The man who cut out his own appendix.

The man who cut out his own appendix.

For those doubting yourselves today, I give you, Russian explorer Leonid Rogozov.

It was 1961, and the Cold War was in full swing. Rogozov was a doctor on a small team sent to build a research base in the eastern part of Antarctica. Four months into the mission, Rogozov got very ill, and the prognosis was grim. His appendix was ready to burst and if it ruptured, he would die.

There was only one option left. Rogozov had to do an appendectomy on himself. He knew that self-surgery was possible, as there were well-documented accounts of similar operations.

Leonid Rogozov wrote in his journal:

“Still no obvious symptoms that perforation is imminent, but anoppressive feeling of foreboding hangs over me. I have to think through theonly possible way out — to operate on myself. It’s almost impossible, but I can’t just fold my arms and give up.”
The man who cut out his own appendix

It didn’t go as planned. As Rogozov started to move his intestines to get to his appendix, he accidentally sliced a portion of his lower intestine. Before he could continue he had to suture the intestine. After that error, Rogozov worked primarily by feel.

“Finally here it is, the cursed appendage! With horror I noticed the dark stain at its base. That means just a day longer and it would have burst. My heart seized up and noticeably slowed, my hands felt like rubber.”

The surgery lasted two hours, and Leonid Rogozov not only survived, but he also returned to his regular duties as a member of the team two weeks later. He would later call the operation “a job like any other.”

The strength of the human spirit is nothing short of remarkable.

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