At the operational level, how important is each knowledge management processes to your organizations development of Sustainable Supply Chain Operations?
  90. Have your organizations operations and/or supply chain historically had an impact on climate change?
  91. Do you have KPIs for your supply chain to meet in terms of sustainability?
  92. Has your organization applied any of the supply chain mapping beyond tier one suppliers?
  93. How is climate change impacting the supply chain and how will it impact the supply chain in the future?
  94. How does your organization manage to track the activities happening in its supply chain and practice transparency?
  95. What level of depth of visibility do you have into your supply chain with regards to CSR and sustainability?
  96. Can blockchain technology improve the supply chains in your industry and help supply chain partners gain a sustainable competitive advantage?
  97. When taking automation into consideration, is it be the responsibility of your organization to ensure that employees in the supply chain are educated to take on other forms of work?
  98. How viable are blockchain based supply chain management systems for use in sustainable industries?
  99. Do your organizations sustainability goals cover your significant impact areas, including operations, supply chains and products?
  100. Do you have different communications plans for supply chain partners and your clients, users and personnel?

Porendra Pratap

Bachelor of Commerce - BCom from Nizam College at Hyderabad Public School

2 年


Chandra Sai D

Head- Information Technology & OpEx

2 年

Thanks for sharing

Sigrid de Kaste

Want to write a Book? ?? I help you Write & Publish a High Impact, High Profit Marketing Optimized Book to elevate your Expertise & Position your Authority.

2 年

Gerardus Blokdyk - you offer such a massive list of points and questions on your topic, and you do that daily, I guess at some point you might elaborate a bit on the individual points and turn them into an article individually? That would be a powerful addition to these lists, for me.


