“The Man who does not read has no advantage over the man who cannot read.” Mark Twain

“The Man who does not read has no advantage over the man who cannot read.” Mark Twain

The Gondwana Care Trust aims at empowering the community at every level. Without the support of our business partners and the support of so many of the Gondwana Collection's guests, we would not be able to share the love and assistance where needed.

To every guest visiting Namibia and sponsoring a Back to School Christmas Bag and/or donating funds towards the MealForTwo via our website, we thank you and we hope you continue to support our projects.

?In just a few languages:

Merci, Vielen Dank, Dankie, gracias, grazie, Спасибо, Bedankt, 谢, Takk fyrir, Obrigado, in every language we thank you with all our heart.

We continually look at spreading our wings and as our vision continues to grow, we would like to enable many around us to further their support towards the community, the children, the elderly community, and the environment.

If you want to partner in our projects and help us empower our communities, please contact us: [email protected]

Education has always been a strong core of our vision and without education, there is little hope for our children to grow into a better future. Namibia is the land of endless horizons and many of our children are growing up in sparse areas, while access to internet is not always a given for all. Together with other partners, the Gondwana Care Trust would like to extend our reach and open doors to the Namibian students to reach their dreams and gain access the best education possible. Online education is a true opportunity and the way forward for many learners.

By supporting the Gondwana Care Trust, the dream of many young Namibians to complete their Grade 12 school journey and have the true opportunity to access University or/and a college degree becomes a reality.

Lets dream big and wide so every Namibian child can really be whoever they want to be.

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Online learning made easy with the support of qualified teachers

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Too many learners do not have access to higher education due to not having access to modern teaching and learning opportunities to complete their high school studies. They either cannot complete their grade 10 to 12 Grades or they fail the examinations due to lack of support after school or lack extra classes to keep up with the curriculum.

Eduvision offers recorded lessons in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology and Economy Grade 11 to learners in Grades 10, 11 and 12 according to the Namibia Curriculum, NSSC (O) and NSSC (AS). The rest of the school can also benefit from the system by using the Internet and Smartboards as teaching tools.

Their Vision is “To connect teachers and learners in remote schools to the internet and modern e-learning techniques and to offer interactive teaching to remote schools."

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Namibia is a fast developing country, but the vast areas mean that a lot of the smaller towns and villages do not have the infrastructure to support schools in remote areas.

Technology however allows to bridge this gap and bring teachers and classes directly to the student in an innovative and extraordinary way.?

With the generous help of sponsors, Eduvision aims to provide equal opportunities to the youth of Namibia, and to ensure a brighter future for all.?The Gondwana Care Trust would like to enable more schools and their learners to benefit from this fantastic opportunity.?

The Gondwana Care Trust commits to support Eduvision with accommodation on a full board basis to the teachers when traveling to the schools where Gondwana has lodges. Eduvision travels regularly to all schools enrolled in the program to assist the teachers and the learners. They get important feedback on how to improve the program and they are also able to train the teachers in using the technology further.?

The cost to put the Classroom TV screen board into place, the connection to the internet, the training of the teachers, etc is about N$30 000 per month per school.?

Year 1 (of school being added to the programme) = N$18,734

Year 2 = N$11,440

Year 3 = N$12,584

Administration cost is about N$15 000,00 on top of the basic monthly cost.

This allows all students from Grade 10 to Grade 12 for that specific school to participate in the online live classes with their classmates and their teachers. They also have access to the recorded class to review lessons after the live class. The live class is interactive, and the learners are able to ask questions if needed.?

Together we can make a true difference in a child's' life and open doors to endless opportunities to so many young Namibians.

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Please contact [email protected] or [email protected] if you want to assist and or require more information on the project.

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Betel Hostel – Karasburg?


Bet-El hostel welcomes and hosts 65 learners from the nearby villages. It is situated in the far South of Namibia where hostels and schools are limited out of the larger towns.?

Thanks to such hostels, children are able to have a safe place to stay and they are able to continue with their education.?The Namibian winter can get very cold, especially in the South and most of the learners cannot afford to buy new mattresses or linen. As we did in the past for other schools, we would like to get new mattresses for the hostel.??

Thanks to Mr Stuart Matthews, we have already raised N$9 334.

Thank you Sir for your trust and support!

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We have also been able to donate a lot of linen to the children so they can wrap themselves and have a little protection against the cold.?

We still need about N$25 000 to purchase the mattresses and provide a child with a mattress for the winter.

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Please help us purchase the mattresses for the learners of Bet-El hostel. Please contact [email protected] if you can assist or donate with reference Bet-El!


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A book is a door to great imagination, a better future with a brighter opportunity to expand our vision into the world.


Project coordinator: Ms Hilma Weber

[email protected]

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Development Workshop Namibia is a non-profit organisation that is implementing an ECD programme in Namibia with a focus on improving the quality of ECD in the informal settlements. They provide assistance through four key intervention areas such as Educarers training, teaching and learning materials development, printing and distribution (including story books), parental engagement for improved home-based assistance for early child stimulation and learning, conscious parenting, positive discipline and child protection and ECD centre physical improvements, through small grants (e.g. construction of toilets).?

A book is a gift that cannot be underestimated, and we cannot thank D.W.N enough for the sponsorship of 2 050 books.?

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Books were dispatched as far as the Zambezi region (Chobe Kindergarten, Kalundu kindergarten, Namushasha), to the Damaraland area (Bergsig school, Sesfontein, Warmquelle), to the Southern region (Soetdoringlaagte, Stampriet)?and the coastal (DRC Grow Together Swakopmund, Tangeni Shilongo, Mwadinomo Walvis Bay) region of Namibia. The Gondwana Care Trust also distributed books in the Central region (Natasha, Mammadu, Lidar Foundation, Rose PP), Khaibasen in Okahandja, and Sunshine Center Aris.

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Thank You to Ms Ise Averia for your donation of books towards the library at the DRC in Swakopmund. The children will be cherishing many happy reading hours!?

Grow Together – DRC Swakopmund – Library

Ms Anja Rowher - [email protected]?

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More information coming up in our next newsletter on the DRC Project – garden and women project to create sustainable living.?


Ms Hilma Weber

Development Workshop Namibia trained 38 Early Childhood Development educarers in Katima Mulilo on Safety at ECD centers and the importance of early literacy.?A safe and supportive environment is important for the healthy development of a child. Topics discussed during the training workshops included: What can be dangerous in an ECD-centre, how to make an ECD-centre safe, what to have in a first aid box and how to care for an injured child.?

Early reading with children and storytelling are important for the development of language and literacy skills and a successful school career.??

4 Kindergartens that the Gondwana Care Trust assists on a yearly basis, were able to benefit from the training. The Gondwana Care Trust would like to facilitate more wokshops with DWN in the future.

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Please contact [email protected] if you are interested in assisting to develop the project, train the teachers and enable our ECD carers to improve their skills and knowledge in their field.?Education is a never ending process and learning new skills can only create more successful leaders.


Soccer tournament 2022

Short Feedback on the tournament: Thank you to all the sponsors and in particular Global United for their contribution towards the tournament with funds and 20 soccer balls (OTB Oshakati).

The total value of the sponsorship is N$39 926.51

The Gondwana Care Trust sponsored 66 caps and 330 washable hygienic pads (66 sets of 5) to the “players of matches” from each game. 24 Teams enrolled. Click here to see the full report from the Oshana Soccer Club.

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Prize Winners:

  1. Young Braves B (Champions): N$10 000.00 cash, floating trophy and 22 gold medals.
  2. Ongwediva Queens A (run up): N$8000.00 cash and 22 silver medals?
  3. Right Way ( Semi final loser): N$4000.00 cash?
  4. Okahandja United (Semi final Loser) N$4000.00 cash

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Thank you for your support!?



Click here to get more information on all the projects the Gondwana Care Trust assist thanks to you.


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